game_difficulty_select |
true |
4 |
gang_customization_change_tag |
true |
1 |
gang_customization_confirm_gang_sign |
true |
1 |
gang_customization_confirm_vehicle |
true |
1 |
gang_customization_revert_gang_sign |
true |
1 |
gang_customization_revert_gang_tag |
true |
1 |
gang_customization_revert_to_old_gang |
true |
1 |
gang_customization_revert_vehicle |
true |
1 |
gang_customization_select_gang_sign |
true |
1 |
gang_customization_select_gang_style |
true |
1 |
gang_customization_select_gang_tag |
true |
1 |
gang_customization_select_vehicle |
true |
1gang_cust.lua, line 282: gang_customization_select_vehicle(Gang_cust_vehicle_submenu.highlighted_item, Vehicle_slot)
gang_customization_show_gang |
true |
1 |
gang_customization_show_tag |
true |
1 |
gang_customization_show_vehicle |
true |
2 |
gang_force_spawn |
true |
3 |
garage_get_repair_cost |
true |
2 |
garage_preview_vehicle |
true |
2 |
garage_remove_vehicle |
true |
1 |
garage_repair_vehicle |
true |
1 |
garage_retrieve_vehicle |
true |
2 |
get_a_button |
true |
1 |
get_b_button |
true |
1 |
1mp_match_load.lua, line 87: vint_set_property(vint_object_find("b_button", Mp_match_load_data.handles.cancel), "image", get_b_button())
get_char_in_vehicle |
true |
9bh11.lua, line 545: local character_driving = get_char_in_vehicle(vehicle, 0)
rn02.lua, line 1542: local passenger = get_char_in_vehicle(vehicle,i)
rn04.lua, line 1857: local passenger = get_char_in_vehicle(vehicle,i)
rn08.lua, line 1357: --if (get_char_in_vehicle(VEHICLE_GIFT_CAR,0)=="#PLAYER#") then
ss07.lua, line 1071: if ( get_char_in_vehicle( HELICOPTER_NAMES[heli_index], 0 ) == nil or
ss08.lua, line 1318: local driver = get_char_in_vehicle( CHASE_SQUAD_GROUP_VEHICLES[group_index], 0)
ss08.lua, line 1410: local driver = get_char_in_vehicle( RANDOM_CHASE_SQUAD_VEHICLES[group_index], 0)
ss08.lua, line 1530: local character_driving_drug_truck = get_char_in_vehicle( DRUG_TRUCK, 0 )
ss10.lua, line 2189: local driver = get_char_in_vehicle( attacker_name, 0 )
get_char_vehicle_is_in_air |
true |
2tss04.lua, line 727: if ( get_char_vehicle_is_in_air( human ) == false and cur_speed <= LIEUTENANT_LEAVE_VEHICLE_MAX_SPEED_MPH ) then
tss04.lua, line 730: if ( get_char_vehicle_is_in_air( human ) == false and cur_speed <= LIEUTENANT_LEAVE_VEHICLE_MAX_SPEED_MPH ) then
get_char_vehicle_name |
true |
8 |
get_char_vehicle_special_type |
true |
1 |
get_char_vehicle_towed_vehicle |
true |
1 |
get_char_vehicle_type |
true |
28bh01.lua, line 698: return get_char_vehicle_type(LOCAL_PLAYER) == 4
bh01.lua, line 702: return get_char_vehicle_type(LOCAL_PLAYER) < 2
bh03.lua, line 613: if ( (get_char_vehicle_type(player_name) == VT_HELICOPTER) or
bh03.lua, line 614: (get_char_vehicle_type(player_name) == VT_AIRPLANE) or
bh03.lua, line 615: (get_char_vehicle_type(player_name) == VT_WATERCRAFT) ) then
bh03.lua, line 663: if ( get_char_vehicle_type( closest_player ) == VT_HELICOPTER ) then
bh03.lua, line 1774: local vehicle_type = get_char_vehicle_type( player_name )
bh08.lua, line 712: if ( (get_char_vehicle_type(LOCAL_PLAYER) == VT_HELICOPTER) or
bh08.lua, line 713: (get_char_vehicle_type(LOCAL_PLAYER) == VT_AIRPLANE) ) then
bh08.lua, line 715: elseif ( IN_COOP and ( (get_char_vehicle_type(LOCAL_PLAYER) == VT_HELICOPTER) or
bh08.lua, line 716: (get_char_vehicle_type(LOCAL_PLAYER) == VT_AIRPLANE) ) ) then
bh08.lua, line 829: return ( (get_char_vehicle_type(player) == VT_HELICOPTER) or
bh08.lua, line 830: (get_char_vehicle_type(player) == VT_AIRPLANE) or
bh08.lua, line 831: (get_char_vehicle_type(player) == VT_WATERCRAFT) or
bh09.lua, line 419: while (get_char_vehicle_type(LOCAL_PLAYER) ~= VT_AIRPLANE) and
bh09.lua, line 420: (get_char_vehicle_type(LOCAL_PLAYER) ~= VT_HELICOPTER) and
bh09.lua, line 421: (get_char_vehicle_type(LOCAL_PLAYER) ~= VT_WATERCRAFT) and
bh09.lua, line 449: if (get_char_vehicle_type(LOCAL_PLAYER) == VT_WATERCRAFT) then
ep03.lua, line 153: if ( get_char_vehicle_type(character_name) == VT_WATERCRAFT or
ep03.lua, line 154: get_char_vehicle_type(character_name) == VT_HELICOPTER or
ep03.lua, line 155: get_char_vehicle_type(character_name) == VT_AIRPLANE ) then
ss02.lua, line 1445: local vehicle_type = get_char_vehicle_type( player_name )
ss02.lua, line 1461: vehicle_type = get_char_vehicle_type( Laura_leader_name )
ss02.lua, line 1478: vehicle_type = get_char_vehicle_type( LAURA_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 1489: local vehicle_type = get_char_vehicle_type( player_name )
ss08.lua, line 1203: local vehicle_type = get_char_vehicle_type( LOCAL_PLAYER )
ss08.lua, line 1212: local vehicle_type = get_char_vehicle_type( REMOTE_PLAYER )
ss10.lua, line 1214: local player_vehicle_type = get_char_vehicle_type( LOCAL_PLAYER )
get_control_stick_base |
true |
1 |
get_control_stick_text |
true |
1 |
get_control_stick_thumb |
true |
1 |
get_coop_friendly_fire |
true |
3 |
get_coop_join_type |
true |
4 |
get_current_difficulty |
true |
1 |
get_current_hit_points |
true |
51bh03.lua, line 977: local before_damage_percent = get_current_hit_points( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER ) / get_max_hit_points( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER )
bh04.lua, line 270: Bh04_donnie_initial_hp = get_current_hit_points(CHAR_DONNIE)
bh04.lua, line 368: local health_ratio = get_current_hit_points(CHAR_DONNIE) / Bh04_donnie_initial_hp
bh04.lua, line 583: local Bergen_hp = get_current_hit_points(BERGEN)
bh06.lua, line 317: PARCEL_TRUCK_INITIAL_HP = get_current_hit_points(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK)
bh07.lua, line 971: local shop_owner_initial_health = get_current_hit_points(CHAR_CLERK_STORE)
bh07.lua, line 993: hit_points[j] = get_current_hit_points(lnpc)
bh07.lua, line 1003: if not character_is_dead(npc) and (get_current_hit_points(npc) - hit_points[i]) < -50 then
bh07.lua, line 1007: hit_points[j] = get_current_hit_points(lnpc)
bh07.lua, line 1017: if (get_current_hit_points(npc) - hit_points[i]) < -50 then
bh07.lua, line 1021: hit_points[j] = get_current_hit_points(lnpc)
bh07.lua, line 1035: hit_points[j] = get_current_hit_points(lnpc)
bh10.lua, line 868: local old_hit_points = get_current_hit_points(player)
bh10.lua, line 1502: local old_hit_points = get_current_hit_points(CHAR_MAERO)
bh11.lua, line 152: local pre_attack_hit_points = get_current_hit_points( attacked_object_name )
bh11.lua, line 280: local cur_hp = get_current_hit_points(MONSTER_TRUCK)
bh11.lua, line 562: local new_truck_hp = get_current_hit_points( MONSTER_TRUCK ) - hit_points_damage_done
em01.lua, line 1888: local last_percentage = get_current_hit_points(JULIUS_VEHICLE) / get_max_hit_points(JULIUS_VEHICLE)
em01.lua, line 1895: percentage = get_current_hit_points(JULIUS_VEHICLE) / get_max_hit_points(JULIUS_VEHICLE)
ep01.lua, line 1803: local new_health = get_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_PIERCE) - rand_int(min_damage, max_damage)
ep03.lua, line 350: local Current_hit_points = get_current_hit_points(ULTOR_GETAWAY_BOAT)
ep03.lua, line 433: ( get_current_hit_points(boat) > BOAT_HEALTH_THRESHOLD or get_dist_char_to_vehicle(LOCAL_PLAYER, boat) > BOAT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD ) ) do
ep04.lua, line 662: local cur_damage_percent = get_current_hit_points( VOGEL_NAME ) / get_max_hit_points( VOGEL_NAME )
ep04.lua, line 692: local vogel_hp = get_current_hit_points( VOGEL_NAME )
ep04.lua, line 887: local cur_hp = get_current_hit_points( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME )
ep04.lua, line 902: local cur_limo_hp_percent = ( get_current_hit_points( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME ) / get_max_hit_points( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME ) )
rn02.lua, line 608: if (get_current_hit_points(VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR)/get_max_hit_points(VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR) < .8) then
rn04.lua, line 761: local gat_hit_points = get_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT)
rn04.lua, line 1599: local gat_current_health = get_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT)
rn04.lua, line 1600: local gat_health_ratio = get_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT)/get_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT)
rn04.lua, line 1630: local health_ratio = get_current_hit_points(Rn04_vehicle_homie)/get_max_hit_points(Rn04_vehicle_homie)
rn07.lua, line 545: Rn07_gat_health = get_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT)
rn07.lua, line 1607: local old_hit_points = get_current_hit_points(gat)
rn07.lua, line 1662: local old_hit_points = get_current_hit_points(gat)
rn07.lua, line 1734: local gat_current_hit_points = get_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT_NORMAL)
rn08.lua, line 1218: local hit_points = get_current_hit_points(target)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 427: merch_damage = get_current_hit_points(npc_name)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 442: if (get_current_hit_points(merchants[i]) < get_max_hit_points(merchants[i])) then
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 506: while (get_current_hit_points(merchant_name) > 0) do
ss01.lua, line 934: local new_car_hp = MR_GABBY_CAR_HIT_POINTS_PERCENT * get_current_hit_points( FINAL_DEALER_GROUP_VEHICLE_NAME )
ss03.lua, line 501: local CURRENT_HELI_HITPOINTS = get_current_hit_points(HELICOPTER_NAME)
ss03.lua, line 1263: local helicopter_hit_points = get_current_hit_points( HELICOPTER_NAME )
ss04.lua, line 867: VC_pre_hit_damage_percent = get_current_hit_points( VETERAN_CHILD_NAME ) / get_max_hit_points( VETERAN_CHILD_NAME )
ss04.lua, line 885: local percent_damage_before_hit = get_current_hit_points( VETERAN_CHILD_NAME ) / vc_max_hp
ss08.lua, line 1522: local cur_truck_hp = get_current_hit_points( DRUG_TRUCK )
ss09.lua, line 356: local cur_health_percent = get_current_hit_points( attacked_object_name ) / get_max_hit_points( attacked_object_name )
ss09.lua, line 816: local percent_damage_before_hit = get_current_hit_points( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME ) / sunshine_max_hp
ss09.lua, line 970: local sunshine_current_hit_points = get_current_hit_points( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME )
ss09.lua, line 997: local player_cur_hit_points = get_current_hit_points( player_name )
ss10.lua, line 1911: Initial_van_hp = get_current_hit_points( REPAIR_VAN_NAME ) * VAN_HP_MULTIPLIER
ss10.lua, line 2245: local cur_van_hp = get_current_hit_points( REPAIR_VAN_NAME )
get_current_hood_by_position |
true |
1 |
get_disconnected_reason |
true |
1 |
get_dist |
true |
127bh01.lua, line 748: if ( get_dist( LOCAL_PLAYER, TRIGGER_TRIBAL_HQ_DOCK ) < WIN_DISTANCE_METERS or
bh01.lua, line 749: get_dist( LOCAL_PLAYER, TRIGGER_TRIBAL_HQ ) < WIN_DISTANCE_METERS ) then
bh01.lua, line 756: if ( get_dist( REMOTE_PLAYER, TRIGGER_TRIBAL_HQ_DOCK ) < WIN_DISTANCE_METERS or
bh01.lua, line 757: get_dist( REMOTE_PLAYER, TRIGGER_TRIBAL_HQ ) < WIN_DISTANCE_METERS ) then
bh02.lua, line 812: return get_dist( donnie, Current_bomb_target ) < PLANT_BOMB_MAX_DISTANCE
bh02.lua, line 1020: return get_dist(CHAR_DONNIE, target) < distance or get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, target) < distance or ( coop_is_active() and get_dist(REMOTE_PLAYER, target) < distance)
bh02.lua, line 1020: return get_dist(CHAR_DONNIE, target) < distance or get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, target) < distance or ( coop_is_active() and get_dist(REMOTE_PLAYER, target) < distance)
bh02.lua, line 1020: return get_dist(CHAR_DONNIE, target) < distance or get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, target) < distance or ( coop_is_active() and get_dist(REMOTE_PLAYER, target) < distance)
bh02.lua, line 1037: local dist_to_donnie = get_dist(attacker, CHAR_DONNIE)
bh02.lua, line 1038: local dist_to_local_player = get_dist(attacker, LOCAL_PLAYER)
bh02.lua, line 1042: dist_to_remote_player = get_dist(attacker, REMOTE_PLAYER)
bh02.lua, line 1071: if get_dist(Next_target, LOCAL_PLAYER) < NEXT_TARGET_ALERT_RADIUS or (coop_is_active() and get_dist(Next_target, REMOTE_PLAYER) < NEXT_TARGET_ALERT_RADIUS ) then
bh02.lua, line 1071: if get_dist(Next_target, LOCAL_PLAYER) < NEXT_TARGET_ALERT_RADIUS or (coop_is_active() and get_dist(Next_target, REMOTE_PLAYER) < NEXT_TARGET_ALERT_RADIUS ) then
bh03.lua, line 767: until get_dist(Goo_player, NAVPOINT_NUKE_ISLAND_CENTER) > NUKE_ISLAND_RADIUS
bh03.lua, line 770: if get_dist(NAVPOINT_HQ, Goo_player) < HQ_DELIVER_DISTANCE then
bh03.lua, line 1720: if (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, npc) < SECURITY_ESCAPED_DIST) or (get_dist(REMOTE_PLAYER, npc) < SECURITY_ESCAPED_DIST) then
bh03.lua, line 1720: if (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, npc) < SECURITY_ESCAPED_DIST) or (get_dist(REMOTE_PLAYER, npc) < SECURITY_ESCAPED_DIST) then
bh03.lua, line 1728: if get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, npc) < SECURITY_ESCAPED_DIST then
bh03.lua, line 1887: local dist = get_dist(Geiger_player, Goo_item)
bh03.lua, line 1929: local dist = get_dist(Geiger_player, Goo_item)
bh04.lua, line 385: local local_close_enough = get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) < 10
bh04.lua, line 387: if (IN_COOP and (get_dist(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) < 10)) then
bh04.lua, line 496: if (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > donnie_use_mover_dist) then
bh04.lua, line 511: while ( not (mesh_mover_wielding(CHAR_DONNIE) or (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > donnie_use_mover_dist)) ) do
bh04.lua, line 519: if (get_dist(CHAR_DONNIE, weapon) > MAX_WIELD_DIST) then
bh04.lua, line 524: if ( (get_dist(CHAR_DONNIE, weapon) < MAX_WIELD_DIST) and (not mesh_mover_being_wielded(weapon))) then
bh04.lua, line 540: if (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) < donnie_use_mover_dist) then
bh04.lua, line 568: if (get_dist(weapon, location) < MAX_WIELD_DIST) then
bh07.lua, line 822: if (get_dist(OTHER_PLAYER[closest_player], NAV_OBJ_STORE) < STORE_COOP_DISTANCE) then
bh08.lua, line 459: local dist = get_dist(player, bus)
bh08.lua, line 832: (get_dist(player, VEH_BOAT[1]) < 500) )
bh10.lua, line 1450: local cur_dist = get_dist(navpoint, player)
bh10.lua, line 1461: dist = get_dist(target,CHAR_MAERO)
coop_test.lua, line 284: if get_dist(donnie, Current_bomb_target) > PLANT_BOMB_MAX_DISTANCE or not check_animation_state(donnie, STATE_PLANT_BOMB) then
em01.lua, line 1340: local human_dist = get_dist(target_human, heli)
em01.lua, line 1343: local dist = get_dist(target_humans[i], heli)
ep01.lua, line 713: local dist_to_pierce = get_dist(player,TRIGGER_PIERCE)
ep01.lua, line 714: local dist_to_shaundi = get_dist(player,shaundi_waypoint)
ep01.lua, line 765: local cur_dist = get_dist(CHARACTER_SHAUNDI,CHARACTER_PIERCE)
ep01.lua, line 781: local near_local = (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHARACTER_SHAUNDI) < 5.0)
ep01.lua, line 782: local near_remote = (IN_COOP and (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHARACTER_SHAUNDI) < 5.0))
ep01.lua, line 899: local dist = get_dist(other_player,trigger)
ep01.lua, line 1080: local dist = get_dist(player,VEHICLE_SHAUNDI_VAN)
ep01.lua, line 1323: local dist = get_dist(escort,player)
ep01.lua, line 1347: local local_dist = get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER,VEHICLE_SHAUNDI_VAN)
ep01.lua, line 1353: local remote_dist = get_dist(REMOTE_PLAYER,VEHICLE_SHAUNDI_VAN)
ep01.lua, line 1492: local fade_local = ((not IN_COOP) or (get_dist(CHARACTER_PIERCE, LOCAL_PLAYER) < fade_out_dist) )
ep01.lua, line 1493: local fade_remote = (IN_COOP and (get_dist(CHARACTER_PIERCE, LOCAL_PLAYER) < fade_out_dist))
ep03.lua, line 510: if ( get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_YACHT) < 300 ) then
ep03.lua, line 516: if ( coop_is_active() and (get_dist(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_YACHT) < 300) ) then
ep04.lua, line 829: if ( get_dist( LOCAL_PLAYER, VOGELS_LIMO_NAME ) < VOGELS_LIMO_MAX_DIST_METERS ) then
ep04.lua, line 833: if ( get_dist( REMOTE_PLAYER, VOGELS_LIMO_NAME ) < VOGELS_LIMO_MAX_DIST_METERS ) then
rn01.lua, line 562: if ( (get_dist(CHARACTER_GAT, TRIGGER_COUNTING_ROOM_DOOR_1) > max_gat_distance)
rn01.lua, line 563: and (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, TRIGGER_COUNTING_ROOM_DOOR_1) > max_player_distance)
