Saints Row 2 Function Reference

Local functions

These functions are defined in Lua files that aren't always loaded. They're probably only available in the file that defined them or by including that file in another script.

Function name Global Defined in Examples from patch (click blue number to expand)
new_line false 1 17
not_far_enough_away false 1 3
  • bh02.lua, line 336: while not_far_enough_away(Current_bomb_target, FINAL_DETONATION_DISTANCE) do
  • bh02.lua, line 890: while not_far_enough_away(target1, DETONATION_DISTANCE) and (not target2 or not_far_enough_away(target2, DETONATION_DISTANCE)) do
  • bh02.lua, line 890: while not_far_enough_away(target1, DETONATION_DISTANCE) and (not target2 or not_far_enough_away(target2, DETONATION_DISTANCE)) do
npc_can_throw false 1 4
nuke_init false 1 1
nuke_main false 1