new_line |
false |
1 |
17tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 27: new_line("ULTOR_TUTORIAL_01") -- Welcome to the Strong Arm tutorial, sponsored by Ultor.
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 29: new_line(" ")
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 31: new_line("ULTOR_TUTORIAL_02") -- In Stong Arm two teams vie for control of a neighborhood. To ensure your survival, it is vital that you and your associates work as a team.
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 33: new_line(" ")
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 35: new_line("ULTOR_TUTORIAL_03") -- To win Strong Arm, a team must generate enough income to buy-out the neighborhood.
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 37: new_line("ULTOR_TUTORIAL_04") -- By participating in Activities and killing your opponents your team earns money.
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 39: new_line("ULTOR_TUTORIAL_05") -- When an Activity begins, complete the objectives to earn money. Activities change as the match progresses.
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 41: new_line("ULTOR_TUTORIAL_06") -- Everyone competes in the Activity together. The scoring meter... shows which team is winning the Activity.
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 43: new_line("ULTOR_TUTORIAL_07") -- All money earned in Activities is added to your teams total. However, when a team wins an Activity they are awarded an additional cash bonus.
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 45: new_line("ULTOR_TUTORIAL_08") -- Complete the objectives, win the Activity. Win the Activity, win the Money.
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 47: new_line(" ")
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 49: new_line("ULTOR_TUTORIAL_09") -- Controling tagging spots helps your team complete these goals.
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 51: new_line("ULTOR_TUTORIAL_10") -- Each tag provides an important team bonus.
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 53: new_line("ULTOR_TUTORIAL_11") -- These bonuses can tip the scales in activities and combat.
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 55: new_line("ULTOR_TUTORIAL_13") -- The bonus is in effect for as long as your team holds the tagging spot. Steal your opponents’ tags to claim their bonuses, but don’t forget to protect your own.
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 57: new_line("ULTOR_TUTORIAL_14") -- Remember, teamwork is the key to success.
tutorial_subtitles.lua, line 59: new_line(" ")
not_far_enough_away |
false |
1 |
3bh02.lua, line 336: while not_far_enough_away(Current_bomb_target, FINAL_DETONATION_DISTANCE) do
bh02.lua, line 890: while not_far_enough_away(target1, DETONATION_DISTANCE) and (not target2 or not_far_enough_away(target2, DETONATION_DISTANCE)) do
bh02.lua, line 890: while not_far_enough_away(target1, DETONATION_DISTANCE) and (not target2 or not_far_enough_away(target2, DETONATION_DISTANCE)) do