
March 17, 2006

First post! (eg. who the hell am I)

Howdy all. For those rare return­ing vis­i­tors of xhva.net, wel­come back. I hope to add con­tent more con­sis­tent­ly with this re-launch. Last time it petered off after I met my oth­er half. To the new­com­ers, wel­come to the intro­duc­tion. I’m Andrew. On the old xhva.net, I had a page called “sim­ple”, its con­tent entire­ly ded­i­cat­ed to that exact pur­pose. I haven’t changed much in three years and it’s most­ly still appro­pri­ate. Note the use of Tool lyrics des­ig­nat­ing entry and exit-wounds. At the time I thought it was cool, in a moron­ic kind of way. You can read said qua­si-bull­shit here.

A few things have changed since that doc­u­ment was writ­ten: I’m now hap­pi­ly involved and my favourite song does­n’t involve a scream­ing female 80’s singer. A Per­fect Cir­cle and Evanes­cence have been added as favourite artists. My intense love for all things Tolkien has calmed. World of War­craft has tak­en a few months of my life, before it killed itself in a cloud of bor­ing quests. I’ve been spend­ing time with PHP and Javascript, push­ing Fire­fox onto every­one I know, and mak­ing the stan­dards-com­pli­ant web­sites that shame the old xhva.net. I’m still con­tactable at xhva@gmx.net. I’m work­ing on the ‘work’ sec­tion of the web­site right now.. I’m sort­ing through a lot of stuff. There’s old site designs that need updat­ing from table-rid­den mess to stan­dards-com­pli­ant. God, I’ve got web­sites that rec­om­mend IE4, but those can be left out I think..

posted by Andrew