rn01.lua, line 1112: local total_distance = get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, TRIGGER_CASINO_ARRIVAL)
rn01.lua, line 1131: local total_dist = get_dist(VEHICLE_TRUCK, TRIGGER_AISHAS)
rn02.lua, line 325: local dist = get_dist(VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR, NAVPOINT_SAFE_HOUSE_CAR_START)
rn02.lua, line 341: (get_dist(VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR, TRIGGER_SAFE_HOUSE) < 80) ) then
rn02.lua, line 623: local dist_to_dealer = get_dist(player, Current_dealer)
rn02.lua, line 749: if (get_dist(new_repair_trigger, player) < 50) then
rn02.lua, line 762: local should_suppress_waypoint = (get_dist(new_repair_trigger, player) < 50)
rn02.lua, line 1139: local total_dist = get_dist(CHARACTER_FENCE, TRIGGER_SAFE_HOUSE)
rn02.lua, line 1153: current_dist = get_dist(CHARACTER_FENCE, TRIGGER_SAFE_HOUSE)
rn02.lua, line 1291: local dist = get_dist(player, character_dealer)
rn02.lua, line 1594: local dist = get_dist(npc,VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR)
rn02.lua, line 1596: dist = get_dist(npc,VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR)
rn02.lua, line 1782: if (get_dist(player, new_repair_trigger) < MECHANIC_INFINITE_MASS_DIST) then
rn03.lua, line 381: local dist = get_dist(bike, "rn03_$n033")
rn03.lua, line 394: local dist = get_dist(bike, "rn03_$n043")
rn03.lua, line 409: local dist = get_dist(bike, "rn03_$n043")
rn03.lua, line 581: local dist = get_dist(player, bike)
rn03.lua, line 798: local dist = get_dist(bike, "rn03_$n043")
rn04.lua, line 512: if (vehicle_is_destroyed(Rn04_vehicle_homie) or get_dist(Rn04_vehicle_homie, NAVPOINT_HOSPITAL_PARKING) > 15) then
rn04.lua, line 1909: local dist = get_dist(npc,Rn04_vehicle_homie)
rn04.lua, line 1911: dist = get_dist(npc,Rn04_vehicle_homie)
rn05.lua, line 1071: local cur_dist = get_dist(VEHICLE_RONIN_CART,navpoint)
rn07.lua, line 816: local close_enough = get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, TRIGGER_ELEVATOR_2) < 1.5
rn07.lua, line 931: local close_enough = get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, TRIGGER_ELEVATOR_1) < 1.5
rn07.lua, line 1053: if (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, VEHICLE_AMBULANCE) < 20) then
rn07.lua, line 1058: and (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHARACTER_RPG_GUY) < 20)
rn07.lua, line 1231: local dist_to_gat = get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHARACTER_GAT)
rn07.lua, line 1877: if (get_dist(player, trigger) < 5) then
rn07.lua, line 2204: local dist = get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHARACTER_GAT)
rn07.lua, line 2251: if (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAVPOINT_HOSPITAL_CENTER) > hospital_radius) then
rn07.lua, line 2254: if (IN_COOP and get_dist(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAVPOINT_HOSPITAL_CENTER) > hospital_radius) then
rn10.lua, line 1048: local cur_dist = get_dist(ronin, ai_target)
rn10.lua, line 1061: local cur_dist = get_dist(ronin, attack_position)
rn10.lua, line 1578: local cur_dist = get_dist(ronin, saint)
rn11.lua, line 746: local dist = get_dist(navpoint, LOCAL_PLAYER)
rn11.lua, line 895: currently_in_range = ( get_dist(CHARACTER_AKUJI, player) < allowed_dist )
rn11.lua, line 1116: if (get_dist(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAVPOINT_REMOTE_PLAYER_START_CHECKPOINT_3) < 300) then
ss07.lua, line 398: until ( get_dist( LOCAL_PLAYER, NEAR_DOCK ) < 1.0 )
ss07.lua, line 402: until ( get_dist( REMOTE_PLAYER, NEAR_DOCK_REMOTE_PLAYER ) < 1.0 )
ss07.lua, line 438: until ( get_dist( LOCAL_PLAYER, SECOND_CHECKPOINT_LOCAL_PLAYER_START_LOCATION ) < 1.0 )
ss07.lua, line 442: until ( get_dist( REMOTE_PLAYER, SECOND_CHECKPOINT_REMOTE_PLAYER_START_LOCATION ) < 1.0 )
ss08.lua, line 1168: if ( get_dist( LOCAL_PLAYER, DRUG_TRUCK ) < DRUG_TRUCK_MAX_DISTANCE_METERS ) then
ss08.lua, line 1171: if ( coop_is_active() and get_dist( REMOTE_PLAYER, DRUG_TRUCK ) < DRUG_TRUCK_MAX_DISTANCE_METERS ) then
ss08.lua, line 1333: local closest_dist = get_dist( DRUG_TRUCK, closest_location )
ss08.lua, line 1336: local cur_dist = get_dist( DRUG_TRUCK, nav_name )
tss01.lua, line 1208: local max_dist = get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAVP_ISLAND_CENTER)
tss01.lua, line 1699: if ( (get_dist(player, door) < 2) and (not controls_disabled)) then
tss01.lua, line 2859: local point_dist = get_dist(Tss01_hide_points[1], CHARACTER_CARLOS)
tss01.lua, line 2863: local dist = get_dist(Tss01_hide_points[i], CHARACTER_CARLOS)
tss01.lua, line 3631: if (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, REMOTE_PLAYER) > 10.0) then
tss01.lua, line 4012: if ( (get_dist("tss01_$carlos_shoot", CHARACTER_CARLOS) < 50)
tss01.lua, line 4045: if ( tss01_carlos_should_destroy_ambush() and (get_dist("tss01_$carlos_shoot", CHARACTER_CARLOS) < 5) ) then
tss01.lua, line 4161: if ( (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, REMOTE_PLAYER) > 10.0)
tss01.lua, line 4223: if (get_dist(CHARACTER_CARLOS,Tss01_waypoints[12]) < 20) then
tss01.lua, line 4257: local need_to_teleport = ( (get_dist(CHARACTER_CARLOS,Tss01_waypoints[12]) > teleport_distance)
tss01.lua, line 4311: or (get_dist(CHARACTER_CARLOS, NAVP_BOAT_STAGING_CARLOS) > 5)
tss02.lua, line 430: while ( (get_dist(player, NAVPOINT_OUTSIDE_SLOPPY_SECONDS) > 10.0) and (not Tss02_clothes_purchased[player]) ) do
tss02.lua, line 734: local far_enough = ( (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, TRIGGER_TIMER_START) > 100)
tss02.lua, line 735: or (IN_COOP and (get_dist(REMOTE_PLAYER, TRIGGER_TIMER_START) > 100))
tss02.lua, line 1318: local local_player_close_enough = (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, TRIGGER_MISSION_COMPLETE) < 10.0)
tss02.lua, line 1322: remote_player_close_enough = (get_dist(REMOTE_PLAYER, TRIGGER_MISSION_COMPLETE) < 10.0)
tss03.lua, line 669: local_player_close_enough = local_player_close_enough or (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, Tss03_bum_characters[i]) < 5.0)
tss03.lua, line 672: remote_player_close_enough = remote_player_close_enough or (get_dist(REMOTE_PLAYER, Tss03_bum_characters[i]) < 5.0)
tss03.lua, line 697: local_player_close_enough = local_player_close_enough or (get_dist(LOCAL_PLAYER, Tss03_bum_characters_coop[i]) < 5.0)
tss03.lua, line 700: remote_player_close_enough = remote_player_close_enough or (get_dist(REMOTE_PLAYER, Tss03_bum_characters_coop[i]) < 5.0)
ug_lib.lua, line 1118: return get_dist(obj1, obj2)
ug_lib.lua, line 1122: return get_dist(obj1, obj2)
ug_lib.lua, line 1126: return get_dist(obj1, obj2)
ug_lib.lua, line 1145: local closest_dist = get_dist(player_list[1], object)
ug_lib.lua, line 1150: local current_dist = get_dist(p, object)
ug_lib.lua, line 1161: return get_dist(obj1, obj2)
ug_lib.lua, line 1165: return get_dist(obj1, obj2)
ug_lib.lua, line 1169: return get_dist(obj1, obj2)
get_dist_char_to_char |
true |
1 |
26bh02.lua, line 818: if (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > 50) then
bh02.lua, line 822: while (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > 50) do
bh04.lua, line 296: local local_far_away = get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > DONNIE_REACT_DISTANCE
bh04.lua, line 297: local remote_far_away = ( (not IN_COOP) or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > DONNIE_REACT_DISTANCE) )
bh04.lua, line 300: local_far_away = get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > DONNIE_REACT_DISTANCE
bh04.lua, line 301: remote_far_away = ( (not IN_COOP) or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > DONNIE_REACT_DISTANCE) )
bh04.lua, line 325: while (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > 90)
bh04.lua, line 326: and ((not IN_COOP) or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > 90)) do
bh04.lua, line 332: while (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > DONNIE_REACT_DISTANCE)
bh04.lua, line 333: and ((not IN_COOP) or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_DONNIE) > DONNIE_REACT_DISTANCE)) do
bh04.lua, line 622: if ((get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_CARLOS) < 2) and character_is_in_vehicle(LOCAL_PLAYER))
bh04.lua, line 623: or (IN_COOP and (get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_CARLOS) < 2) and character_is_in_vehicle(REMOTE_PLAYER)) then
bh04.lua, line 757: while (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_CARLOS) > 3) and ((not IN_COOP) or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_CARLOS) > 3)) do
bh04.lua, line 757: while (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_CARLOS) > 3) and ((not IN_COOP) or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_CARLOS) > 3)) do
bh05.lua, line 404: if (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_JESSICA) <= 4) then
bh05.lua, line 405: if (coop_is_active() and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_JESSICA) <= 4) then
bh05.lua, line 417: elseif (coop_is_active() and get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHAR_JESSICA) <= 4) then
bh10.lua, line 520: if not character_is_dead(npc) and (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, npc) < Saints_max_distance or character_is_in_vehicle(npc)) then
tss02.lua, line 219: local local_dist = get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHARACTER_GAT)
tss02.lua, line 220: local remote_dist = get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHARACTER_GAT)
tss03.lua, line 581: if ((get_dist_char_to_char(human, LOCAL_PLAYER) < 25.0) and los_check(human, LOCAL_PLAYER)) then
tss03.lua, line 591: if ((get_dist_char_to_char(human, REMOTE_PLAYER) < 25.0) and los_check(human, REMOTE_PLAYER)) then
tss03_demo.lua, line 548: if ((get_dist_char_to_char(human, LOCAL_PLAYER) < 25.0) and los_check(human, LOCAL_PLAYER)) then
tss04.lua, line 479: if (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, Tss04_3_phase_table[i][CHARACTER_INDEX]) < LT_ACTIVATION_DISTANCE) then
tss04.lua, line 482: if (get_dist_char_to_char(REMOTE_PLAYER, Tss04_3_phase_table[i][CHARACTER_INDEX]) < LT_ACTIVATION_DISTANCE) then
tss04.lua, line 505: if (get_dist_char_to_char(LOCAL_PLAYER, REMOTE_PLAYER) > 8.0) then
get_dist_char_to_nav |
true |
1 |
70bh01.lua, line 519: while get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, WATERCRAFT_1) > 150 do
bh01.lua, line 706: if ( get_dist_char_to_nav( LOCAL_PLAYER, navpoint_name ) < distance ) then
bh01.lua, line 717: if ( coop_is_active() and get_dist_char_to_nav( REMOTE_PLAYER, navpoint_name ) < distance ) then
bh03.lua, line 632: if ( get_dist_char_to_nav( LOCAL_PLAYER, nav ) < distance ) then
bh03.lua, line 635: if ( coop_is_active() and get_dist_char_to_nav( REMOTE_PLAYER, nav ) < distance ) then
bh05.lua, line 342: while ((get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_BANK) > 15) and ((not coop_is_active()) or get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_BANK) > 15)) do
bh05.lua, line 342: while ((get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_BANK) > 15) and ((not coop_is_active()) or get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_BANK) > 15)) do
bh05.lua, line 812: if ((get_dist_char_to_nav(Player_with_jessica_as_follower, TRIGGER_TRUNK) <= 2) ) then
bh05.lua, line 818: if ((get_dist_char_to_nav(CHAR_JESSICA, TRIGGER_TRUNK) <= 2) and (bh05_jessica_in_human_shield())) then
bh07.lua, line 417: (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_LT_COORD) > 25) and
bh07.lua, line 418: (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_LT_STORE) > 25) and
bh07.lua, line 419: (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHAR_LT_SWAT) > 25) do
bh09.lua, line 346: if get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) < distance_meters then
bh09.lua, line 349: if ( IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) < distance_meters ) then
bh09.lua, line 422: (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > SHIP_DISTANCE) do
bh09.lua, line 439: while (Ultor_killed == 0) and (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > SHIP_DISTANCE)
bh09.lua, line 440: and (not IN_COOP or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > SHIP_DISTANCE)) do
bh09.lua, line 622: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, TRIGGER_AK47_AMMO) < 3) and player_button_just_pressed(3) then
bh09.lua, line 637: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, TRIGGER_RPG_AMMO) < 3) and player_button_just_pressed(3) then
bh09.lua, line 716: while (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > SHIP_DISTANCE)
bh09.lua, line 717: and (not IN_COOP or (IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > SHIP_DISTANCE)) do
bh09.lua, line 1062: if get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > distance_meters then
bh09.lua, line 1070: while get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > distance_meters do
bh09.lua, line 1078: if IN_COOP and get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > distance_meters then
bh09.lua, line 1086: while get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, NAV_SHIP) > distance_meters do
bh10.lua, line 550: if not character_is_dead(LOS_DUMMIES[i-1]) and not los_check(LOCAL_PLAYER, LOS_DUMMIES[i-1]) and get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, LOS_DUMMIES[i-1]) > 75 then
bh10.lua, line 700: while ((get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, waypoint) > 5) and ((not IN_COOP) or get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, waypoint) > 5)) do
bh10.lua, line 700: while ((get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, waypoint) > 5) and ((not IN_COOP) or get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, waypoint) > 5)) do
em01.lua, line 634: local local_player = get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHURCH_LEASH_INSIDE)
em01.lua, line 638: remote_player = get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHURCH_LEASH_INSIDE)
em01.lua, line 919: local local_player = get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, CHURCH_LEASH_INSIDE)
em01.lua, line 923: remote_player = get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, CHURCH_LEASH_INSIDE)
ep02.lua, line 606: while not (all_characters_in_vehicle() and get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, NAV_ESCAPE_FINISH) <= 5) do
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 251: local closest_dist = 2000 --get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, navpoint_names[1] )
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 259: cur_dist = get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, nav_name )
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 657: local closest_dist = 2000 --get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, navpoint_names[1] )
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 664: cur_dist = get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, nav_name )
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 281: if get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, last_fish_group) < distance_from_fish then
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 287: if get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, last_fish_group) < distance_from_fish then
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 407: if get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, "sh_ss_fishingdock_$tRadius") < 60 then
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 412: if get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, "sh_ss_fishingdock_$tRadius") < 60 then
ss01.lua, line 1184: local closest_dist = get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, navpoint_names[1] )
ss01.lua, line 1188: local cur_dist = get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, nav_name )
ss02.lua, line 522: distance = get_dist_char_to_nav( LOCAL_PLAYER, PRISON_ISLAND_LOCATION )
ss02.lua, line 906: local distance_from_prison = get_dist_char_to_nav( LAURA_NAME, MAIN_ENTRANCE_TRIGGER_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 909: distance_from_prison = get_dist_char_to_nav( LAURA_NAME, MAIN_ENTRANCE_TRIGGER_NAME )
ss04.lua, line 582: while ( get_dist_char_to_nav( REMOTE_PLAYER, ON_TRACK_POST_CT_WARP_REMOTE ) > 10 ) do
ss04.lua, line 804: until ( get_dist_char_to_nav( LOCAL_PLAYER, STOCKS_ENTRANCE ) > 100 )
