Saints Row 2 Function Reference

Global functions

These functions are assumed to be globally available to all scripts (they aren't defined in the available Lua files, or are defined in files that are known to be always loaded).

This list is assumed incomplete; additional functions could exist in the exe but not be used in the game scripts, and there's no definitive list of Lua files that are always loaded.

Function name Global Defined in Examples from patch (click blue number to expand)
game_difficulty_select true
    gang_customization_change_tag true
      gang_customization_confirm_gang_sign true
        gang_customization_confirm_vehicle true
          gang_customization_revert_gang_sign true
            gang_customization_revert_gang_tag true
              gang_customization_revert_to_old_gang true
                gang_customization_revert_vehicle true
                  gang_customization_select_gang_sign true
                    gang_customization_select_gang_style true
                      gang_customization_select_gang_tag true
                        gang_customization_select_vehicle true
                          • gang_cust.lua, line 282: gang_customization_select_vehicle(Gang_cust_vehicle_submenu.highlighted_item, Vehicle_slot)
                          gang_customization_show_gang true
                            gang_customization_show_tag true
                              gang_customization_show_vehicle true
                                gang_force_spawn true
                                  garage_get_repair_cost true
                                    garage_preview_vehicle true
                                      garage_remove_vehicle true
                                        garage_repair_vehicle true
                                          garage_retrieve_vehicle true
                                            get_a_button true 1
                                              get_b_button true 1 1
                                              • mp_match_load.lua, line 87: vint_set_property(vint_object_find("b_button", Mp_match_load_data.handles.cancel), "image", get_b_button())
                                              get_char_in_vehicle true
                                                get_char_vehicle_is_in_air true
                                                  • tss04.lua, line 727: if ( get_char_vehicle_is_in_air( human ) == false and cur_speed <= LIEUTENANT_LEAVE_VEHICLE_MAX_SPEED_MPH ) then
                                                  • tss04.lua, line 730: if ( get_char_vehicle_is_in_air( human ) == false and cur_speed <= LIEUTENANT_LEAVE_VEHICLE_MAX_SPEED_MPH ) then
                                                  get_char_vehicle_name true
                                                    get_char_vehicle_special_type true
                                                      get_char_vehicle_towed_vehicle true
                                                        get_char_vehicle_type true
                                                          get_control_stick_base true 1
                                                            get_control_stick_text true 1
                                                              get_control_stick_thumb true 1
                                                                get_coop_friendly_fire true
                                                                  get_coop_join_type true
                                                                    get_current_difficulty true
                                                                      get_current_hit_points true
                                                                        • bh03.lua, line 977: local before_damage_percent = get_current_hit_points( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER ) / get_max_hit_points( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER )
                                                                        • bh04.lua, line 270: Bh04_donnie_initial_hp = get_current_hit_points(CHAR_DONNIE)
                                                                        • bh04.lua, line 368: local health_ratio = get_current_hit_points(CHAR_DONNIE) / Bh04_donnie_initial_hp
                                                                        • bh04.lua, line 583: local Bergen_hp = get_current_hit_points(BERGEN)
                                                                        • bh06.lua, line 317: PARCEL_TRUCK_INITIAL_HP = get_current_hit_points(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK)
                                                                        • bh07.lua, line 971: local shop_owner_initial_health = get_current_hit_points(CHAR_CLERK_STORE)
                                                                        • bh07.lua, line 993: hit_points[j] = get_current_hit_points(lnpc)
                                                                        • bh07.lua, line 1003: if not character_is_dead(npc) and (get_current_hit_points(npc) - hit_points[i]) < -50 then
                                                                        • bh07.lua, line 1007: hit_points[j] = get_current_hit_points(lnpc)
                                                                        • bh07.lua, line 1017: if (get_current_hit_points(npc) - hit_points[i]) < -50 then
                                                                        • bh07.lua, line 1021: hit_points[j] = get_current_hit_points(lnpc)
                                                                        • bh07.lua, line 1035: hit_points[j] = get_current_hit_points(lnpc)
                                                                        • bh10.lua, line 868: local old_hit_points = get_current_hit_points(player)
                                                                        • bh10.lua, line 1502: local old_hit_points = get_current_hit_points(CHAR_MAERO)
                                                                        • bh11.lua, line 152: local pre_attack_hit_points = get_current_hit_points( attacked_object_name )
                                                                        • bh11.lua, line 280: local cur_hp = get_current_hit_points(MONSTER_TRUCK)
                                                                        • bh11.lua, line 562: local new_truck_hp = get_current_hit_points( MONSTER_TRUCK ) - hit_points_damage_done
                                                                        • em01.lua, line 1888: local last_percentage = get_current_hit_points(JULIUS_VEHICLE) / get_max_hit_points(JULIUS_VEHICLE)
                                                                        • em01.lua, line 1895: percentage = get_current_hit_points(JULIUS_VEHICLE) / get_max_hit_points(JULIUS_VEHICLE)
                                                                        • ep01.lua, line 1803: local new_health = get_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_PIERCE) - rand_int(min_damage, max_damage)
                                                                        • ep03.lua, line 350: local Current_hit_points = get_current_hit_points(ULTOR_GETAWAY_BOAT)
                                                                        • ep03.lua, line 433: ( get_current_hit_points(boat) > BOAT_HEALTH_THRESHOLD or get_dist_char_to_vehicle(LOCAL_PLAYER, boat) > BOAT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD ) ) do
                                                                        • ep04.lua, line 662: local cur_damage_percent = get_current_hit_points( VOGEL_NAME ) / get_max_hit_points( VOGEL_NAME )
                                                                        • ep04.lua, line 692: local vogel_hp = get_current_hit_points( VOGEL_NAME )
