
March 22, 2006

New website not almost finished at all

I’ve been up all night play­ing around with code and themes.. and I’m not hap­py with either the log or the new Gallery 2 install I’ve got. Both are visu­al issues, and I’m just going to ignore the users page for now since there aren’t many users any­more and it’s next on the re-design board.
I sup­pose the quick and hacky relaunch was a bad idea, but at least I’m hap­py with the work page. Most­ly. I do need some­thing oth­er than the big red jpeg-arti­fact for a background.

I haven’t men­tioned that I’ve added my old blog­ging crap to the “oth­er stuff” link to the right. All my embarass­ing Blog­ger posts are there, albeit in one mono­lith­ic page I’ll have to re-order and slice up lat­er on. I had a very bad time try­ing to con­vert the posts since Blog­ger’s site would­n’t upload to the same FTP it was using hap­pi­ly for 2 years, and the HTML it has gen­er­at­ed was trag­ic. Twin br’s for para­graph breaks and then strange­ly lots of br’s fol­lowed by the XHTML clos­ing slash. I’m not respon­si­ble for that.

Over the next few days expect the site to be a lit­tle tem­pera­men­tal. I’ll be hack­ing the hell out of both the log and the gallery. Don’t be alarmed if sud­den­ly there’s bor­ders and out­lines every­where. I promise most of them will go away.

posted by Andrew