March 16, 2008
CSS3 Playtest updated
I’ve made considerable changes to the CSS3 Playtest in my work area. Browser support has improved for a lot of features, so I’ve added extra niceties to break consistent rendering across browsers. Off the top of my head I’ve added:
- Selector tests for nth-* properties (broke first-line stuff in FF2&3)
- Generated content, positioned relative to owner box (only supported by Safari3/Webkit & Opera 9.*)
- HSLA colour selection for some borders and box shadows (broke Opera 9.5)
- Multiple background images (only supported by Safari3/Webkit)
Webkit’s support for CSS3 features like text and box shadows continues to make me happy, and the Apple-style font rendering is beautiful compared to hideous Windows Cleartype. I’m a little concerned that Opera renders shadows darker (I think Opera’s in the right) but it’s sure to be evened out (and may be related to the font rendering anyway).
The page is documented (both code and inline) with breakdowns of how existing browsers behave and references to bug reports. Bug report links for Opera and Webkit are lacking, but it’s a start. If you find anything wrong, let me know.