                                                                        • ep04.lua, line 887: local cur_hp = get_current_hit_points( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME )
                                                                        • ep04.lua, line 902: local cur_limo_hp_percent = ( get_current_hit_points( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME ) / get_max_hit_points( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME ) )
                                                                        • rn02.lua, line 608: if (get_current_hit_points(VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR)/get_max_hit_points(VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR) < .8) then
                                                                        • rn04.lua, line 761: local gat_hit_points = get_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT)
                                                                        • rn04.lua, line 1599: local gat_current_health = get_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT)
                                                                        • rn04.lua, line 1600: local gat_health_ratio = get_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT)/get_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT)
                                                                        • rn04.lua, line 1630: local health_ratio = get_current_hit_points(Rn04_vehicle_homie)/get_max_hit_points(Rn04_vehicle_homie)
                                                                        • rn07.lua, line 545: Rn07_gat_health = get_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT)
                                                                        • rn07.lua, line 1607: local old_hit_points = get_current_hit_points(gat)
                                                                        • rn07.lua, line 1662: local old_hit_points = get_current_hit_points(gat)
                                                                        • rn07.lua, line 1734: local gat_current_hit_points = get_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT_NORMAL)
                                                                        • rn08.lua, line 1218: local hit_points = get_current_hit_points(target)
                                                                        • sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 427: merch_damage = get_current_hit_points(npc_name)
                                                                        • sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 442: if (get_current_hit_points(merchants[i]) < get_max_hit_points(merchants[i])) then
                                                                        • sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 506: while (get_current_hit_points(merchant_name) > 0) do
                                                                        • ss01.lua, line 934: local new_car_hp = MR_GABBY_CAR_HIT_POINTS_PERCENT * get_current_hit_points( FINAL_DEALER_GROUP_VEHICLE_NAME )
                                                                        • ss03.lua, line 501: local CURRENT_HELI_HITPOINTS = get_current_hit_points(HELICOPTER_NAME)
                                                                        • ss03.lua, line 1263: local helicopter_hit_points = get_current_hit_points( HELICOPTER_NAME )
                                                                        • ss04.lua, line 867: VC_pre_hit_damage_percent = get_current_hit_points( VETERAN_CHILD_NAME ) / get_max_hit_points( VETERAN_CHILD_NAME )
                                                                        • ss04.lua, line 885: local percent_damage_before_hit = get_current_hit_points( VETERAN_CHILD_NAME ) / vc_max_hp
                                                                        • ss08.lua, line 1522: local cur_truck_hp = get_current_hit_points( DRUG_TRUCK )
                                                                        • ss09.lua, line 356: local cur_health_percent = get_current_hit_points( attacked_object_name ) / get_max_hit_points( attacked_object_name )
                                                                        • ss09.lua, line 816: local percent_damage_before_hit = get_current_hit_points( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME ) / sunshine_max_hp
                                                                        • ss09.lua, line 970: local sunshine_current_hit_points = get_current_hit_points( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME )
                                                                        • ss09.lua, line 997: local player_cur_hit_points = get_current_hit_points( player_name )
                                                                        • ss10.lua, line 1911: Initial_van_hp = get_current_hit_points( REPAIR_VAN_NAME ) * VAN_HP_MULTIPLIER
                                                                        • ss10.lua, line 2245: local cur_van_hp = get_current_hit_points( REPAIR_VAN_NAME )
                                                                        get_current_hood_by_position true
                                                                          get_disconnected_reason true
                                                                            get_dist true
                                                                              get_dist_char_to_char true 1 26
                                                                              • bh02.lua, line 818: if (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > 50) then
                                                                              • bh02.lua, line 822: while (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > 50) do
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 296: local local_far_away = get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > DONNIE_REACT_DISTANCE
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 297: local remote_far_away = ( (not IN_COOP) or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > DONNIE_REACT_DISTANCE) )
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 300: local_far_away = get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > DONNIE_REACT_DISTANCE
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 301: remote_far_away = ( (not IN_COOP) or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > DONNIE_REACT_DISTANCE) )
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 325: while (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > 90)
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 326: and ((not IN_COOP) or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > 90)) do
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 332: while (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > DONNIE_REACT_DISTANCE)
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 333: and ((not IN_COOP) or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > DONNIE_REACT_DISTANCE)) do
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 622: if ((get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_CARLOS) < 2) and character_is_in_vehicle(LOCAL_PLAYER))
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 623: or (IN_COOP and (get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_CARLOS) < 2) and character_is_in_vehicle(REMOTE_PLAYER)) then
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 757: while (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_CARLOS) > 3) and ((not IN_COOP) or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_CARLOS) > 3)) do
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 757: while (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_CARLOS) > 3) and ((not IN_COOP) or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_CARLOS) > 3)) do
