
March 20, 2006

New website basically finished

I’ve been slow­ly work­ing through get­ting the new web­site up, and trans­ferred the new pages into place. There’s a few things to fix yet, such as the gallery theme and a few more fix­es for the log. The work page is as done as it’s gun­na get for a week or so, since sift­ing through old CDs is both time con­sum­ing and distracting.

Redis­cov­ered Qwantz.com’s Dinosaur Comics tonight, and Alien Loves Preda­tor. One day I’ll do the same for Slug­gy Free­lance.

I’ve got the flu and I’m sit­ting at the com­put­er not feel­ing entire­ly sta­ble, not over­ly hun­gry, and like I’ve had enough 30 Sec­onds to Mars for a while. Help! I’m run­ning out of music, and that means I’ve got to lis­ten to some awful radio sta­tion to find some­thing else.

posted by Andrew