ss04.lua, line 857: until ( get_dist_char_to_nav( SHAUNDI_NAME, FLOOR_LEASH_LOCATION ) < FLOOR_LEASH_RADIUS_METERS - 1 )
ss06.lua, line 1455: local warp_point_distance = get_dist_char_to_nav( player_without_shaundi, PIERCE_SPAWN_LOCATIONS[warp_point_index] )
ss06.lua, line 1459: local cur_point_distance = get_dist_char_to_nav( player_without_shaundi, location_name )
ss08.lua, line 1188: while ( get_dist_char_to_nav( PIERCE_NAME, SAINTS_HQ ) > TO_HQ_WIN_DISTANCE_METERS ) do
ss08.lua, line 1201: local distance = get_dist_char_to_nav( LOCAL_PLAYER, DRUG_TRUCK )
ss08.lua, line 1210: distance = get_dist_char_to_nav( REMOTE_PLAYER, DRUG_TRUCK )
ss11.lua, line 1394: local closest_distance = get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, navpoints[1] )
ss11.lua, line 1396: local cur_dist = get_dist_char_to_nav( character_name, name )
tss01.lua, line 1327: local local_close_to_back = (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, BACK_DOOR_POS) < 9.0)
tss01.lua, line 1328: local local_close_to_front = (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, FRONT_DOOR_POS) < 11.0)
tss01.lua, line 1333: remote_close_to_back = (get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, BACK_DOOR_POS) < 9.0)
tss01.lua, line 1334: remote_close_to_front = (get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, FRONT_DOOR_POS) < 11.0)
tss01.lua, line 1342: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, Tss01_door_msg[i]) < 1.5) then
tss01.lua, line 1350: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, Tss01_door_msg[i]) < 1.5) then
tss02.lua, line 813: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, TRIGGER_COURTHOUSE_ENTER) < dist) then
tss02.lua, line 819: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, TRIGGER_COURTHOUSE_ENTER) < dist) then
tss02.lua, line 888: local_player = (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, BROTHERHOOD_VEHICLE) > dist)
tss02.lua, line 890: remote_player = (get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, BROTHERHOOD_VEHICLE) > dist)
tss04.lua, line 432: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, human) < dist) then
tss04.lua, line 435: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, human) < dist) then
tss04.lua, line 751: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(LOCAL_PLAYER, human) < dist) then
tss04.lua, line 754: if (get_dist_char_to_nav(REMOTE_PLAYER, human) < dist) then
get_dist_char_to_vehicle |
true |
1 |
10bh02.lua, line 563: get_dist_char_to_vehicle(CHAR_DONNIE, Current_bomb_target) > DROPOFF_DISTANCE ) do
bh02.lua, line 567: ( get_dist_char_to_vehicle(CHAR_DONNIE, Current_bomb_target) < 80) ) then
bh08.lua, line 904: if (not vehicle_is_destroyed(boat)) and (get_dist_char_to_vehicle(LOCAL_PLAYER, boat) <= 100) then
bh09.lua, line 528: local dist_to_heli = get_dist_char_to_vehicle( member_name, attack_heli )
em01.lua, line 1648: local_close_enough = (get_dist_char_to_vehicle(LOCAL_PLAYER, JULIUS_VEHICLE) <= 10.0)
em01.lua, line 1650: remote_close_enough = (get_dist_char_to_vehicle(REMOTE_PLAYER, JULIUS_VEHICLE) <= 10.0)
ep03.lua, line 433: ( get_current_hit_points(boat) > BOAT_HEALTH_THRESHOLD or get_dist_char_to_vehicle(LOCAL_PLAYER, boat) > BOAT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD ) ) do
ss05.lua, line 1284: local cur_char_dist_to_vehicle = get_dist_char_to_vehicle( character_name, LAB_FOUR_ESCAPE_VEHICLE )
tss04.lua, line 1076: if (not local_player and get_dist_char_to_vehicle(LOCAL_PLAYER, LOCAL_TOWED_VEHICLE) < 20.0) then
tss04.lua, line 1082: if (not remote_player and get_dist_char_to_vehicle(REMOTE_PLAYER, REMOTE_TOWED_VEHICLE) < 20.0) then
get_dist_closest_player_to_object |
true |
1 |
104bh02.lua, line 832: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( CHAR_DONNIE )
bh03.lua, line 398: local closest_dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( GOO_PREFIX.."1" )
bh03.lua, line 402: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( goo_location )
bh03.lua, line 520: until Geiger_player ~= "" or get_dist_closest_player_to_object(WEAPON_STORE) < WEAPON_STORE_MESSAGE_RADIUS
bh03.lua, line 661: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( NAVPOINT_NUKE_ISLAND )
bh03.lua, line 1236: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( cur_heli )
bh04.lua, line 534: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHAR_DONNIE)
bh04.lua, line 536: dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHAR_DONNIE)
bh04.lua, line 681: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(BERGEN)
bh05.lua, line 279: local distance, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( CHAR_JESSICA )
bh06.lua, line 273: while ( (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK) > 100) and
bh06.lua, line 299: local close_enough = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK) < 10
bh07.lua, line 372: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(nav)
bh07.lua, line 374: dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(nav)
bh07.lua, line 387: and (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHAR_LT_COORD) > 25)
bh07.lua, line 388: and (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHAR_LT_STORE) > 25)
bh07.lua, line 389: and (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHAR_LT_SWAT) > 25)
bh07.lua, line 449: dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEH_FIREBOMBER)
bh07.lua, line 600: if (not heli_launched) and (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHAR_LT_SWAT) <= SWAT_HELI_LAUNCH_DISTANCE) then
bh07.lua, line 647: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEH_SWAT_HELI)
bh07.lua, line 790: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(NAV_OBJ_STORE)
bh07.lua, line 907: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(npc)
bh07.lua, line 916: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(npc)
bh07.lua, line 1055: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(npc)
bh07.lua, line 1142: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEH_COORD)
bh08.lua, line 286: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(char)
bh08.lua, line 373: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(cruiser)
bh10.lua, line 1084: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(dest_navp)
bh11.lua, line 609: local distance, target_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( MONSTER_TRUCK )
ep01.lua, line 1176: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_SHAUNDI_VAN)
ep01.lua, line 1251: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_SHAUNDI_VAN)
ep01.lua, line 1627: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(goon)
ep01.lua, line 1649: dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(goon)
ep03.lua, line 207: while ( get_dist_closest_player_to_object( NAV_YACHT ) > YACHT_RADIUS ) do
ep04.lua, line 377: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( ENEMY_ATTACK_HELICOPTER )
ep04.lua, line 636: farthest_dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( VOGEL_FLEE_POINTS[1] )
ep04.lua, line 640: local cur_point_dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( cur_flee_point )
ep04.lua, line 651: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( VOGEL_NAME )
rn02.lua, line 889: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHARACTER_CLOTHING_DEALER)
rn02.lua, line 968: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_WEAPON_DEALER)
rn02.lua, line 1315: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(Current_dealer)
rn03.lua, line 480: dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(first_bike)
rn03.lua, line 831: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(bike)
rn04.lua, line 695: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(vehicle)
rn04.lua, line 1528: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(navpoint)
rn05.lua, line 1027: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_RONIN_BIKE)
rn05.lua, line 1147: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(Escape_vehicle)
rn05.lua, line 1220: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(Escape_vehicle)
rn09.lua, line 568: dist, Player_shogo_fleeing = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_SHOGO_MOTORCYCLE)
rn09.lua, line 609: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_SHOGO_MOTORCYCLE)
rn10.lua, line 1099: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(ronin)
rn10.lua, line 1492: if (rn10_navpoint_in_fov(ronin, 1.5) or (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(ronin) < min_dist)) then
rn10.lua, line 1497: if (rn10_navpoint_in_fov(saint, 1.5) or (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(saint) < min_dist)) then
rn10.lua, line 1655: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( npc)
rn11.lua, line 728: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(heli_name)
rn11.lua, line 950: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(Escape_vehicle)
rn11.lua, line 1172: local dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_SPEEDBOAT1)
rn11.lua, line 1230: speedboat1_dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_SPEEDBOAT1)
rn11.lua, line 1233: speedboat2_dist = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(VEHICLE_SPEEDBOAT2)
rn11.lua, line 1642: local dist, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(navpoint)
ss01.lua, line 1020: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
ss04.lua, line 647: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( SHAUNDI_NAME )
ss04.lua, line 671: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( VETERAN_CHILD_NAME )
ss04.lua, line 792: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
ss04.lua, line 1079: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
ss05.lua, line 1016: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( LAB_ONE_LOCATION_TRIGGER )
ss05.lua, line 1343: distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( LAB_FOUR_ESCAPEE_TECH )
ss05.lua, line 1534: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( name )
ss05.lua, line 1741: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( LAB_THREE_AFTER_LAB_ATTACK_VEHICLE )
ss06.lua, line 744: local distance, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
ss06.lua, line 800: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( squad_members[1] )
ss06.lua, line 865: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( FINAL_ATTACK_MEMBER_NAMES[1] )
ss06.lua, line 1343: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( SHAUNDI_NAME )
ss06.lua, line 1516: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
ss06.lua, line 1945: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
ss08.lua, line 1027: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( junkie_name )
ss08.lua, line 1324: -- distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( driver )
ss09.lua, line 241: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME )
ss09.lua, line 422: local distance, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( defender_name )
ss09.lua, line 462: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( name )
ss09.lua, line 479: local distance, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( name )
ss09.lua, line 579: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME )
ss09.lua, line 618: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME )
ss10.lua, line 608: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( name )
ss10.lua, line 753: distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( REPAIR_MAN_NAME )
ss10.lua, line 1559: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(member)
ss10.lua, line 1580: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(member)
ss11.lua, line 924: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
ss11.lua, line 938: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( member_name )
ss11.lua, line 1049: local distance, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( GENERALS_RIDE )
ss11.lua, line 1487: local distance, player_name = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( GENERALS_RIDE )
tss01.lua, line 872: local dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHARACTER_DOCTOR)
tss01.lua, line 878: dist,player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(CHARACTER_DOCTOR)
tss01.lua, line 1886: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object("tss01_$bullhorn_1")
tss01.lua, line 1907: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(heli)
tss01.lua, line 1958: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(heli)
tss01.lua, line 4258: or (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(Tss01_waypoints[12]) > teleport_distance)
tss02.lua, line 845: while (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(TRIGGER_COURTHOUSE_ENTER) > dist) do
tss02.lua, line 861: while( (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(reporter)>75) and (get_dist_closest_player_to_object(cameraman)>75) ) do
tss02.lua, line 1136: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(cop)
tss02.lua, line 1220: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object("tss02_$cop27")
tss02.lua, line 1232: local dist, player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object("tss02_$cop27")
tss03.lua, line 986: local dist_can_show = get_dist_closest_player_to_object(bum) > 8
ug_lib.lua, line 490: local distance, closest_player = get_dist_closest_player_to_object( npc_name )
get_dist_mover_to_nav |
true |
1 |
get_dist_vehicle_to_mover |
true |
1 |
get_dist_vehicle_to_nav |
true |
1 |
12bh05.lua, line 935: while (get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(VEH_JESSICAS_CAR, TRIGGER_ARENA) > 10) do
bh06.lua, line 475: while get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK, NAV_ARENA) > 10 do
bh06.lua, line 539: while (get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK, NAV_AMBUSH_BIKE_TRIG) > 60) do
bh06.lua, line 549: while (get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK, NAV_AMBUSH_PATH[1]) > 40) do
bh06.lua, line 564: while (get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK, NAV_AMBUSH_MOUNTAIN_TRIG) > 40) do
bh08.lua, line 410: if (not vehicle_is_destroyed(bus)) and (get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(bus, NAV_BUS_DEST) < 5) then
bh08.lua, line 516: local dist = get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(bus, NAV_BUS_DEST)
bh08.lua, line 555: local dist = get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(boat, NAV_BOAT_DEST)
bh08.lua, line 930: if (not vehicle_is_destroyed(boat)) and (get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(boat, NAV_BOAT_DEST) < BOAT_DESTINATION_DISTANCE) then
bh09.lua, line 930: while (get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(boat, goal) > 10) do
ep03.lua, line 382: while ((get_dist_vehicle_to_nav(ULTOR_GETAWAY_BOAT, NAV_ULTOR_SAFETY) > 10) and not character_is_dead(CHAR_FINAL_EXEC)) do
ss03.lua, line 1161: if ( get_dist_vehicle_to_nav( vehicle_name, MP.."Near_Dropoff_Points" ) > 13.1 ) then
get_dpad_image |
true |
1 |
get_dpad_lr_image |
true |
1 |
get_dpad_ud_image |
true |
1 |
get_frame_time |
true |
29bh02.lua, line 696: Bomb_countdown_timer = Bomb_countdown_timer - get_frame_time()
bh02.lua, line 854: Bomb_countdown_timer = Bomb_countdown_timer - get_frame_time()
bh03.lua, line 1677: time_since_alert = time_since_alert + get_frame_time()
bh04.lua, line 667: Next_los_check[player] = Next_los_check[player] - get_frame_time()
bh04.lua, line 695: Bergen_slowed_time = Bergen_slowed_time + get_frame_time()
bh04.lua, line 821: Carlos_health_pct = Carlos_health_pct - (CARLOS_DEATH_SPEED * get_frame_time())
bh05.lua, line 402: message_time = message_time + get_frame_time()
bh05.lua, line 403: message_time_remote = message_time_remote + get_frame_time()
bh05.lua, line 1066: Escaping_time = Escaping_time + get_frame_time()
bh06.lua, line 664: phase_time = phase_time + get_frame_time()
bh07.lua, line 1028: unattacked_time = unattacked_time + get_frame_time()
bh07.lua, line 1182: phase_time = phase_time + get_frame_time()
bh10.lua, line 1175: local frame_time = get_frame_time()
bh10.lua, line 1231: delayed_target_update_time = delayed_target_update_time + get_frame_time()
bh10.lua, line 1545: phase_time = phase_time + get_frame_time()
rn01.lua, line 876: cumulative_time_s = cumulative_time_s + get_frame_time()
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 337: time = time + get_frame_time()
