Check out any other site in a non-latin-charset language. If it's mixed up, it's because you don't have the right fonts. For this page, you need one of the following:
Because your browser is severely wonky. It doesn't properly support all of Cascading Style Sheets Level 1, let alone Level 2. There's an especially weird case with the title text -- IE assumes all the characters are the same length. Try selecting the text to see what I mean. I've spent years patching my sites to work with faulty browsers, and this time I'm not doing it. Get yourself a copy of The Mozilla Suite or Firefox, then come back. If there's any problems with the page display in either of these, please let me know.
You'll need an average knowledge of Quenya to read anything of interest here. Let me recommend Helge Fauskanger's Quenya Course as a good start.