February 20, 2009
The alternative
Using the delightfully inflammatory title “Students to be taught there’s no God”:
I remain respectfully cynical of any organisation preaching ethical standpoints to children in the absense of parental supervision, but I might be a little less cynical in this case; like many centre-left thinkers (read: academic snob) I believe breaking the cycle of the all-seeing authoritarian father-figure is a worthy goal. The energy we inject into feeding religion could be better spent on educating the incoming generation on the need for common morality and respect built from our own experiences, not from sources irrationally divisive and scientifically and sociologically thousounds of years out-of-date.
To be blunt I’ve always seen Santa Claus as a microcosm for the greater religious direction: as irrational, inexperienced children with no understanding of the mores of larger society, most of us need a structure to keep us in check until we learn to rationalise on our own and outgrow the need to perform for the omnipresent being. Have we as adults ever outgrown the next phase?
(This bypasses the entire discussion on whether young children are even sentient, which is interesting in its own right.)
On the problem of exporting ideals and commonality to children, I think we’ve lost a lot by becoming a media-driven culture without the face-to-face family and community discourse that ties people together through shared experiences. And I understand that said discourse is a core part of the religious experience; I’d like that same discourse but without the parroting of ancient verse and the attribution of our moral structure to mystical beings. It genuinely speaks of our willingness to demote our potential. Do we actually want to improve? That involves growing up as a society and dropping a lot of baggage, and sadly for many people that baggage provides the commonality that allows us to speak to one another civilly, since most other avenues of bonding are closed off.
As a race we’re intrinsically attracted to storytelling and the want to believe in something greater than ourselves; I think that’s because we nominate any height we can’t yet reach for idolisation. Maybe that tendancy is inescapable without a change of wiring… but a discussion of voluntary humanitarian eugenics and genetic engineering is something I’ll leave for another post.