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 392: time = time + get_frame_time()
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 377: time = time + hud_timer_get_remainder() --get_frame_time()
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 142: time = time + get_frame_time()
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 183: time = time + get_frame_time()
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 585: time = time + get_frame_time()
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 627: time = time + get_frame_time()
ss04.lua, line 1010: local time_elapsed = get_frame_time()
ss05.lua, line 754: local frametime = get_frame_time()
ss06.lua, line 1028: local time_elapsed = get_frame_time()
ss08.lua, line 1578: where_is_pierce_time_seconds = where_is_pierce_time_seconds - get_frame_time()
system_lib.lua, line 115: elapsed_time = elapsed_time + get_frame_time()
tss02.lua, line 517: Tss02_message_delay_s = Tss02_message_delay_s - get_frame_time()
get_frame_time_real |
true |
1 |
get_game_play_mode |
true |
5 |
get_game_time |
true |
1 |
get_height |
true |
2 |
get_is_coop_client |
true |
1 |
get_is_custom_game |
true |
2 |
get_is_host |
true |
41multi_pause_menu.lua, line 28: if get_is_host() then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 176: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 187: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 235: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 314: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 327: if get_is_host() then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 407: if get_is_host() then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 432: if get_is_host() then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 526: --if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 597: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 612: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 625: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 638: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 651: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 666: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 680: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 694: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 712: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 730: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 744: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 759: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 772: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 787: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 822: if get_is_host() and get_is_syslink() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 841: if get_is_host() then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 868: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 888: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 900: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 911: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 939: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 952: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 963: if get_is_host() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 983: if get_is_host() then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 1069: if get_is_host() then
pause_menu.lua, line 257: if get_is_host() == false then
pause_menu.lua, line 1709: if get_is_host() == false then
pause_menu.lua, line 5611: if get_is_host() then
pause_menu.lua, line 5618: if get_is_host() then
pause_menu.lua, line 5630: if result == 0 and get_is_host() then
pause_menu.lua, line 5643: if get_is_host() then
pause_menu.lua, line 5691: if get_is_host() then
get_is_matchmaking |
true |
8 |
get_is_strongarm |
true |
4 |
get_is_syslink |
true |
10mp_completion.lua, line 584: if get_is_syslink() == false then
mp_completion.lua, line 1637: if get_is_syslink() then
mp_lobby_players.lua, line 87: if get_is_syslink() == false then
mp_scoreboard.lua, line 167: if get_is_syslink() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 44: if get_is_syslink() then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 822: if get_is_host() and get_is_syslink() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 857: if get_is_syslink() == false then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 1017: if get_is_syslink() then
pause_menu.lua, line 4530: if get_is_syslink() then
pause_menu.lua, line 5696: elseif is_signed_in() and is_connected_to_service() and user_has_online_privlage() and get_is_syslink() == false then
get_is_team_game |
true |
1 |
get_is_tutorial |
true |
1 |
get_language |
true |
17city_load.lua, line 272: if get_language() == "JP" then
completion.lua, line 422: if get_language() ~= "US" and get_language() ~= "UK" then
completion.lua, line 422: if get_language() ~= "US" and get_language() ~= "UK" then
completion.lua, line 2139: if get_language() ~= "US" and get_language() ~= "UK" then
completion.lua, line 2139: if get_language() ~= "US" and get_language() ~= "UK" then
credits.lua, line 62: if get_language() == "JP" then
credits.lua, line 66: elseif get_language() == "SK" then
credits.lua, line 316: if get_language() == "JP" then
credits.lua, line 320: elseif get_language() == "SK" then
credits.lua, line 358: if get_language() == "JP" then
credits.lua, line 373: elseif get_language() == "SK" then
credits.lua, line 431: if get_language() == "JP" then
hud_btnmash.lua, line 10: Hud_btnmash.handles.language = get_language()
hud_gsi.lua, line 343: local language = get_language()
main_menu.lua, line 166: local language = get_language()
main_menu.lua, line 222: if get_language() == "JP" then
mm_wireless.lua, line 24: local language = get_language()
get_lb_button |
true |
1 |
get_left_right |
true |
1 |
get_left_trigger |
true |
1 |
get_lt_button |
true |
1 |
get_max_hit_points |
true |
57bh03.lua, line 977: local before_damage_percent = get_current_hit_points( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER ) / get_max_hit_points( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER )
bh03.lua, line 1577: local max_hp = get_max_hit_points( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER )
bh09.lua, line 803: local cur_max_boat_hp = get_max_hit_points( boat )
bh10.lua, line 869: local new_hit_points = damage_percent * get_max_hit_points(player)
bh10.lua, line 1503: local new_hit_points = damage_percent * get_max_hit_points(CHAR_MAERO)
bh11.lua, line 153: local max_hit_points = get_max_hit_points( attacked_object_name )
bh11.lua, line 281: local max_hp = get_max_hit_points(MONSTER_TRUCK)
bh11.lua, line 318: local new_hp = get_max_hit_points( vehicle ) * Tribal_vehicle_health_multiplier
bh11.lua, line 560: local hit_points_damage_done = percent_damage_done * get_max_hit_points( CHAR_MAERO )
bh11.lua, line 571: local standard_hit_points = get_max_hit_points(MONSTER_TRUCK)
em01.lua, line 1888: local last_percentage = get_current_hit_points(JULIUS_VEHICLE) / get_max_hit_points(JULIUS_VEHICLE)
em01.lua, line 1895: percentage = get_current_hit_points(JULIUS_VEHICLE) / get_max_hit_points(JULIUS_VEHICLE)
ep04.lua, line 473: local car_cur_max_hp = get_max_hit_points( STARTER_CAR_NAME )
ep04.lua, line 662: local cur_damage_percent = get_current_hit_points( VOGEL_NAME ) / get_max_hit_points( VOGEL_NAME )
ep04.lua, line 689: local max_hp = get_max_hit_points( VOGEL_NAME )
ep04.lua, line 888: local max_hp = get_max_hit_points( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME )
ep04.lua, line 902: local cur_limo_hp_percent = ( get_current_hit_points( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME ) / get_max_hit_points( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME ) )
ep04.lua, line 926: local cur_limo_max_hp = get_max_hit_points( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME )
rn02.lua, line 608: if (get_current_hit_points(VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR)/get_max_hit_points(VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR) < .8) then
rn04.lua, line 1422: local new_health = damage_percent*get_max_hit_points(ronin)
rn04.lua, line 1600: local gat_health_ratio = get_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT)/get_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT)
rn04.lua, line 1630: local health_ratio = get_current_hit_points(Rn04_vehicle_homie)/get_max_hit_points(Rn04_vehicle_homie)
rn04.lua, line 2190: local hit_points = get_max_hit_points(vehicle_homie)
rn06.lua, line 352: local enemy_hit_points = get_max_hit_points(enemy)
rn06.lua, line 677: local max_hp = get_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_JYUNICHI)
rn07.lua, line 1081: local new_hit_points = damage_percent * get_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_RPG_GUY)
rn07.lua, line 1622: local new_hit_points = damage_percent * get_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT)
rn07.lua, line 1726: local helicopter_new_hit_points = damage_percent * get_max_hit_points(helicopter)
rn07.lua, line 1727: local helicopter_old_hit_points = rn07_old_helicopter_health * get_max_hit_points(helicopter)
rn10.lua, line 1309: local new_hit_points = damage_percent * get_max_hit_points(akuji)
rn11.lua, line 1786: local max_hp = get_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_AKUJI)
rn11.lua, line 1801: local hp = get_max_hit_points(member)
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 524: hp = get_max_hit_points(trucks[b])
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 442: if (get_current_hit_points(merchants[i]) < get_max_hit_points(merchants[i])) then
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 320: real_boats_hitpoints = get_max_hit_points(real_boats[i])/5
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 141: local shack_hp = get_max_hit_points(object)
ss03.lua, line 487: local rocket_man_hit_points = get_max_hit_points(CHARACTER)
ss03.lua, line 495: local heli_hit_points = get_max_hit_points( VEHICLE )
ss03.lua, line 502: local MAX_HELI_HITPOINTS = get_max_hit_points(HELICOPTER_NAME)
ss03.lua, line 524: local new_hp = get_max_hit_points( victim_name ) * percent_hp_remaining_after_attack
ss03.lua, line 649: local helicopter_hit_points = get_max_hit_points( HELICOPTER_NAME )
ss04.lua, line 692: local cur_max_shaundi_hp = get_max_hit_points( SHAUNDI_NAME )
ss04.lua, line 867: VC_pre_hit_damage_percent = get_current_hit_points( VETERAN_CHILD_NAME ) / get_max_hit_points( VETERAN_CHILD_NAME )
ss04.lua, line 884: local vc_max_hp = get_max_hit_points( VETERAN_CHILD_NAME )
ss06.lua, line 1060: local char_max_hp = get_max_hit_points( character_name )
ss07.lua, line 291: local max_hp = get_max_hit_points( vehicle_name )
ss09.lua, line 356: local cur_health_percent = get_current_hit_points( attacked_object_name ) / get_max_hit_points( attacked_object_name )
ss09.lua, line 366: local new_hit_points = get_max_hit_points( attacked_object_name ) * new_percent_remaining
ss09.lua, line 567: local sunshine_hit_points = get_max_hit_points( LOCAL_PLAYER ) * MR_SUNSHINE_HP_MULTIPLIER
ss09.lua, line 815: local sunshine_max_hp = get_max_hit_points( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME )
ss09.lua, line 968: local sunshine_max_hit_points = get_max_hit_points( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME )
ss09.lua, line 996: local player_voodoo_damage = get_max_hit_points( player_name ) * VOODOO_DOLL_DAMAGE_PERCENT
ss11.lua, line 1042: local standard_hit_points = get_max_hit_points(GENERALS_RIDE)
ss11.lua, line 1356: local player_max_hp = get_max_hit_points( LOCAL_PLAYER )
tss01.lua, line 554: local max_hp = get_max_hit_points(player_vehicle[player])
tss01.lua, line 563: local max_hp = get_max_hit_points(new_vehicle)
tss01.lua, line 4772: local max_hit_points = get_max_hit_points(npc)
get_min_width |
true |
2 |
get_mp_is_ranked |
true |
7 |
get_mp_map_index |
true |
2 |
get_mp_mode_index |
true |
2 |
get_num_mp_variants |
true |
1 |
get_other_coop_player |
true |
1 |
get_other_sync_type |
true |
1 |
get_pending_game_play_mode |
true |
1 |
get_platform |
true |
118cellphone.lua, line 321: if get_platform() ~= "PC" then
cellphone.lua, line 1598: if get_platform() == "PS3" or menu_item.doesnt_flag_cheat == true then
completion.lua, line 2230: if get_platform() == "PS3" then
completion.lua, line 2232: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
dialog_box.lua, line 122: if get_platform() == "PC" then
dialog_box.lua, line 129: if get_platform() == "PC" then
hud_btnmash.lua, line 15: Hud_btnmash.handles.platform = get_platform()
hud_touch_combo.lua, line 57: if (get_platform() == "PS3") then
hud_touch_combo.lua, line 64: if (get_platform() == "PC") then
hud_touch_combo.lua, line 82: if (get_platform() == "PS3") then
hud_touch_combo.lua, line 89: if (get_platform() == "PC") then
main_menu.lua, line 181: if get_platform() == "PS3" then
main_menu.lua, line 434: if get_platform() == "PC" then
main_menu.lua, line 451: if get_platform() == "PC" then
main_menu.lua, line 493: if get_platform() == "PS3" then
main_menu.lua, line 504: if get_platform() == "PC" then
main_menu.lua, line 847: if get_platform() == "PC" then
main_menu.lua, line 872: if get_platform() == "PC" then
main_menu.lua, line 880: if get_platform() ~= "XBOX360" then
main_menu.lua, line 888: if get_platform() ~= "XBOX360" then
main_menu.lua, line 889: if get_platform() == "PC" then
main_menu.lua, line 901: if get_platform() ~= "XBOX360" then
main_menu.lua, line 902: if get_platform() == "PC" then
main_menu.lua, line 923: if get_platform() == "PC" then
main_menu.lua, line 933: if get_platform() ~= "XBOX360" then
main_menu.lua, line 1025: if get_platform() ~= "XBOX360" then
main_menu.lua, line 1061: if get_platform() ~= "XBOX360" then
main_menu.lua, line 1082: if get_platform() ~= "XBOX360" then
main_menu.lua, line 1095: if get_platform() ~= "XBOX360" then
main_menu.lua, line 1104: if get_platform() ~= "XBOX360" then
main_menu.lua, line 1483: if get_platform() == "PC" then
main_menu.lua, line 1493: if get_platform() == "PC" then
main_menu.lua, line 1721: if get_platform() == "PC" then
main_menu.lua, line 1733: if get_platform() == "PC" then
mp_leaderboards.lua, line 34: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
mp_lobby_players.lua, line 82: if get_platform() == "PC" then
mp_player_info_popup.lua, line 146: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 20: if get_platform() ~= "XBOX360" then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 33: if get_platform() == "PC" then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 154: if get_platform() == "PC" then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 823: if get_platform() == "PC" then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 843: if get_platform() ~= "PC" then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 856: if get_platform() ~= "PC" then
multi_pause_menu.lua, line 864: if get_platform() ~= "PC" then
pause_menu.lua, line 175: if get_platform() == "PS3" then
pause_menu.lua, line 184: if get_platform() == "PC" then
pause_menu.lua, line 237: elseif is_signed_in() and get_platform() == "PC" then
pause_menu.lua, line 602: if get_platform() == "PS3" then
pause_menu.lua, line 1485: if get_platform() == "PS3" then
pause_menu.lua, line 1510: if get_platform() == "PS3" then
pause_menu.lua, line 1691: if get_platform() == "PS3" then
pause_menu.lua, line 2060: if get_platform() == "PC" then
pause_menu.lua, line 2102: if get_platform() == "PC" then
pause_menu.lua, line 2199: if get_platform() == "PS3" then
pause_menu.lua, line 5095: if get_platform() ~= "PS3" then
pause_menu.lua, line 5698: if get_platform() ~= "PC" then
pause_menu.lua, line 5704: if get_platform() == "PC" then