                                                                              • bh05.lua, line 404: if (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_JESSICA) <= 4) then
                                                                              • bh05.lua, line 405: if (coop_is_active() and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_JESSICA) <= 4) then
                                                                              • bh05.lua, line 417: elseif (coop_is_active() and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_JESSICA) <= 4) then
                                                                              • bh10.lua, line 520: if not character_is_dead(npc) and (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, npc) < Saints_max_distance or character_is_in_vehicle(npc)) then
                                                                              • tss02.lua, line 219: local local_dist = get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHARACTER_GAT)
                                                                              • tss02.lua, line 220: local remote_dist = get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHARACTER_GAT)
                                                                              • tss03.lua, line 581: if ((get_dist_char_to_char(human, LOCAL_PLAYER) < 25.0) and los_check(human, LOCAL_PLAYER)) then
                                                                              • tss03.lua, line 591: if ((get_dist_char_to_char(human, REMOTE_PLAYER) < 25.0) and los_check(human, REMOTE_PLAYER)) then
                                                                              • tss03_demo.lua, line 548: if ((get_dist_char_to_char(human, LOCAL_PLAYER) < 25.0) and los_check(human, LOCAL_PLAYER)) then
                                                                              • tss04.lua, line 479: if (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, Tss04_3_phase_table[i][CHARACTER_INDEX]) < LT_ACTIVATION_DISTANCE) then
                                                                              • tss04.lua, line 482: if (get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, Tss04_3_phase_table[i][CHARACTER_INDEX]) < LT_ACTIVATION_DISTANCE) then
                                                                              • tss04.lua, line 505: if (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, REMOTE_PLAYER) > 8.0) then
                                                                              get_dist_char_to_nav true 1 70
                                                                              • bh01.lua, line 519: while get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, WATERCRAFT_1) > 150 do
                                                                              • bh01.lua, line 706: if ( get_dist_char_to_nav( LOCAL_PLAYER, navpoint_name ) < distance ) then
                                                                              • bh01.lua, line 717: if ( coop_is_active() and get_dist_char_to_nav( REMOTE_PLAYER, navpoint_name ) < distance ) then
                                                                              • bh03.lua, line 632: if ( get_dist_char_to_nav( LOCAL_PLAYER, nav ) < distance ) then
                                                                              • bh03.lua, line 635: if ( coop_is_active() and get_dist_char_to_nav( REMOTE_PLAYER, nav ) < distance ) then
                                                                              • bh05.lua, line 342: while ((get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_BANK) > 15) and ((not coop_is_active()) or get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_BANK) > 15)) do
                                                                              • bh05.lua, line 342: while ((get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_BANK) > 15) and ((not coop_is_active()) or get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_BANK) > 15)) do
                                                                              • bh05.lua, line 812: if ((get_dist_char_to_nav(Player_with_jessica_as_follower, TRIGGER_TRUNK) <= 2) ) then
                                                                              • bh05.lua, line 818: if ((get_dist_char_to_nav(CHAR_JESSICA, TRIGGER_TRUNK) <= 2) and (bh05_jessica_in_human_shield())) then
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 417: (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_LT_COORD) > 25) and
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 418: (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_LT_STORE) > 25) and
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 419: (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_LT_SWAT) > 25) do
                                                                              • bh09.lua, line 346: if get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) < distance_meters then
                                                                              • bh09.lua, line 349: if ( IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) < distance_meters ) then
                                                                              • bh09.lua, line 422: (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > SHIP_DISTANCE) do
                                                                              • bh09.lua, line 439: while (Ultor_killed == 0) and (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > SHIP_DISTANCE)
                                                                              • bh09.lua, line 440: and (not IN_COOP or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > SHIP_DISTANCE)) do
                                                                              • bh09.lua, line 622: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, TRIGGER_AK47_AMMO) < 3) and player_button_just_pressed(3) then
                                                                              • bh09.lua, line 637: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, TRIGGER_RPG_AMMO) < 3) and player_button_just_pressed(3) then
                                                                              • bh09.lua, line 716: while (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > SHIP_DISTANCE)
                                                                              • bh09.lua, line 717: and (not IN_COOP or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > SHIP_DISTANCE)) do
                                                                              • bh09.lua, line 1062: if get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > distance_meters then
                                                                              • bh09.lua, line 1070: while get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > distance_meters do
                                                                              • bh09.lua, line 1078: if IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > distance_meters then
                                                                              • bh09.lua, line 1086: while get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > distance_meters do
                                                                              • bh10.lua, line 550: if not character_is_dead(LOS_DUMMIES[i-1]) and not los_check(LOCAL_PLAYER, LOS_DUMMIES[i-1]) and get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, LOS_DUMMIES[i-1]) > 75 then
                                                                              • bh10.lua, line 700: while ((get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, waypoint) > 5) and ((not IN_COOP) or get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, waypoint) > 5)) do
