April 10, 2008
CSS snippets
First off, lol.
Nice epitaph for CSS Eleven, an empty web page that made a lot of buzz but contributed zilch to CSS, a standard from the W3C where all is about volunteer work, in more than six months.
Secondly, it’s worth mentioning this article on CSS3.info. Read the variables spec at least — it’s short (so far), simple and solves a longstanding problem. Apple’s three specs are more involved. It’s the transforms I’m most excited by; Animations and Transitions are declarative subsets of JS DOM manipulation, and like Peter Gasston I have reservations. In my mind it comes down to whether the 80/20 rule is being served (covering significant use-cases) and whether keyframe data constitutes polluting style sheets. I definitely feel that keyframe data doesn’t belong in CSS.
I like to be practical however, and in this situation CSS is a convenient, extensible delivery mechanism with established parsing and fallback rules widely implemented. Of course this means the spec has a greater chance of implementation than a completely new proposal for Cascading Animation Sheets with new parsing rules. We have to weigh the value of CSS purity vs having a workable alternative to the “traditional” animation options such as Flash. JS animation is a niche, doesn’t fit to the developer audience and the tools just aren’t there. Another five year wait for a simple animation system could pretty much kill any chance of adoption later.
On the other hand, I don’t think anyone involved in the initial SVG spec imagined it’d ever include raw sockets.
SVG animation is the best alternative to Flash animation; it’ss an open standard and implemented in all major browsers — with one Inevitable Exception…