pause_menu.lua, line 5716: if get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 301: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 303: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 311: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 320: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 322: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 324: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 333: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 335: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 342: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 350: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 352: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 354: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 362: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 364: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 366: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 374: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 376: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 378: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 386: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 388: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 390: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 398: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 400: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 402: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 410: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 412: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 414: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 422: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 424: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 426: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 434: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 436: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 438: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 446: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 448: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 450: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 458: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 460: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 462: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 470: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 472: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 474: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 482: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 484: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 486: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 496: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 498: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 500: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 504: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 506: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 508: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 517: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 519: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 521: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 529: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 531: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 533: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
vint_lib.lua, line 541: if get_platform() == "XBOX360" then
vint_lib.lua, line 543: elseif get_platform() == "PS3" then
vint_lib.lua, line 545: elseif get_platform() == "PC" then
get_player_respect |
true |
1 |
get_ps3_button_swap |
true |
2 |
get_rb_button |
true |
1 |
get_right_stick |
true |
1 |
get_right_trigger |
true |
1 |
get_rt_button |
true |
1 |
get_up_down |
true |
1 |
get_vehicle_speed |
true |
8 |
get_width |
true |
6 |
get_x_button |
true |
1 |
get_y_button |
true |
1 |
group_create |
true |
1 |
431ai_test.lua, line 13: group_create(GROUP_ONE, true)
ai_test.lua, line 25: --group_create(GROUP_TWO, true)
bh01.lua, line 180: group_create(group, true)
bh01.lua, line 199: group_create(GROUP_BOATS, true)
bh01.lua, line 200: group_create(GROUP_GETAWAY_CAR, true)
bh01.lua, line 201: group_create(GROUP_CAVERN_POLICE_2, true)
bh01.lua, line 281: group_create(GROUP_BOATS, false)
bh01.lua, line 282: group_create(GROUP_GETAWAY_CAR, false)
bh01.lua, line 491: group_create(GROUP_POLICE_HELI, true)
bh01.lua, line 492: group_create(GROUP_POLICE_BOATS, true)
bh01.lua, line 493: group_create(GROUP_POLICE_BOAT_DRIVERS, true)
bh01.lua, line 571: group_create(GROUP_ROADBLOCKS, true)
bh02.lua, line 388: group_create(GROUP_GANG_SPAWN_2a, true)
bh02.lua, line 396: group_create(GROUP_GANG_SPAWN_3a, true)
bh02.lua, line 402: group_create(GROUP_GANG_SPAWN_1, true)
bh02.lua, line 428: group_create(GROUP_GANG_SPAWN_2b, true)
bh02.lua, line 464: -- group_create(GROUP_GANG_ROADBLOCKS, true)
bh02.lua, line 495: group_create(GROUP_GANG_INTERMEDIATE, true)
bh02.lua, line 1024: group_create(GROUP_GANG_SPAWN_3b, true)
bh03.lua, line 411: group_create(GROUP_GOO_GUARDS[closest_index], true)
bh03.lua, line 492: group_create( GROUP_START_VEHICLE_COOP, true )
bh03.lua, line 494: group_create(GROUP_START_VEHICLE, true)
bh03.lua, line 495: group_create(GROUP_EXTRA_BOATS, true)
bh03.lua, line 557: group_create(GROUP_ISLAND_PATROL01, true)
bh03.lua, line 565: group_create(GROUP_ISLAND_GUARDS, true)
bh03.lua, line 752: group_create(GROUP_END_VEHICLE, true)
bh03.lua, line 1001: group_create( HELIPAD_INITIAL_GUARDS_GROUP, true )
bh03.lua, line 1132: group_create( cur_group, true )
bh03.lua, line 1509: group_create(GROUP_POLICE_BOATS, true)
bh03.lua, line 1538: group_create(GROUP_POLICE_SHOOTERS, true)
bh03.lua, line 2002: group_create(GROUP_GOO, true)
bh03.lua, line 2026: group_create(GROUP_GOO_GUARDS[Goo_index], true)
bh04.lua, line 238: group_create(GROUP_DONNIE_CAR, true)
bh04.lua, line 244: group_create(GROUP_COURTESY_CAR, true)
bh04.lua, line 246: group_create(GROUP_COURTESY_CAR_COOP, true)
bh04.lua, line 264: group_create(GROUP_DONNIE, true)
bh04.lua, line 266: group_create(GROUP_DONNIE_CAR, true)
bh04.lua, line 268: group_create(GROUP_DONNIE_COOP, true)
bh04.lua, line 582: group_create(GROUP_RAGDOLL, true)
bh05.lua, line 216: group_create( group_name, true )
bh05.lua, line 259: group_create(GROUP_JESSICAS_CAR, true)
bh05.lua, line 302: group_create(GROUP_BANK, true)
bh05.lua, line 313: group_create(GROUP_BANK_COOP, true)
bh05.lua, line 359: group_create(GROUP_BANK_COOP, true)
bh05.lua, line 714: group_create(GROUP_BANK_OUTSIDE, true)
bh05.lua, line 929: group_create(GROUP_ARENA, true)
bh05.lua, line 1027: group_create(GROUP_SWAT, true)
bh06.lua, line 135: group_create(group, true)
bh06.lua, line 199: group_create("bh06_$Gtruck_test", true)
bh06.lua, line 316: group_create(GROUP_PARCEL_TRUCK, true)
bh06.lua, line 514: group_create(GROUP_AMBUSH_BIKE, true)
bh06.lua, line 515: group_create(GROUP_AMBUSH, true)
bh06.lua, line 516: group_create(GROUP_AMBUSH_MOUNTAIN, true)
bh07.lua, line 346: group_create(GROUP_COURTESY_CAR, true)
bh07.lua, line 348: group_create(GROUP_COURTESY_CAR_COOP, true)
bh07.lua, line 439: group_create(GROUP_FIREBOMBERS, true)
bh07.lua, line 441: group_create(GROUP_FIREBOMBERS_COOP, true)
bh07.lua, line 539: group_create(GROUP_PRISONERS, true)
bh07.lua, line 546: group_create(GROUP_PRISONERS_COOP, true)
bh07.lua, line 775: group_create(GROUP_THE_STORE, true)
bh07.lua, line 777: group_create(GROUP_THE_STORE_COOP, true)
bh07.lua, line 1071: group_create(GROUP_COORDINATOR, true)
bh07.lua, line 1073: group_create(GROUP_COORDINATOR_COOP, true)
bh08.lua, line 164: group_create(group, true)
bh08.lua, line 670: group_create(GROUP_BOATS, true)
bh08.lua, line 671: group_create(GROUP_PLAYER_VEHICLES, true)
bh08.lua, line 673: group_create(GROUP_PLAYER_VEHICLES_COOP, true)
bh08.lua, line 724: group_create(group, true)
bh08.lua, line 1018: group_create(GROUP_BOATS, true)
bh09.lua, line 296: group_create(GROUP_START_COOP, true)
bh09.lua, line 298: group_create(GROUP_START, true)
bh09.lua, line 316: group_create(GROUP_START, true)
bh09.lua, line 319: group_create( GROUP_START_COOP, true )
bh09.lua, line 399: group_create(GROUP_ULTOR, true)
bh09.lua, line 786: group_create( GROUPS_WAVES[wave_index], true )
bh09.lua, line 1272: group_create(GROUP_COURTESY_HELI, true)
bh10.lua, line 282: group_create(group, true)
bh10.lua, line 412: group_create(GROUP_MAERO, true)
bh10.lua, line 428: group_create(GROUP_SAINTS[1], true)
bh10.lua, line 431: group_create(group, true)
bh10.lua, line 485: group_create(group)
bh10.lua, line 572: group_create(GROUP_SAINTS[CAR_NUM], true)
bh10.lua, line 605: group_create(GROUP_STANDARD_LIEUTENANTS, true)
bh10.lua, line 606: group_create(GROUP_ROCKET_LIEUTENANTS, true)
bh10.lua, line 677: -- group_create(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_SOLDIERS, true)
bh10.lua, line 690: -- group_create(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_FLOOR_1, true)
bh10.lua, line 691: -- group_create(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_FLOOR_2, true)
bh10.lua, line 692: -- group_create(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_FLOOR_3, true)
bh10.lua, line 693: -- group_create(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_FLOOR_4, true)
bh10.lua, line 716: group_create(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_FLOOR_1, true)
bh10.lua, line 720: group_create(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_FLOOR_2, true)
bh10.lua, line 724: group_create(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_FLOOR_3, true)
bh10.lua, line 731: group_create(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_FLOOR_4, true)
bh10.lua, line 735: group_create(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_FLOOR_5, true)
bh10.lua, line 833: group_create(GROUP_MAERO, true)
bh10.lua, line 886: group_create(GROUP_GRENADES)
bh11.lua, line 200: group_create(GROUP_MAERO, true)
bh11.lua, line 201: group_create(GROUP_WEAPONS, true)
bh11.lua, line 202: group_create(GROUP_TRIBAL, true)
bh11.lua, line 205: group_create(GROUP_TRIBAL_COOP, true)
coop_test.lua, line 16: group_create( "coop_test_$G000_ghosting" )
em01.lua, line 314: group_create(GROUP_START, true)
em01.lua, line 331: group_create(GROUP_START, true)
em01.lua, line 354: group_create(GROUP_JULIUS_VEHICLE, true)
em01.lua, line 380: group_create(GROUP_STAND_A, true)
em01.lua, line 381: group_create(GROUP_STAND_B, true)
em01.lua, line 382: group_create(GROUP_ROADBLOCK, true)
ep01.lua, line 425: group_create(GROUP_SHAUNDI,true)
ep01.lua, line 431: group_create(GROUP_PIERCE,true)
ep01.lua, line 461: group_create(team_info["group"], false)
ep01.lua, line 2002: group_create(group_always, blocking)
ep01.lua, line 2004: group_create(group_coop, blocking)
ep02.lua, line 162: group_create(group, true)
ep02.lua, line 407: group_create(GROUP_ULTOR_BASE, true)
ep03.lua, line 136: group_create(GROUP_WAVECRAFT)
ep03.lua, line 138: group_create(GROUP_WAVECRAFT_COOP)
ep03.lua, line 186: group_create(GROUP_ULTOR_BOATS, true)
ep03.lua, line 191: group_create(GROUP_SECURITY, true)
ep03.lua, line 192: group_create(GROUP_PARTYGOERS, true)
ep03.lua, line 330: group_create(GROUP_FINAL_EXEC, true)
ep03.lua, line 340: group_create(GROUP_GETAWAY_BOAT, true)
ep04.lua, line 271: group_create( VOGEL_GROUP, true )
ep04.lua, line 272: group_create( VOGEL_LIMO_GROUP, true )
ep04.lua, line 273: group_create( STARTER_CAR_GROUP, true )
ep04.lua, line 275: group_create( APC_GROUP, true )
ep04.lua, line 282: group_create( VOGEL_GROUP, true )
ep04.lua, line 283: group_create( VOGEL_LIMO_GROUP, true )
ep04.lua, line 284: group_create( ATTACK_HELICOPTER_GROUP, true )
ep04.lua, line 549: group_create( SECURITY_NODE_DEFENDERS_GROUP )
fr_checkAI.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkAI.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkAP.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkAP.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkAR.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkAR.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkBA.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkBA.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkCT.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkCT.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkDK.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkDK.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkDT.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkDT.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkFA.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkFA.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkHE.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkHE.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkMA.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkMA.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkMU.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkMU.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkPR.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkPR.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkSE.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkSE.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkSR.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkSR.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkSU.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkSU.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
fr_checkTY.lua, line 20: group_create(GROUP2, true)
fr_checkTY.lua, line 21: group_create(GROUP1, true)
rn01.lua, line 296: group_create(group, true)
rn01.lua, line 483: group_create(GROUP_CASINO_GUARDS, true)
rn01.lua, line 490: group_create(GROUP_COOP_CASINO_GUARDS, true)
rn02.lua, line 265: group_create(group, true)
rn02.lua, line 419: group_create(GROUP_TURRET, true)
rn02.lua, line 1272: group_create(group_dealer, true)
rn02.lua, line 1364: group_create(complication_info["group"])
rn02.lua, line 1758: group_create(group_always, blocking)
rn02.lua, line 1760: group_create(group_coop, blocking)
rn03.lua, line 338: group_create(GROUP_PLAYER_BIKE_1, true)
rn03.lua, line 340: group_create(GROUP_PLAYER_BIKE_2, true)
rn04.lua, line 483: group_create(GROUP_CHASE_0, true)
rn04.lua, line 613: group_create(GROUP_GAT, true)
rn04.lua, line 620: group_create(GROUP_CHASE_0, true)
rn04.lua, line 1692: group_create(complication["group"])
rn05.lua, line 322: group_create(group, true)
rn05.lua, line 434: group_create(GROUP_RONIN_GATE_C1,false)
rn05.lua, line 435: group_create(GROUP_PASSENGERS_GATE_C1, false)
rn05.lua, line 436: group_create(GROUP_RONIN_LTNTS_GATE_C1, false)
rn05.lua, line 585: group_create(GROUP_RONIN_CHASE, true)
rn05.lua, line 590: group_create(GROUP_BIKES, false)
rn05.lua, line 1434: group_create(group_always, blocking)
rn05.lua, line 1436: group_create(group_coop, blocking)
rn06.lua, line 250: group_create(GROUP_START_CAR, true)
rn06.lua, line 348: group_create(GROUP_JYUNICHI,true)
rn07.lua, line 572: group_create(GROUP_HELICOPTER, true)
rn07.lua, line 573: group_create(GROUP_OUTSIDE_HOSPITAL, true)
rn07.lua, line 739: group_create(GROUP_GAT, true)
rn08.lua, line 720: group_create(GROUP_SOLDIERS_GROUND_2, false)
rn08.lua, line 723: group_create(GROUP_CIVILIANS_GROUND, false)
rn08.lua, line 743: group_create(group,true)
rn08.lua, line 838: group_create(GROUP_ARMS_DEALER, true)
rn08.lua, line 1230: group_create(GROUP_BODY_COUNT)
rn08.lua, line 1763: group_create(group_always, blocking)
rn08.lua, line 1765: group_create(group_coop, blocking)
rn09.lua, line 192: group_create(group, true)
rn09.lua, line 364: group_create(GROUP_MOTORCYCLES_SHOGO, true)
rn09.lua, line 365: group_create(GROUP_CHASE_COURTESY_CAR, true)
rn09.lua, line 482: group_create(GROUP_SHOGO, true)
rn09.lua, line 775: group_create(group_always, blocking)
rn09.lua, line 777: group_create(group_coop, blocking)
rn10.lua, line 1757: group_create(group_always, blocking)
rn10.lua, line 1759: group_create(group_coop, blocking)
rn11.lua, line 511: group_create(group,true)
rn11.lua, line 630: group_create(GROUP_LIEUTENANTS, true)
rn11.lua, line 698: group_create(GROUP_LIEUTENANTS, false)
rn11.lua, line 1824: group_create(group_always, blocking)
rn11.lua, line 1826: group_create(group_coop, blocking)
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 70: group_create("sh_bh_airport_$Gone")
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 129: group_create("sh_bh_airport_$Greinf")
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 130: group_create("sh_bh_airport_$Greinf1")
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 177: group_create("sh_bh_airport_$Greinf")
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 196: group_create("sh_bh_airport_$Greinf1")
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 67: group_create("sh_bh_apartments_$Gguards")
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 112: group_create("sh_bh_apartments_$Gseven", true)
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 166: group_create(group_names[areatracker], true)
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 335: group_create("sh_bh_apartments_$GWaveOne")