                                                                              • bh10.lua, line 700: while ((get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, waypoint) > 5) and ((not IN_COOP) or get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, waypoint) > 5)) do
                                                                              • em01.lua, line 634: local local_player = get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHURCH_LEASH_INSIDE)
                                                                              • em01.lua, line 638: remote_player = get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHURCH_LEASH_INSIDE)
                                                                              • em01.lua, line 919: local local_player = get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHURCH_LEASH_INSIDE)
                                                                              • em01.lua, line 923: remote_player = get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHURCH_LEASH_INSIDE)
                                                                              • ep02.lua, line 606: while not (all_characters_in_vehicle() and get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_ESCAPE_FINISH) <= 5) do
                                                                              • sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 251: local closest_dist = 2000 --get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, navpoint_names[1] )
                                                                              • sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 259: cur_dist = get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, nav_name )
                                                                              • sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 657: local closest_dist = 2000 --get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, navpoint_names[1] )
                                                                              • sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 664: cur_dist = get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, nav_name )
                                                                              • sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 281: if get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, last_fish_group) < distance_from_fish then
                                                                              • sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 287: if get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, last_fish_group) < distance_from_fish then
                                                                              • sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 407: if get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, "sh_ss_fishingdock_$tRadius") < 60 then
                                                                              • sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 412: if get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, "sh_ss_fishingdock_$tRadius") < 60 then
                                                                              • ss01.lua, line 1184: local closest_dist = get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, navpoint_names[1] )
                                                                              • ss01.lua, line 1188: local cur_dist = get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, nav_name )
                                                                              • ss02.lua, line 522: distance = get_dist_char_to_nav( LOCAL_PLAYER, PRISON_ISLAND_LOCATION )
                                                                              • ss02.lua, line 906: local distance_from_prison = get_dist_char_to_nav( LAURA_NAME, MAIN_ENTRANCE_TRIGGER_NAME )
                                                                              • ss02.lua, line 909: distance_from_prison = get_dist_char_to_nav( LAURA_NAME, MAIN_ENTRANCE_TRIGGER_NAME )
                                                                              • ss04.lua, line 582: while ( get_dist_char_to_nav( REMOTE_PLAYER, ON_TRACK_POST_CT_WARP_REMOTE ) > 10 ) do
                                                                              • ss04.lua, line 804: until ( get_dist_char_to_nav( LOCAL_PLAYER, STOCKS_ENTRANCE ) > 100 )
                                                                              • ss04.lua, line 857: until ( get_dist_char_to_nav( SHAUNDI_NAME, FLOOR_LEASH_LOCATION ) < FLOOR_LEASH_RADIUS_METERS - 1 )
                                                                              • ss06.lua, line 1455: local warp_point_distance = get_dist_char_to_nav( player_without_shaundi, PIERCE_SPAWN_LOCATIONS[warp_point_index] )
                                                                              • ss06.lua, line 1459: local cur_point_distance = get_dist_char_to_nav( player_without_shaundi, location_name )
                                                                              • ss08.lua, line 1188: while ( get_dist_char_to_nav( PIERCE_NAME, SAINTS_HQ ) > TO_HQ_WIN_DISTANCE_METERS ) do
                                                                              • ss08.lua, line 1201: local distance = get_dist_char_to_nav( LOCAL_PLAYER, DRUG_TRUCK )
                                                                              • ss08.lua, line 1210: distance = get_dist_char_to_nav( REMOTE_PLAYER, DRUG_TRUCK )
                                                                              • ss11.lua, line 1394: local closest_distance = get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, navpoints[1] )
                                                                              • ss11.lua, line 1396: local cur_dist = get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, name )
                                                                              • tss01.lua, line 1327: local local_close_to_back = (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, BACK_DOOR_POS) < 9.0)
                                                                              • tss01.lua, line 1328: local local_close_to_front = (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, FRONT_DOOR_POS) < 11.0)
                                                                              • tss01.lua, line 1333: remote_close_to_back = (get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, BACK_DOOR_POS) < 9.0)
                                                                              • tss01.lua, line 1334: remote_close_to_front = (get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, FRONT_DOOR_POS) < 11.0)
                                                                              • tss01.lua, line 1342: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, Tss01_door_msg[i]) < 1.5) then
                                                                              • tss01.lua, line 1350: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, Tss01_door_msg[i]) < 1.5) then
                                                                              • tss02.lua, line 813: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, TRIGGER_COURTHOUSE_ENTER) < dist) then
                                                                              • tss02.lua, line 819: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, TRIGGER_COURTHOUSE_ENTER) < dist) then
                                                                              • tss02.lua, line 888: local_player = (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, BROTHERHOOD_VEHICLE) > dist)
