March 22, 2006
New website not almost finished at all
I’ve been up all night playing around with code and themes.. and I’m not happy with either the log or the new Gallery 2 install I’ve got. Both are visual issues, and I’m just going to ignore the users page for now since there aren’t many users anymore and it’s next on the re-design board.
I suppose the quick and hacky relaunch was a bad idea, but at least I’m happy with the work page. Mostly. I do need something other than the big red jpeg-artifact for a background.
I haven’t mentioned that I’ve added my old blogging crap to the “other stuff” link to the right. All my embarassing Blogger posts are there, albeit in one monolithic page I’ll have to re-order and slice up later on. I had a very bad time trying to convert the posts since Blogger’s site wouldn’t upload to the same FTP it was using happily for 2 years, and the HTML it has generated was tragic. Twin br’s for paragraph breaks and then strangely lots of br’s followed by the XHTML closing slash. I’m not responsible for that.
Over the next few days expect the site to be a little temperamental. I’ll be hacking the hell out of both the log and the gallery. Don’t be alarmed if suddenly there’s borders and outlines everywhere. I promise most of them will go away.