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 351: group_create("sh_bh_apartments_$GWaveTwo")
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 297: group_create(groups[i], true)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 531: group_create("sh_bh_chinatown_$GBrotherhood")
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 533: --group_create("sh_bh_chinatown_$Gpeds")
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 75: group_create("sh_bh_docks_$Ghijack")
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 212: group_create("sh_bh_docks_$Gconvoy", true)
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 213: group_create("sh_bh_docks_$GCone", true)
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 214: group_create("sh_bh_docks_$GCtwo", true)
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 215: group_create("sh_bh_docks_$Gthree", true)
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 216: group_create("sh_bh_docks_$Graodblock", true)
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 363: group_create("sh_bh_docks_$Gwaverunner4player", true)
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 440: group_create("sh_bh_docks_$Gboats",true)
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 46: group_create("sh_rn_museum_pier_$GO")
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 49: group_create("sh_rn_museum_pier_$Gt", true)
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 51: group_create("sh_rn_museum_pier_$Gb")
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 53: group_create("sh_rn_museum_pier_$Gboats")
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 59: group_create("sh_rn_museum_pier_$GRoad")
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 203: --group_create("sh_rn_museum_pier_$Gt", true)
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 342: group_create("sh_rn_museum_pier_$GLts", true)
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 374: group_create("sh_rn_museum_pier_$Gchopper")
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 35: group_create("sh_rn_rec_center_1stfloor_guards", true)
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 80: -- group_create("")
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 192: group_create("sh_rn_rec_center_casino_patrons1")
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 200: group_create("sh_rn_rec_center_captured_saint")
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 250: group_create("sh_rn_rec_center_$Gjail_guards")
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 251: group_create("sh_rn_rec_center_casino_guards1", true)
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 341: group_create("sh_rn_rec_center_casino_guards2")
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 342: group_create("sh_rn_rec_center_casino_patrons2")
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 353: group_create("sh_rn_rec_center_johns")
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 354: group_create("sh_rn_rec_center_hos")
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 400: group_create("sh_rn_rec_center_reinf1",true)
sh_rn_sciencemuseum.lua, line 34: group_create("sh_rn_sciencemuseum_$GroupOne", true)
sh_rn_sciencemuseum.lua, line 35: --group_create("sh_rn_sciencemuseum_$Gpeds", true)
sh_rn_sciencemuseum.lua, line 96: group_create("sh_rn_sciencemuseum_$GroupTwo", true)
sh_rn_sciencemuseum.lua, line 97: group_create("sh_rn_sciencemuseum_$Gpeds2", true)
sh_rn_sciencemuseum.lua, line 113: group_create("sh_rn_sciencemuseum_$GroupThree", true)
sh_rn_sciencemuseum.lua, line 114: --group_create("sh_rn_sciencemuseum_$Gpeds3", true)
sh_rn_sciencemuseum.lua, line 127: group_create("sh_rn_sciencemuseum_$GroupFour", true)
sh_rn_sciencemuseum.lua, line 128: group_create("sh_rn_sciencemuseum_$Gpeds4", true)
sh_rn_sciencemuseum.lua, line 156: group_create("sh_rn_sciencemuseum_$GReinforcements", true)
sh_rn_sciencemuseum.lua, line 247: group_create("sh_rn_sciencemuseum_$Gheli", true)
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 71: group_create("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-flr1-gang",true)
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 77: group_create("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-flr1-civ")
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 216: group_create("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-flr2-gang", true)
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 217: group_create("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-flr2-civ", true)
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 175: group_create("sh_ss_crackhouse_$G-flr2-gang", true)
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 234: group_create("sh_ss_crackhouse_$G-roof-gang", true)
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 83: group_create("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gfisingboats",true)
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 92: --group_create("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gtrucks", true)
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 121: group_create("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gbomb")
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 123: group_create("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gboatdefense")
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 124: group_create("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gone", true)
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 339: group_create("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gboatdefense")
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 368: group_create("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gtwo")
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 420: group_create("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gthree")
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 61: --group_create("sh_ss_student_union_$GRecruiters", true)
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 69: --group_create("sh_ss_student_union_$GSUPEDS", true)
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 70: group_create("sh_ss_student_union_$GGuards", true)
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 75: -- group_create("sh_ss_student_union_$Gfodder", true)
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 141: --group_create("sh_ss_student_union_$GSUGUARDS", true)
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 152: --group_create("sh_ss_student_union_$GUnion", false)
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 161: group_create("sh_ss_student_union_$GTruckNDriver")
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 177: group_create("sh_ss_student_union_$GSUGUARDS", true)
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 187: --group_create("sh_ss_student_union_$GSUGUARDS", true)
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 188: group_create("sh_ss_student_union_$Gboss", true)
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 190: group_create("sh_ss_student_union_$GSUPEDS", true)
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 258: group_create("sh_ss_student_union_$GUnion", false)
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 34: group_create("sh_ss_trailerpark_$Gweapons", true)
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 56: --group_create("sh_ss_trailerpark_$GSaintAgent", true)
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 61: group_create("sh_ss_trailerpark_$GroupFour",true)
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 65: group_create("sh_ss_trailerpark_$GroupOne",true)
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 69: group_create("sh_ss_trailerpark_$GroupTwo",true)
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 73: group_create("sh_ss_trailerpark_$GroupThree",true)
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 82: group_create("sh_ss_trailerpark_$Gweapons", true)
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 145: group_create("sh_ss_trailerpark_$Gculled")
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 229: group_create("sh_ss_trailerpark_$GLts")
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 236: group_create("sh_ss_trailerpark_$Greinf", true)
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 270: group_create("sh_ss_trailerpark_$Gdemo")
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 52: group_create("sh_tss_caverns_$GWave")
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 127: -- group_create("sh_tss_caverns_$GroupOne", true)
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 156: group_create("sh_tss_caverns_$GReOne")
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 172: group_create("sh_tss_caverns_$GRandom")
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 200: group_create("sh_tss_caverns_$GroupTwo")
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 209: group_create("sh_tss_caverns_$GroupTwo")
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 310: group_create("sh_tss_caverns_$GR1")
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 327: group_create("sh_tss_caverns_$GR2", true)
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 347: group_create("sh_tss_caverns_$GR3")
sh_tss_ugmall.lua, line 65: --group_create("sh_tss_ugmall_$GCars", true)
sh_tss_ugmall.lua, line 66: group_create("sh_tss_ugmall_$GWander", true)
sh_tss_ugmall.lua, line 185: --group_create("sh_tss_ugmall_$Gultorexecs")
sh_tss_ugmall.lua, line 226: group_create("sh_tss_ugmall_$Gultorexecs")
sh_tss_ugmall.lua, line 277: group_create("sh_tss_ugmall_$Gexectwo", true)
ss01.lua, line 216: group_create( group_name, true )
ss01.lua, line 320: group_create( group_name, true )
ss01.lua, line 325: group_create( group_name..DRUG_DEALER_GROUP_COOP_SUFFIX, true )
ss02.lua, line 698: group_create( STAIRWELL_GUARDS_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss02.lua, line 723: group_create( STAIRWELL_GUARDS_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss02.lua, line 747: group_create( ESCAPE_HELICOPTERS_GROUP_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 988: group_create( STAIRWELL_INMATES_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss02.lua, line 989: group_create( STAIRWELL_GUARDS_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss02.lua, line 997: group_create( CATWALK_GUARDS_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss02.lua, line 1005: group_create( AMBIENT_CHAOS_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss03.lua, line 357: group_create( TARGET_VEHICLES_GROUP )
ss03.lua, line 358: group_create( GROUND_DEFENDERS_GROUP )
ss03.lua, line 389: group_create( TOBIAS_GROUP, true )
ss03.lua, line 395: group_create( HELICOPTER_GROUP, true )
ss04.lua, line 329: group_create( group_name, true )
ss04.lua, line 604: group_create( AUSSIE_VETERAN_CHILD_GROUP, true )
ss04.lua, line 786: group_create( VC_BACKUP_GROUPS[group_index] )
ss05.lua, line 577: group_create( group_name, true )
ss05.lua, line 599: group_create( LAB_ONE_OUTSIDE_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 600: group_create( LAB_ONE_INSIDE_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 605: group_create( LAB_TWO_FLOOR_ONE_ATTACKERS, true )
ss05.lua, line 606: group_create( LAB_TWO_FLOOR_TWO_ATTACKERS, true )
ss05.lua, line 618: group_create( LAB_THREE_INITIAL_DEFENDERS_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 619: group_create( LAB_THREE_ENCLOSED_LAB_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 620: group_create( LAB_THREE_DEFENDERS_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 637: group_create( LAB_FOUR_OUTSIDE_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 660: group_create( LAB_FOUR_OUTSIDE_GROUP )
ss05.lua, line 966: group_create( LAB_ONE_OUTSIDE_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 967: group_create( LAB_ONE_INSIDE_GROUP, true )
ss06.lua, line 548: group_create( WAVE_GROUP..Cur_attack_wave_index, true )
ss06.lua, line 839: group_create( FINAL_ATTACK_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 910: group_create( NORTH_ROADBLOCK_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 911: group_create( SOUTH_ROADBLOCK_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 934: group_create( SHAUNDI_GROUP_NAME )
ss06.lua, line 945: group_create( ENTRANCE_REINFORCEMENTS_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 1316: group_create( SHAUNDI_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 2320: group_create( group_name, true )
ss06.lua, line 2322: group_create( group_name_coop, true )
ss07.lua, line 382: group_create( PIERCE_GROUP, true )
ss07.lua, line 386: group_create( RAIL_BOAT_GROUP, true )
ss07.lua, line 422: group_create( PIERCE_GROUP, true )
ss07.lua, line 426: group_create( RAIL_CAR_TWO_GROUP, true )
ss07.lua, line 826: group_create( HELICOPTER_GROUPS[heli_index], true )
ss08.lua, line 608: group_create( DRUG_TRUCK_GROUP, true )
ss08.lua, line 1377: group_create( group_to_load, true )
ss09.lua, line 293: group_create( group_name, true )
ss09.lua, line 309: group_create( OUTSIDE_DEFENDERS_GROUP, true )
ss09.lua, line 310: group_create( AMBIENT_CARS_GROUP, true )
ss09.lua, line 320: group_create( MR_SUNSHINE_GROUP, true )
ss09.lua, line 321: group_create( MR_SUNSHINE_DEFENDERS_GROUP, true )
ss09.lua, line 531: group_create( MR_SUNSHINE_GROUP, true )
ss09.lua, line 591: group_create( EXTRA_AMMO_GROUP )
ss09.lua, line 1036: group_create( MR_SUNSHINE_REINFORCEMENTS_GROUP )
ss10.lua, line 691: group_create( SHAUNDI_REPAIR_VARIANT_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss10.lua, line 693: group_create( HELI_SQUAD_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss10.lua, line 1323: group_create( RECEPTIONIST_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss10.lua, line 1325: group_create( name, true )
ss10.lua, line 1522: group_create( cur_location_group_name, true )
ss10.lua, line 1529: group_create( cur_coop_location_group_name, true )
ss10.lua, line 1640: group_create( wave_group, true )
ss10.lua, line 1675: group_create( SWAT_HELI_DROPOFF_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss10.lua, line 1910: group_create( REPAIR_VAN_AND_REPAIRMEN_GROUP_NAME )
ss11.lua, line 437: group_create( group_name, true )
ss11.lua, line 460: group_create( AMBUSHER_SAINTS_GROUP, true )
ss11.lua, line 462: group_create( SHAUNDI_GROUP, true )
ss11.lua, line 473: group_create( SHAUNDI_GROUP, true )
ss11.lua, line 566: group_create( THE_GENERAL_GROUP, true )
ss11.lua, line 567: group_create( GENERALS_LIMO_GROUP, true )
ss11.lua, line 568: group_create( LIMO_DEFENDERS_GROUP, true )
ss11.lua, line 569: group_create( BUS_GROUP, true )
ss11.lua, line 763: group_create( MALL_SAMEDI, true )
ss11.lua, line 995: group_create( GENERALS_RIDE_GROUP, true )
ss11.lua, line 1006: group_create( THE_GENERAL_GROUP, true )
ss11.lua, line 1007: group_create( GENERALS_RIDE_GROUP, true )
tss01.lua, line 429: group_create(group, true)
tss01.lua, line 443: --group_create(GROUP_START, true)
tss01.lua, line 706: group_create(GROUP_DOCKS, true)
tss01.lua, line 707: group_create(GROUP_ROADBLOCK, true)
tss01.lua, line 739: group_create(GROUP_HELI, true)
tss01.lua, line 740: group_create(GROUP_HELI_GUARDS, true)
tss01.lua, line 777: group_create(GROUP_TUT_FINE_AIM, true)
tss01.lua, line 822: group_create(GROUP_DOCKS, true)
tss01.lua, line 2036: group_create(GROUP_HELI, true)
tss01.lua, line 2202: group_create(GROUP_PURSUIT_GUARDS, true)
tss01.lua, line 2260: group_create(GROUP_2ND_FLOOR)
tss01.lua, line 2269: group_create(GROUP_3RD_FLOOR)
tss01.lua, line 2709: group_create(GROUP_HELI)
tss01.lua, line 3332: group_create(GROUP_COURTYARD)
tss01.lua, line 3343: group_create(GROUP_COURTYARD_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 3414: group_create(GROUP_DOCKS)
tss01.lua, line 3415: group_create(GROUP_RANDOM)
tss01.lua, line 3416: group_create(GROUP_ROADBLOCK)
tss01.lua, line 3442: group_create(GROUP_DOCKS_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 3443: group_create(GROUP_RANDOM_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 3444: group_create(GROUP_ROADBLOCK_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 4102: group_create(GROUP_WARDENS)
tss01.lua, line 4104: group_create(GROUP_WARDENS_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 4128: group_create(GROUP_LIGHTHOUSE)
