
March 22, 2006

Quick test of WordPress’ XMLRPC support

Just a quick post to see ver­i­fy the XMLRPC fea­ture. This means I don’t have to use the Word­Press post edi­tor and can use the Fire­fox Per­for­manc­ing exten­sion instead, which feels a lot more solid.

posted by Andrew

One thought on “Quick test of WordPress’ XMLRPC support

  1. Jaguar says:

    Hey Bieatch,

    You haven’t returned my phone mes­sages. You haven’t returned my emails. You are no longer on ICQ OR EVEN MSN any more. I was start­ing to get wor­ried and was almost going to call your moth­er again when I decid­ed to check out your web­site to see……..

    An amaz­ing new CSS design still set in your own unique ‘andy/stib’ style that has mor­phed over the years. Although you have come a long way from Press Start eh’.

    Oh I do remem­ber those IE4 web­sites too – KI was a clas­sic exam­ple of scary web design.

    L8rs dude.

    ps: Yes I do find xxxs­mall black font on the dark-tan hard to read thank you.

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