
February 25, 2009

Safari 4

Some lovin’ and hatin’ for the Safari 4 beta today. This is just a cur­so­ry inspec­tion from con­sumer and devel­op­er angles:

I was sur­prised to see CSS Ani­ma­tions and CSS Effects men­tioned on the Fea­tures page — these are Apple CSS specs that (as far as I know) are still exposed in Webkit with the ‑webkit- pre­fix. The CSS Work­ing Group site lists these mod­ules as an upcom­ing work­ing draft (unlinked but avail­able on the w3c dev serv­er). Are they mature enough for use out­side of an closed, inter­nal ecosys­tem? I must admit that I empathise with any­one who tries to get specs through the W3C process.

Speak­ing of specs in progress, I was delight­ed to see the Safari site’s writ­ten in HTML5 (yes I’m a hyp­ocrit for advo­cat­ing unfin­ished specs here and ques­tion­ing them above, but HTML5 is much more mature). IE demands sac­ri­fice, so the page includes

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">

to make non-exis­tent tags be treat­ed as both non-void and styleable. The Safari start­up page actu­al­ly uses the <video> and <audio> tags too, and it sure was freaky to see video with­out Flash installed.

[Update: eek, the page isn’t valid HTML5. <sec­tion>, <head­er>, <foot­er> and <nav> are mis­used. For the <foot­er> links they’d be bet­ter off using a par­ent UL instead of <h3>s. Not sure what’s trig­ger­ing the <script> error though.]

posted by Andrew

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