                                                                              • tss02.lua, line 890: remote_player = (get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, BROTHERHOOD_VEHICLE) > dist)
                                                                              • tss04.lua, line 432: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, human) < dist) then
                                                                              • tss04.lua, line 435: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, human) < dist) then
                                                                              • tss04.lua, line 751: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, human) < dist) then
                                                                              • tss04.lua, line 754: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, human) < dist) then
                                                                              get_dist_char_to_vehicle true 1 10
                                                                              • bh02.lua, line 563: get_dist_char_to_vehicle(CHAR_DONNIE, Current_bomb_target) > DROPOFF_DISTANCE ) do
                                                                              • bh02.lua, line 567: ( get_dist_char_to_vehicle(CHAR_DONNIE, Current_bomb_target) < 80) ) then
                                                                              • bh08.lua, line 904: if (not vehicle_is_destroyed(boat)) and (get_dist_char_to_vehicle(LOCAL_PLAYER, boat) <= 100) then
                                                                              • bh09.lua, line 528: local dist_to_heli = get_dist_char_to_vehicle( member_name, attack_heli )
                                                                              • em01.lua, line 1648: local_close_enough = (get_dist_char_to_vehicle(LOCAL_PLAYER, JULIUS_VEHICLE) <= 10.0)
                                                                              • em01.lua, line 1650: remote_close_enough = (get_dist_char_to_vehicle(REMOTE_PLAYER, JULIUS_VEHICLE) <= 10.0)
                                                                              • ep03.lua, line 433: ( get_current_hit_points(boat) > BOAT_HEALTH_THRESHOLD or get_dist_char_to_vehicle(LOCAL_PLAYER, boat) > BOAT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD ) ) do
                                                                              • ss05.lua, line 1284: local cur_char_dist_to_vehicle = get_dist_char_to_vehicle( character_name, LAB_FOUR_ESCAPE_VEHICLE )
                                                                              • tss04.lua, line 1076: if (not local_player and get_dist_char_to_vehicle(LOCAL_PLAYER, LOCAL_TOWED_VEHICLE) < 20.0) then
                                                                              • tss04.lua, line 1082: if (not remote_player and get_dist_char_to_vehicle(REMOTE_PLAYER, REMOTE_TOWED_VEHICLE) < 20.0) then
                                                                              get_dist_closest_player_to_object true 1 104
                                                                              • bh02.lua, line 832: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( CHAR_DONNIE )
                                                                              • bh03.lua, line 398: local closest_dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( GOO_PREFIX.."1" )
                                                                              • bh03.lua, line 402: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( goo_location )
                                                                              • bh03.lua, line 520: until Geiger_player ~= "" or get_dist_closest_player_to_object(WEAPON_STORE) < WEAPON_STORE_MESSAGE_RADIUS
                                                                              • bh03.lua, line 661: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( NAVPOINT_NUKE_ISLAND )
                                                                              • bh03.lua, line 1236: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( cur_heli )
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 534: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHAR_DONNIE)
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 536: dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHAR_DONNIE)
                                                                              • bh04.lua, line 681: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(BERGEN)
                                                                              • bh05.lua, line 279: local distance, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( CHAR_JESSICA )
                                                                              • bh06.lua, line 273: while ( (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK) > 100) and
                                                                              • bh06.lua, line 299: local close_enough = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK) < 10
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 372: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(nav)
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 374: dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(nav)
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 387: and (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHAR_LT_COORD) > 25)
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 388: and (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHAR_LT_STORE) > 25)
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 389: and (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHAR_LT_SWAT) > 25)
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 449: dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEH_FIREBOMBER)
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 600: if (not heli_launched) and (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHAR_LT_SWAT) <= SWAT_HELI_LAUNCH_DISTANCE) then
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 647: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEH_SWAT_HELI)
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 790: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(NAV_OBJ_STORE)
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 907: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(npc)
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 916: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(npc)
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 1055: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(npc)
                                                                              • bh07.lua, line 1142: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEH_COORD)
                                                                              • bh08.lua, line 286: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(char)
                                                                              • bh08.lua, line 373: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(cruiser)
                                                                              • bh10.lua, line 1084: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(dest_navp)
                                                                              • bh11.lua, line 609: local distance, target_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( MONSTER_TRUCK )
                                                                              • ep01.lua, line 1176: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_SHAUNDI_VAN)
                                                                              • ep01.lua, line 1251: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_SHAUNDI_VAN)