tss01.lua, line 4130: group_create(GROUP_LIGHTHOUSE_COOP)
tss02.lua, line 306: group_create(GROUP_COURTROOM, true)
tss02.lua, line 308: group_create(GROUP_POLICE_02, true)
tss02.lua, line 309: group_create(GROUP_AMBUSH, true)
tss02.lua, line 312: group_create(GROUP_POLICE_02_COOP, true)
tss02.lua, line 770: group_create(GROUP_NEWSCOPTER, true)
tss02.lua, line 827: group_create(GROUP_POLICE_01, true)
tss02.lua, line 850: group_create(GROUP_MEDIA, true)
tss03.lua, line 165: group_create(GROUP_START, true)
tss03.lua, line 166: group_create(GROUP_START_VEHICLE, true)
tss03_demo.lua, line 125: group_create(GROUP_START, true)
tss04.lua, line 223: group_create(GROUP_START_VEHICLES, true)
tss04.lua, line 224: group_create(GROUP_STUNT_VEHICLES, false)
tss04.lua, line 253: group_create(GROUP_STUNT_VEHICLES, true)
tss04.lua, line 445: group_create(human, true)
tss04.lua, line 969: group_create(GROUP_TOWED_VEHICLE)
tss04.lua, line 971: group_create(GROUP_TOWED_VEHICLE_COOP)
tss04.lua, line 1489: group_create(GROUP_RONIN, false)
ultor_base.lua, line 22: -- group_create("ultor_base_$G_pimpcanes")
usability1.lua, line 15: group_create("usability1_$Gboat")
usability1.lua, line 163: group_create("usability1_$Gheli")
usability1.lua, line 171: group_create("usability1_$Gheli")
usability2.lua, line 7: group_create("usability2_$Gplane")
group_create_check_done_loop |
true |
1 |
group_create_do |
true |
1 |
group_create_hidden |
true |
5 |
266bh01.lua, line 283: group_create_hidden(GROUP_CAVERN_POLICE_2)
bh01.lua, line 514: group_create_hidden(GROUP_WATER_GETAWAY_POLICE)
bh02.lua, line 209: group_create_hidden(group, true)
bh03.lua, line 434: group_create_hidden( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER_GROUP, true )
bh03.lua, line 438: group_create_hidden( ESCAPE_HELI_PASSENGERS_GROUP, true )
bh03.lua, line 440: group_create_hidden( group_name )
bh03.lua, line 733: group_create_hidden( group_name )
bh03.lua, line 1005: group_create_hidden( FAUX_ESCAPE_HELICOPTER_GROUP, true )
bh03.lua, line 1006: group_create_hidden( ESCAPE_HELI_PASSENGERS_GROUP, true )
bh03.lua, line 1007: group_create_hidden( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER_GROUP, true )
bh03.lua, line 1438: group_create_hidden( "bh03_$explode_heli" )
bh05.lua, line 721: group_create_hidden( GROUP_ALARM_SWAT, true )
bh09.lua, line 270: --group_create_hidden( GROUP_HELI_DESTROYERS, true )
bh10.lua, line 965: group_create_hidden(GROUP_EXPLOIT_BH)
em01.lua, line 336: group_create_hidden(GROUP_ASSAULT_1)
em01.lua, line 337: group_create_hidden(GROUP_ASSAULT_2)
em01.lua, line 357: group_create_hidden(GROUP_WEAK_VEHICLE)
em01.lua, line 358: group_create_hidden(GROUP_WEAK)
em01.lua, line 359: group_create_hidden(GROUP_LAMB)
em01.lua, line 360: group_create_hidden(GROUP_LAMB_A)
em01.lua, line 361: group_create_hidden(GROUP_LAMB_B)
em01.lua, line 378: group_create_hidden(GROUP_STAND_VEH_A, true)
em01.lua, line 379: group_create_hidden(GROUP_STAND_VEH_B, true)
em01.lua, line 712: group_create_hidden(GROUP_DEFEND_1)
em01.lua, line 713: group_create_hidden(GROUP_DEFEND_2_A)
em01.lua, line 714: group_create_hidden(GROUP_DEFEND_2_B)
em01.lua, line 715: group_create_hidden(GROUP_DEFEND_2_C)
em01.lua, line 839: group_create_hidden(GROUP_WEST_VEHICLES)
em01.lua, line 840: group_create_hidden(GROUP_WEST_A)
em01.lua, line 841: group_create_hidden(GROUP_WEST_B)
em01.lua, line 1072: group_create_hidden(GROUP_EAST_VEHICLE)
em01.lua, line 1073: group_create_hidden(GROUP_EAST)
em01.lua, line 1151: group_create_hidden(GROUP_SOUTH_VEHICLES)
em01.lua, line 1152: group_create_hidden(GROUP_SOUTH_A)
em01.lua, line 1153: group_create_hidden(GROUP_SOUTH_B)
em01.lua, line 1248: group_create_hidden(GROUP_HELI_VEHICLE)
em01.lua, line 1249: group_create_hidden(GROUP_HELI)
em01.lua, line 1501: group_create_hidden(GROUP_JULIUS_VEHICLE)
em01.lua, line 1507: group_create_hidden(GROUP_WEAK_VEHICLE)
em01.lua, line 1508: group_create_hidden(GROUP_WEAK)
em01.lua, line 1509: group_create_hidden(GROUP_LAMB)
em01.lua, line 1510: group_create_hidden(GROUP_LAMB_A)
em01.lua, line 1511: group_create_hidden(GROUP_LAMB_B)
em01.lua, line 1826: group_create_hidden(GROUP_WEAK_VEHICLE)
em01.lua, line 1827: group_create_hidden(GROUP_WEAK)
em01.lua, line 1922: group_create_hidden( group_name )
em01.lua, line 1987: group_create_hidden(GROUP_OH_SHIT_VEH_A)
em01.lua, line 1988: group_create_hidden(GROUP_OH_SHIT_VEH_B)
em01.lua, line 1989: group_create_hidden(GROUP_OH_SHIT_A)
em01.lua, line 1990: group_create_hidden(GROUP_OH_SHIT_B)
em01.lua, line 2143: group_create_hidden(GROUP_STAND_VEH_A)
em01.lua, line 2144: group_create_hidden(GROUP_STAND_VEH_B)
em01.lua, line 2145: group_create_hidden(GROUP_STAND_A)
em01.lua, line 2146: group_create_hidden(GROUP_STAND_B)
em01.lua, line 2147: group_create_hidden(GROUP_ROADBLOCK)
ep01.lua, line 652: group_create_hidden(ltnt_group)
ep01.lua, line 655: group_create_hidden(ultor_group)
ep02.lua, line 410: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BOMBS, true)
ep02.lua, line 560: group_create_hidden(GROUP_ESCAPE, true)
ep03.lua, line 134: group_create_hidden( helicopter_group )
ep03.lua, line 140: group_create_hidden( GROUP_ULTOR_EXECS )
ep04.lua, line 253: group_create_hidden( VOGEL_DEFENSE_SQUAD_GROUP, true )
ep04.lua, line 274: group_create_hidden( ATTACK_HELICOPTER_GROUP, true )
ep04.lua, line 364: group_create_hidden( ENEMY_HELICOPTER_GROUP, true )
rn01.lua, line 607: group_create_hidden(group, true)
rn03.lua, line 342: group_create_hidden(GROUP_RONIN_WAVE_1)
rn03.lua, line 343: group_create_hidden(GROUP_RONIN_WAVE_2)
rn04.lua, line 430: group_create_hidden(group, true)
rn04.lua, line 452: group_create_hidden(GROUP_HOMIE, true)
rn05.lua, line 1450: group_create_hidden(group_always)
rn05.lua, line 1452: group_create_hidden(group_coop)
rn06.lua, line 349: group_create_hidden(GROUP_MELEE_PART1, true)
rn06.lua, line 521: group_create_hidden(group_name, true)
rn07.lua, line 510: group_create_hidden(group, true)
rn07.lua, line 571: group_create_hidden(GROUP_GAT_NORMAL, true)
rn07.lua, line 1258: group_create_hidden(FLOOR_PATROL_GROUPS[floor])
rn07.lua, line 1962: group_create_hidden(GROUP_RONIN_HELICOPTER)
rn08.lua, line 687: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BOMBS, true)
rn08.lua, line 990: group_create_hidden(GROUP_REINFORCEMENTS)
rn09.lua, line 318: group_create_hidden(GROUP_MOTORCYCLES_SHOGO, false)
rn09.lua, line 319: group_create_hidden(GROUP_MOTORCYCLES_PLAYERS, false)
rn09.lua, line 320: group_create_hidden(GROUP_CHASE_COURTESY_CAR, false)
rn10.lua, line 751: group_create_hidden(GROUP_RONIN_STAGE_1)
rn10.lua, line 1219: group_create_hidden(GROUP_RONIN_STAGE_2)
rn10.lua, line 1511: group_create_hidden(battle[1])
rn10.lua, line 1514: group_create_hidden(battle[2])
rn10.lua, line 1613: group_create_hidden(group, true)
rn10.lua, line 1624: group_create_hidden(group, true)
rn10.lua, line 1686: group_create_hidden(battle["group"])
rn10.lua, line 1773: group_create_hidden(group_always)
rn10.lua, line 1775: group_create_hidden(group_coop)
rn11.lua, line 1410: group_create_hidden(GROUP_LIEUTENANTS, true)
rn11.lua, line 1831: group_create_hidden(group_always)
rn11.lua, line 1833: group_create_hidden(group_coop)
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 61: group_create_hidden("sh_bh_airport_$Gairthings")
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 91: group_create_hidden("sh_bh_airport_$Gairthings")
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 502: group_create_hidden("sh_bh_airport_$Gpilots")
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 66: group_create_hidden("sh_bh_chinatown_$Gshopkeepers")
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 84: group_create_hidden("sh_bh_chinatown_$Gshopkeepers")
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 70: group_create_hidden("sh_bh_docks_$Ghijack")
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 71: group_create_hidden("sh_rn_rec_center_saintagent")
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 57: --group_create_hidden("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-flr1-gang")
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 58: --group_create_hidden("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-flr1-civ")
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 242: group_create_hidden("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-reinforce-game")
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 61: group_create_hidden( "sh_ss_crackhouse_$G-flr1-gang", true )
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 62: group_create_hidden( "sh_ss_crackhouse_$G-flr1-civ", true )
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 63: group_create_hidden( "sh_ss_crackhouse_$G-flr1-johns", true )
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 64: group_create_hidden( "sh_ss_crackhouse_$G-roof-gang", true )
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 81: group_create_hidden("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gbomb")
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 88: group_create_hidden("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gone", true)
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 49: group_create_hidden("sh_ss_student_union_$GRecruiters")
ss01.lua, line 245: group_create_hidden( FINAL_DRUG_DEALER_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss01.lua, line 252: group_create_hidden( FINAL_DRUG_DEALER_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss02.lua, line 362: group_create_hidden( group_name, true )
ss02.lua, line 370: group_create_hidden( OUTSIDE_GUARDS_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss02.lua, line 371: group_create_hidden( ENTRANCE_GUARDS_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss02.lua, line 372: group_create_hidden( LAURA_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss02.lua, line 399: group_create_hidden( GENERATOR_GUARD_GROUP_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 400: group_create_hidden( CAFETERIA_GUARDS_GROUP_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 402: group_create_hidden( group_name )
ss02.lua, line 705: group_create_hidden( CAFETERIA_GUARDS_RESPAWN_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss02.lua, line 707: group_create_hidden( CAFETERIA_INMATES_GROUP_NAMES[i], true )
ss02.lua, line 712: group_create_hidden( CAFETERIA_GUARDS_RESPAWN_GROUP_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 714: group_create_hidden( CAFETERIA_INMATES_GROUP_NAMES[i], true )
ss02.lua, line 1270: group_create_hidden( MP.."Bomb" )
ss03.lua, line 325: group_create_hidden( TOBIAS_GROUP, true )
ss03.lua, line 326: group_create_hidden( HELICOPTER_GROUP, true )
ss03.lua, line 341: group_create_hidden( GAS_STATION_GROUP )
ss03.lua, line 359: group_create_hidden( ESCAPEES_GROUP )
ss03.lua, line 360: group_create_hidden( DRIVE_UP_DEFENDERS_GROUP )
ss03.lua, line 386: group_create_hidden( ESCAPEES_GROUP, true )
ss04.lua, line 944: group_create_hidden( STOCKS_NIGHTCLUB_GROUP )
ss04.lua, line 951: group_create_hidden( STOCKS_NIGHTCLUB_COOP_GROUP )
ss04.lua, line 960: group_create_hidden( ON_TRACK_NIGHTCLUB_INITIAL_SAMEDI, true )
ss04.lua, line 961: group_create_hidden( ON_TRACK_NIGHTCLUB_SECOND_FLOOR_SAMEDI, true )
ss04.lua, line 962: group_create_hidden( VETERAN_CHILD_AND_SHAUNDI_GROUP, true )
ss04.lua, line 963: group_create_hidden( FLASHBANG_GROUP, true )
ss04.lua, line 966: group_create_hidden( ON_TRACK_NIGHTCLUB_COOP_ATTACK_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 621: group_create_hidden( LAB_THREE_AFTER_LAB_ATTACK_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 638: group_create_hidden( LAB_FOUR_ESCAPING_TECH_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 639: group_create_hidden( LAB_FOUR_PLAYERS_CAR_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 640: group_create_hidden( LAB_FOUR_DEFENDERS_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 641: group_create_hidden( LAB_FOUR_TECHS_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 970: group_create_hidden( LAB_TWO_FLOOR_ONE_ATTACKERS, true )
ss05.lua, line 971: group_create_hidden( LAB_TWO_FLOOR_TWO_ATTACKERS, true )
ss05.lua, line 974: group_create_hidden( LAB_THREE_INITIAL_DEFENDERS_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 975: group_create_hidden( LAB_THREE_ENCLOSED_LAB_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 976: group_create_hidden( LAB_THREE_DEFENDERS_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 977: group_create_hidden( LAB_THREE_AFTER_LAB_ATTACK_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 980: group_create_hidden( LAB_FOUR_ESCAPING_TECH_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 981: group_create_hidden( LAB_FOUR_PLAYERS_CAR_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 982: group_create_hidden( LAB_FOUR_DEFENDERS_GROUP, true )
ss05.lua, line 983: group_create_hidden( LAB_FOUR_TECHS_GROUP, true )
ss06.lua, line 895: group_create_hidden( MISSION_START_COLLISION_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 912: group_create_hidden( SHAUNDI_ATTACKERS_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 913: group_create_hidden( INITIAL_ATTACKERS_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 938: group_create_hidden( PRE_PIERCE_REINFORCEMENTS_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 940: group_create_hidden( PIERCE_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 941: group_create_hidden( PIERCE_PURSUIT_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 1273: group_create_hidden( ENTRANCE_REINFORCEMENTS_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 1275: group_create_hidden( PRE_PIERCE_REINFORCEMENTS_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 1280: group_create_hidden( PIERCE_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 1281: group_create_hidden( PIERCE_PURSUIT_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 2335: group_create_hidden( group_name, true )
ss06.lua, line 2337: group_create_hidden( group_name_coop, true )
ss07.lua, line 318: group_create_hidden( RAIL_CAR_ONE_GROUP, true )
ss07.lua, line 319: group_create_hidden( PIERCE_GROUP, true )
ss07.lua, line 320: group_create_hidden( RAIL_BOAT_GROUP, true )
ss07.lua, line 321: group_create_hidden( RAIL_CAR_TWO_GROUP, true )
ss07.lua, line 330: group_create_hidden( CARJACK_VICTIM_GROUP )
ss07.lua, line 388: group_create_hidden( RAIL_CAR_TWO_GROUP, true )
ss07.lua, line 389: group_create_hidden( CARJACK_VICTIM_GROUP, true )
ss07.lua, line 828: group_create_hidden( HELICOPTER_GROUPS[heli_index], true )
ss08.lua, line 548: group_create_hidden( ESCAPE_CAR_GROUP, blocking_load )
ss08.lua, line 550: group_create_hidden( OUTSIDE_OF_WAREHOUSE_AMBUSHER_GROUP, blocking_load )
ss08.lua, line 552: group_create_hidden( group_name, blocking_load )
ss08.lua, line 555: group_create_hidden( name, blocking_load )
ss08.lua, line 572: group_create_hidden( HOMIES_GROUP, true )
ss08.lua, line 573: group_create_hidden( JUNKIES_GROUP, true )
ss08.lua, line 574: group_create_hidden( DRUG_BOXES_GROUP, true )
ss08.lua, line 1747: group_create_hidden( ALL_ATTACK_SQUADS[attack_direction], true )
ss09.lua, line 312: group_create_hidden( MEATPACKING_PLANT_DEFENDERS, true )
ss09.lua, line 313: group_create_hidden( MR_SUNSHINE_DEFENDERS_GROUP, true )
ss09.lua, line 344: group_create_hidden( VOODOO_DOLL_GROUP )
ss09.lua, line 347: group_create_hidden( MEATPACKING_PLANT_DEFENDERS )
ss09.lua, line 348: group_create_hidden( MR_SUNSHINE_DEFENDERS_GROUP )
ss10.lua, line 655: group_create_hidden( SHAUNDI_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss10.lua, line 656: group_create_hidden( HELI_SQUAD_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss10.lua, line 657: group_create_hidden( STARTER_VEHICLE_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss10.lua, line 658: group_create_hidden( STARTER_VEHICLE_COOP_GROUP_NAME, true )
ss10.lua, line 673: group_create_hidden( SHAUNDI_REPAIR_VARIANT_GROUP_NAME )
ss11.lua, line 387: group_create_hidden( SHAUNDI_DROPOFF_ATV_GROUP, blocking )
ss11.lua, line 390: group_create_hidden( PIERCE_DROPOFF_ATV_GROUP, blocking )
ss11.lua, line 395: group_create_hidden( group_name, blocking )
ss11.lua, line 765: group_create_hidden( MALL_SQUAD_THREE_GROUP, true )
ss11.lua, line 766: group_create_hidden( MALL_SQUAD_FOUR_GROUP, true )
