
June 19, 2008

Work page rebuilt & another demo

Work Page overviewTest Design 26

I’ve been long­ing to fix my port­fo­lio page for over a year. It need­ed lov­ing. So I got around to it, and put anoth­er test/demo site togeth­er as well.

The port­fo­lio feels a lot more “client ori­ent­ed” now, with direct state­ment, bul­let points, ignor­able prose text and a lighter, more invit­ing colour scheme. The image pre­views have been enlarged and descrip­tions trimmed. I’m still think­ing of ways to reduce the redun­dant standards/accessibility state­ment after each description.

There’s more work to be includ­ed, includ­ing logos I cre­at­ed for a com­pa­ny launch­ing soon. Those should be up with­in the next week.

Test Design 26 is a demo I built in a few hours. I’d been look­ing through some old, unused designs and fig­ured I might play with a bor­der style in Pho­to­shop. Then I got dis­tract­ed with mak­ing a non-stan­dard foot­er to cap the con­tent. Then a large nav, a bit of colour and style pol­ish for Webkit and Opera.

Feed­back on either is always appreciated. :)

posted by Andrew

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