                                                                              • ep01.lua, line 1627: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(goon)
                                                                              • ep01.lua, line 1649: dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(goon)
                                                                              • ep03.lua, line 207: while ( get_dist_closest_player_to_object( NAV_YACHT ) > YACHT_RADIUS ) do
                                                                              • ep04.lua, line 377: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( ENEMY_ATTACK_HELICOPTER )
                                                                              • ep04.lua, line 636: farthest_dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( VOGEL_FLEE_POINTS[1] )
                                                                              • ep04.lua, line 640: local cur_point_dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( cur_flee_point )
                                                                              • ep04.lua, line 651: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( VOGEL_NAME )
                                                                              • rn02.lua, line 889: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHARACTER_CLOTHING_DEALER)
                                                                              • rn02.lua, line 968: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_WEAPON_DEALER)
                                                                              • rn02.lua, line 1315: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(Current_dealer)
                                                                              • rn03.lua, line 480: dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(first_bike)
                                                                              • rn03.lua, line 831: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(bike)
                                                                              • rn04.lua, line 695: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(vehicle)
                                                                              • rn04.lua, line 1528: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(navpoint)
                                                                              • rn05.lua, line 1027: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_RONIN_BIKE)
                                                                              • rn05.lua, line 1147: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(Escape_vehicle)
                                                                              • rn05.lua, line 1220: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(Escape_vehicle)
                                                                              • rn09.lua, line 568: dist, Player_shogo_fleeing = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_SHOGO_MOTORCYCLE)
                                                                              • rn09.lua, line 609: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_SHOGO_MOTORCYCLE)
                                                                              • rn10.lua, line 1099: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(ronin)
                                                                              • rn10.lua, line 1492: if (rn10_navpoint_in_fov(ronin, 1.5) or (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(ronin) < min_dist)) then
                                                                              • rn10.lua, line 1497: if (rn10_navpoint_in_fov(saint, 1.5) or (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(saint) < min_dist)) then
                                                                              • rn10.lua, line 1655: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( npc)
                                                                              • rn11.lua, line 728: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(heli_name)
                                                                              • rn11.lua, line 950: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(Escape_vehicle)
                                                                              • rn11.lua, line 1172: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_SPEEDBOAT1)
                                                                              • rn11.lua, line 1230: speedboat1_dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_SPEEDBOAT1)
                                                                              • rn11.lua, line 1233: speedboat2_dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_SPEEDBOAT2)
                                                                              • rn11.lua, line 1642: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(navpoint)
                                                                              • ss01.lua, line 1020: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
                                                                              • ss04.lua, line 647: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( SHAUNDI_NAME )
                                                                              • ss04.lua, line 671: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( VETERAN_CHILD_NAME )
                                                                              • ss04.lua, line 792: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
                                                                              • ss04.lua, line 1079: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
                                                                              • ss05.lua, line 1016: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( LAB_ONE_LOCATION_TRIGGER )
                                                                              • ss05.lua, line 1343: distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( LAB_FOUR_ESCAPEE_TECH )
                                                                              • ss05.lua, line 1534: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( name )
                                                                              • ss05.lua, line 1741: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( LAB_THREE_AFTER_LAB_ATTACK_VEHICLE )
                                                                              • ss06.lua, line 744: local distance, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
                                                                              • ss06.lua, line 800: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( squad_members[1] )
                                                                              • ss06.lua, line 865: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( FINAL_ATTACK_MEMBER_NAMES[1] )
                                                                              • ss06.lua, line 1343: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( SHAUNDI_NAME )
                                                                              • ss06.lua, line 1516: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
                                                                              • ss06.lua, line 1945: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
                                                                              • ss08.lua, line 1027: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( junkie_name )
                                                                              • ss08.lua, line 1324: -- distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( driver )
                                                                              • ss09.lua, line 241: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME )
                                                                              • ss09.lua, line 422: local distance, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( defender_name )
                                                                              • ss09.lua, line 462: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( name )
                                                                              • ss09.lua, line 479: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( name )
                                                                              • ss09.lua, line 579: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME )
                                                                              • ss09.lua, line 618: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME )
                                                                              • ss10.lua, line 608: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( name )
                                                                              • ss10.lua, line 753: distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( REPAIR_MAN_NAME )
                                                                              • ss10.lua, line 1559: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(member)
                                                                              • ss10.lua, line 1580: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(member)
                                                                              • ss11.lua, line 924: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
                                                                              • ss11.lua, line 938: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
                                                                              • ss11.lua, line 1049: local distance, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( GENERALS_RIDE )
                                                                              • ss11.lua, line 1487: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( GENERALS_RIDE )
                                                                              • tss01.lua, line 872: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHARACTER_DOCTOR)
                                                                              • tss01.lua, line 878: dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHARACTER_DOCTOR)
                                                                              • tss01.lua, line 1886: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object("tss01_$bullhorn_1")
                                                                              • tss01.lua, line 1907: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(heli)
                                                                              • tss01.lua, line 1958: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(heli)
                                                                              • tss01.lua, line 4258: or (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(Tss01_waypoints[12]) > teleport_distance)
                                                                              • tss02.lua, line 845: while (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(TRIGGER_COURTHOUSE_ENTER) > dist) do
                                                                              • tss02.lua, line 861: while( (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(reporter)>75) and (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(cameraman)>75) ) do
                                                                              • tss02.lua, line 1136: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(cop)
                                                                              • tss02.lua, line 1220: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object("tss02_$cop27")
                                                                              • tss02.lua, line 1232: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object("tss02_$cop27")
                                                                              • tss03.lua, line 986: local dist_can_show = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(bum) > 8
                                                                              • ug_lib.lua, line 490: local distance, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( npc_name )
                                                                              get_dist_mover_to_nav true 1
                                                                                get_dist_vehicle_to_mover true 1
                                                                                  get_dist_vehicle_to_nav true 1 12
                                                                                  • bh05.lua, line 935: while (get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(VEH_JESSICAS_CAR, TRIGGER_ARENA) > 10) do
                                                                                  • bh06.lua, line 475: while get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK, NAV_ARENA) > 10 do
                                                                                  • bh06.lua, line 539: while (get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK, NAV_AMBUSH_BIKE_TRIG) > 60) do
                                                                                  • bh06.lua, line 549: while (get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK, NAV_AMBUSH_PATH[1]) > 40) do
                                                                                  • bh06.lua, line 564: while (get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK, NAV_AMBUSH_MOUNTAIN_TRIG) > 40) do
                                                                                  • bh08.lua, line 410: if (not vehicle_is_destroyed(bus)) and (get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(bus, NAV_BUS_DEST) < 5) then
                                                                                  • bh08.lua, line 516: local dist = get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(bus, NAV_BUS_DEST)
                                                                                  • bh08.lua, line 555: local dist = get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(boat, NAV_BOAT_DEST)
                                                                                  • bh08.lua, line 930: if (not vehicle_is_destroyed(boat)) and (get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(boat, NAV_BOAT_DEST) < BOAT_DESTINATION_DISTANCE) then
                                                                                  • bh09.lua, line 930: while (get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(boat, goal) > 10) do
                                                                                  • ep03.lua, line 382: while ((get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(ULTOR_GETAWAY_BOAT, NAV_ULTOR_SAFETY) > 10) and not character_is_dead(CHAR_FINAL_EXEC)) do
                                                                                  • ss03.lua, line 1161: if ( get_dist_vehicle_to_nav( vehicle_name, MP.."Near_Dropoff_Points" ) > 13.1 ) then
                                                                                  get_dpad_image true 1
                                                                                    get_dpad_lr_image true 1
                                                                                      get_dpad_ud_image true 1
                                                                                        get_frame_time true
                                                                                          get_frame_time_real true
                                                                                            get_game_play_mode true
                                                                                              get_game_time true
                                                                                                get_height true
                                                                                                  get_is_coop_client true
                                                                                                    get_is_custom_game true
                                                                                                      get_is_host true
                                                                                                        get_is_matchmaking true
                                                                                                          get_is_strongarm true
                                                                                                            get_is_team_game true
                                                                                                              get_is_tutorial true
                                                                                                                get_language true
                                                                                                                  get_lb_button true 1
                                                                                                                    get_left_right true 1
                                                                                                                      get_left_trigger true 1
                                                                                                                        get_lt_button true 1
                                                                                                                          get_max_hit_points true
                                                                                                                            get_min_width true
                                                                                                                              get_mp_is_ranked true
                                                                                                                                get_mp_map_index true
                                                                                                                                  get_mp_mode_index true
                                                                                                                                    get_num_mp_variants true
                                                                                                                                      get_other_coop_player true 1
                                                                                                                                        get_other_sync_type true 1
                                                                                                                                          get_pending_game_play_mode true
                                                                                                                                            get_platform true
                                                                                                                                              get_player_respect true
                                                                                                                                                get_ps3_button_swap true
                                                                                                                                                  get_rb_button true 1
                                                                                                                                                    get_right_stick true 1
                                                                                                                                                      get_right_trigger true 1
                                                                                                                                                        get_rt_button true 1
                                                                                                                                                          get_up_down true 1
                                                                                                                                                            get_vehicle_speed true
                                                                                                                                                              get_width true
                                                                                                                                                                get_x_button true 1
                                                                                                                                                                  get_y_button true 1
                                                                                                                                                                    group_create true 1 431
                                                                                                                                                                    group_create_check_done_loop true 1
                                                                                                                                                                      group_create_do true
                                                                                                                                                                        group_create_hidden true 5 266
                                                                                                                                                                        group_create_hidden_do true
                                                                                                                                                                          group_destroy true
                                                                                                                                                                            group_exists true
                                                                                                                                                                              group_give_to_client true
                                                                                                                                                                                group_hide true
                                                                                                                                                                                  group_is_loaded true
                                                                                                                                                                                    group_show true