ss11.lua, line 840: group_create_hidden( VEHICLE_SHOW_GROUPS[vehicle_index] )
ss11.lua, line 973: group_create_hidden( SHAUNDI_GROUP, true )
tss01.lua, line 447: group_create_hidden(GROUP_ATTACK_HELI)
tss01.lua, line 708: group_create_hidden(GROUP_RANDOM)
tss01.lua, line 709: group_create_hidden(GROUP_TUT_T_IN_ROAD)
tss01.lua, line 712: group_create_hidden(GROUP_DOCKS_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 713: group_create_hidden(GROUP_RANDOM_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 714: group_create_hidden(GROUP_ROADBLOCK_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 815: group_create_hidden(GROUP_WAVE_1)
tss01.lua, line 816: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BOAT_1)
tss01.lua, line 817: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BOAT_2)
tss01.lua, line 818: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BOAT_3)
tss01.lua, line 819: group_create_hidden(GROUP_HELI_1)
tss01.lua, line 2038: group_create_hidden(GROUP_HELI_GUARDS)
tss01.lua, line 2275: group_create_hidden(GROUP_SHORTBUS)
tss01.lua, line 2370: group_create_hidden(GROUP_COURTYARD)
tss01.lua, line 2381: group_create_hidden(GROUP_COURTYARD_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 2413: group_create_hidden(GROUP_DOCKS)
tss01.lua, line 2414: group_create_hidden(GROUP_RANDOM)
tss01.lua, line 2415: group_create_hidden(GROUP_ROADBLOCK)
tss01.lua, line 2418: group_create_hidden(GROUP_DOCKS_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 2419: group_create_hidden(GROUP_RANDOM_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 2420: group_create_hidden(GROUP_ROADBLOCK_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 2660: group_create_hidden(GROUP_ROOFTOP)
tss01.lua, line 2695: group_create_hidden(GROUP_FIRE_ESCAPE)
tss01.lua, line 2935: group_create_hidden(GROUP_TUT_SEARCH)
tss01.lua, line 2936: group_create_hidden(GROUP_TUT_FINE_AIM)
tss01.lua, line 2937: group_create_hidden(GROUP_TUT_T_IN_ROAD)
tss01.lua, line 3545: group_create_hidden(GROUP_HELI_AMBUSH)
tss01.lua, line 3609: group_create_hidden(GROUP_DOCKS)
tss01.lua, line 3610: group_create_hidden(GROUP_RANDOM)
tss01.lua, line 3611: group_create_hidden(GROUP_ROADBLOCK)
tss01.lua, line 3614: group_create_hidden(GROUP_DOCKS_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 3615: group_create_hidden(GROUP_RANDOM_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 3616: group_create_hidden(GROUP_ROADBLOCK_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 3865: group_create_hidden(GROUP_RUN_GUN)
tss01.lua, line 4211: group_create_hidden(GROUP_WAVE_1)
tss01.lua, line 4212: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BOAT_1)
tss01.lua, line 4213: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BOAT_2)
tss01.lua, line 4214: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BOAT_3)
tss01.lua, line 4215: group_create_hidden(GROUP_HELI_1)
tss01.lua, line 4565: group_create_hidden(GROUP_WAVE_2)
tss01.lua, line 4566: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BOAT_4)
tss01.lua, line 4567: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BOAT_5)
tss01.lua, line 4568: group_create_hidden(GROUP_HELI_2)
tss01.lua, line 4569: group_create_hidden(GROUP_HELI_3)
tss02.lua, line 294: group_create_hidden(GROUP_START, true)
tss02.lua, line 296: group_create_hidden(GROUP_START_COOP, true)
tss02.lua, line 298: group_create_hidden(GROUP_START_VEHICLES)
tss02.lua, line 1184: group_create_hidden(GROUP_POLICE_03)
tss02.lua, line 1186: group_create_hidden(GROUP_POLICE_03_COOP)
tss03.lua, line 371: -- group_create_hidden(GROUP_ENTRYWAY)
tss03.lua, line 372: group_create_hidden(GROUP_SAMEDI)
tss03.lua, line 373: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BUMS_SHANTY)
tss03.lua, line 377: group_create_hidden(Tss03_bum_characters[i])
tss03.lua, line 382: group_create_hidden(GROUP_SAMEDI_COOP)
tss03.lua, line 385: group_create_hidden(Tss03_bum_characters_coop[i])
tss03.lua, line 872: group_create_hidden(Tss03_bum_characters[i])
tss03.lua, line 897: group_create_hidden(Tss03_bum_characters_coop[i])
tss03.lua, line 925: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BUMS_RUSH)
tss03_demo.lua, line 344: group_create_hidden(GROUP_SAMEDI)
tss03_demo.lua, line 345: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BUMS)
tss03_demo.lua, line 346: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BUMS_SHANTY)
tss03_demo.lua, line 347: -- group_create_hidden(GROUP_ENTRYWAY)
tss03_demo.lua, line 351: group_create_hidden(GROUP_SAMEDI_COOP)
tss03_demo.lua, line 352: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BUMS_COOP)
tss03_demo.lua, line 811: -- group_create_hidden(GROUP_BUMAGA)
tss03_demo.lua, line 812: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BUMAGA_FAKE)
tss03_demo.lua, line 817: group_create_hidden(GROUP_BUMS_RUSH)
tss04.lua, line 1300: group_create_hidden(Tss04_tow_trucks[i])
group_create_hidden_do |
true |
1 |
group_destroy |
true |
136bh01.lua, line 809: group_destroy(GROUP_ALLIES)
bh03.lua, line 1327: group_destroy( FAUX_ESCAPE_HELICOPTER_GROUP )
bh03.lua, line 1625: group_destroy( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER_GROUP )
bh03.lua, line 1626: group_destroy( GROUP_POLICE_BOATS )
bh03.lua, line 2094: group_destroy(GROUP_GOO)
bh03.lua, line 2135: group_destroy( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER_GROUP )
bh04.lua, line 935: group_destroy(GROUP_DONNIE_CAR)
bh05.lua, line 868: group_destroy( GROUP_JESSICAS_CAR )
bh05.lua, line 871: group_destroy("bh05_$Trunk_Toss_Cutscene")
bh05.lua, line 1211: group_destroy(GROUP_JESSICAS_CAR)
bh06.lua, line 727: group_destroy( GROUP_PARCEL_TRUCK )
bh08.lua, line 338: group_destroy(GROUP_BUSES)
bh08.lua, line 340: group_destroy(GROUP_COURTESY_CAR)
bh10.lua, line 816: group_destroy(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_FLOOR_1)
bh10.lua, line 817: group_destroy(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_FLOOR_2)
bh10.lua, line 818: group_destroy(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_FLOOR_3)
bh10.lua, line 819: group_destroy(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_FLOOR_4)
bh10.lua, line 820: group_destroy(GROUP_WAREHOUSE_FLOOR_5)
bh10.lua, line 826: group_destroy(GROUP_PLAYER_HOMIES)
bh10.lua, line 832: group_destroy(GROUP_MAERO)
bh11.lua, line 689: group_destroy(GROUP_TRIBAL)
bh11.lua, line 690: group_destroy(GROUP_TRIBAL_COOP)
bh11.lua, line 691: group_destroy(GROUP_MAERO)
bh11.lua, line 692: group_destroy(GROUP_WEAPONS)
em01.lua, line 554: group_destroy(GROUP_ROADBLOCK)
em01.lua, line 555: group_destroy(GROUP_START)
em01.lua, line 556: group_destroy(GROUP_JULIUS_VEHICLE)
ep01.lua, line 1516: group_destroy(GROUP_CTE)
ep02.lua, line 526: group_destroy(GROUP_CTE)
ep02.lua, line 950: group_destroy(GROUP_ULTOR_BASE)
ep03.lua, line 512: group_destroy( GROUP_GETAWAY_BOAT )
ep03.lua, line 518: group_destroy( GROUP_GETAWAY_BOAT )
ep04.lua, line 577: group_destroy( ATTACK_HELICOPTER_GROUP )
ep04.lua, line 745: group_destroy( ENEMY_HELICOPTER_GROUP )
fr_checkAI.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkAI.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkAP.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkAP.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkAR.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkAR.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkBA.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkBA.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkCT.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkCT.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkDK.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkDK.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkDT.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkDT.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkFA.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkFA.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkHE.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkHE.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkMA.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkMA.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkMU.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkMU.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkPR.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkPR.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkSE.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkSE.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkSR.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkSR.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkSU.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkSU.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
fr_checkTY.lua, line 62: group_destroy(GROUP1)
fr_checkTY.lua, line 63: group_destroy(GROUP2)
rn01.lua, line 669: --group_destroy(group)
rn01.lua, line 1535: group_destroy(group)
rn02.lua, line 413: group_destroy(GROUP_PLAYER_CAR)
rn02.lua, line 519: group_destroy(GROUP_PLAYER_CAR)
rn02.lua, line 1173: group_destroy(GROUP_PLAYER_CAR)
rn02.lua, line 1174: group_destroy(GROUP_TURRET)
rn02.lua, line 1765: group_destroy(group_always)
rn02.lua, line 1767: group_destroy(group_coop)
rn04.lua, line 2165: group_destroy(GROUP_HOMIE)
rn05.lua, line 569: group_destroy(GROUP_RONIN_GATE_C1)
rn05.lua, line 570: group_destroy(GROUP_PASSENGERS_GATE_C1)
rn05.lua, line 571: group_destroy(GROUP_RONIN_LTNTS_GATE_C1)
rn05.lua, line 582: group_destroy(GROUP_RONIN_CHASE)
rn05.lua, line 1367: group_destroy(group)
rn05.lua, line 1371: group_destroy(group)
rn06.lua, line 191: group_destroy(GROUP_CUTSCENE)
rn06.lua, line 289: group_destroy(GROUP_START_CAR)
rn06.lua, line 616: group_destroy(GROUP_JYUNICHI)
rn06.lua, line 619: group_destroy(GROUP_START_CAR)
rn06.lua, line 623: group_destroy(group)
rn06.lua, line 627: group_destroy(group)
rn07.lua, line 2362: group_destroy(group)
rn07.lua, line 2368: group_destroy(group)
rn08.lua, line 961: group_destroy(GROUP_SOLDIERS_GROUND_2)
rn08.lua, line 962: group_destroy(GROUP_CIVILIANS_GROUND)
rn08.lua, line 1458: group_destroy(GROUP_GAT)
rn09.lua, line 399: group_destroy(GROUP_SHOGO)
rn09.lua, line 425: group_destroy(GROUP_CUTSCENE_1)
rn09.lua, line 475: group_destroy(GROUP_CUTSCENE_2)
rn09.lua, line 782: group_destroy(group_always)
rn09.lua, line 784: group_destroy(group_coop)
rn11.lua, line 783: group_destroy(GROUP_CTE_AKUJI)
rn11.lua, line 1845: group_destroy(group_always)
rn11.lua, line 1847: group_destroy(group_coop)
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 635: --group_destroy(current_driver)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 623: group_destroy("sh_bh_chinatown_$Gshopkeepers")
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 536: group_destroy("sh_bh_docks_$GCone")
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 540: group_destroy("sh_bh_docks_$GCtwo")
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 544: group_destroy("sh_bh_docks_$GCthree")
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 41: group_destroy("sh_rn_museum_pier_$GCTE")
sh_rn_sciencemuseum.lua, line 197: group_destroy("sh_rn_sciencemuseum_$GReinforcements")
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 69: group_destroy("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-newcut")
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 241: group_destroy("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-flr1-civ") -- destroy previous civilian group so we don't run out of slots for new groups
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 251: group_destroy("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-reinforce-cutscene")
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 607: group_destroy("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gbomb")
ss02.lua, line 1535: group_destroy( ESCAPE_HELICOPTERS_GROUP_NAME )
ss03.lua, line 1493: group_destroy( HELICOPTER_GROUP )
ss04.lua, line 599: group_destroy( CUTSCENE_GROUP )
ss07.lua, line 1096: group_destroy( RAIL_CAR_ONE_GROUP )
ss07.lua, line 1099: group_destroy( RAIL_CAR_TWO_GROUP )
ss07.lua, line 1102: group_destroy( RAIL_BOAT_GROUP )
ss08.lua, line 735: group_destroy("ss08_$Arrival_Cutscene")
ss08.lua, line 859: group_destroy( DRUG_BOXES_GROUP )
ss08.lua, line 866: group_destroy( DRUG_TRUCK_LOADING_GROUP )
ss08.lua, line 874: group_destroy("ss08_$Cutscene")
ss08.lua, line 884: group_destroy( DRUG_BOXES_GROUP )
ss10.lua, line 922: group_destroy( SHAUNDI_GROUP_NAME )
ss10.lua, line 1101: group_destroy( MP.."Cutscene" )
ss10.lua, line 2299: group_destroy( SHAUNDI_GROUP_NAME )
ss11.lua, line 549: group_destroy( STARTER_CAR_GROUP )
ss11.lua, line 552: group_destroy( STARTER_CAR_COOP_GROUP )
ss11.lua, line 972: group_destroy( SHAUNDI_GROUP )
ss11.lua, line 994: group_destroy( "ss11_$GCTE" )
tss01.lua, line 1563: group_destroy(GROUP_CAFE_GUARDS)
tss01.lua, line 1565: group_destroy(GROUP_NON_TUT_PRISONERS)
tss01.lua, line 1724: group_destroy(GROUP_KEY_GUARDS)
tss01.lua, line 1727: group_destroy(GROUP_TUT_PRISONERS)
tss03_demo.lua, line 246: group_destroy(GROUP_START)
tss04.lua, line 453: group_destroy(human)
usability1.lua, line 193: group_destroy("usability1_$Gboat")
group_exists |
true |
1 |
group_give_to_client |
true |
1 |
group_hide |
true |
23bh03.lua, line 972: group_hide( ESCAPE_HELI_PASSENGERS_GROUP )
bh03.lua, line 973: group_hide( FAUX_ESCAPE_HELICOPTER_GROUP )
bh03.lua, line 1326: group_hide( FAUX_ESCAPE_HELICOPTER_GROUP )
bh03.lua, line 1624: group_hide( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER_GROUP )
bh05.lua, line 867: group_hide( GROUP_JESSICAS_CAR )
bh05.lua, line 870: group_hide("bh05_$Trunk_Toss_Cutscene")
ep03.lua, line 294: group_hide(GROUP_CUTSCENE)
ep04.lua, line 505: group_hide( CUTSCENE_GROUP )
rn02.lua, line 412: group_hide(GROUP_PLAYER_CAR)
rn02.lua, line 518: group_hide(GROUP_PLAYER_CAR)
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 67: group_hide("sh_bh_airport_$Gairthings")
ss02.lua, line 1307: group_hide( MP.."Bomb" )
ss04.lua, line 598: group_hide( CUTSCENE_GROUP )
ss05.lua, line 1643: group_hide("ss05_$L4_CTE_Escapee_and_Car")
ss08.lua, line 734: group_hide("ss08_$Arrival_Cutscene")
ss08.lua, line 858: group_hide( DRUG_BOXES_GROUP )
ss08.lua, line 865: group_hide( DRUG_TRUCK_LOADING_GROUP )
ss08.lua, line 873: group_hide("ss08_$Cutscene")
ss08.lua, line 883: group_hide( DRUG_BOXES_GROUP )
ss09.lua, line 793: group_hide( VOODOO_DOLL_GROUP )
ss10.lua, line 1100: group_hide( MP.."Cutscene" )
ss11.lua, line 971: group_hide( SHAUNDI_GROUP )
ss11.lua, line 993: group_hide( "ss11_$GCTE" )
group_is_loaded |
true |
113bh02.lua, line 513: if ( group_is_loaded( GROUP_ALLIES ) == true ) then
bh03.lua, line 433: if ( group_is_loaded( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER_GROUP ) == false ) then
bh03.lua, line 1127: if ( group_is_loaded( cur_group ) ) then
bh05.lua, line 258: if ( group_is_loaded( GROUP_JESSICAS_CAR ) == false ) then
bh05.lua, line 301: if ( group_is_loaded( GROUP_BANK ) == false ) then
bh05.lua, line 312: if ( group_is_loaded( GROUP_BANK_COOP ) == false ) then
bh07.lua, line 400: if ( (not vehicle_waypoint) and (group_is_loaded(GROUP_FIREBOMBERS)) ) then
bh07.lua, line 420: if ( (not vehicle_waypoint) and (group_is_loaded(GROUP_FIREBOMBERS)) ) then
bh09.lua, line 315: if ( group_is_loaded( GROUP_START ) == false ) then
bh09.lua, line 318: if ( IN_COOP and group_is_loaded( GROUP_START_COOP ) == false ) then
bh09.lua, line 1232: if group_is_loaded(GROUP_SAINTS) then
ep03.lua, line 474: if ( group_is_loaded( group_name ) ) then
ep03.lua, line 511: if ( group_is_loaded( GROUP_GETAWAY_BOAT ) and character_is_in_vehicle( LOCAL_PLAYER, GETAWAY_BOAT ) ) then
ep03.lua, line 517: if ( group_is_loaded( GROUP_GETAWAY_BOAT ) and character_is_in_vehicle( REMOTE_PLAYER, GETAWAY_BOAT ) ) then
ep04.lua, line 744: if ( group_is_loaded( ENEMY_HELICOPTER_GROUP ) ) then
rn01.lua, line 596: local group_available = (not group_is_loaded(group)) and (Fixed_vantage_attacker_count_per_group[group] == 0)
rn05.lua, line 1441: local group_always_is_loaded = group_is_loaded(group_always)
rn05.lua, line 1443: return (group_always_is_loaded and group_is_loaded(group_always))
rn07.lua, line 1269: while (not group_is_loaded(FLOOR_PATROL_GROUPS[floor])) do
rn07.lua, line 1967: while (not group_is_loaded(GROUP_RONIN_HELICOPTER)) do
rn10.lua, line 784: while (not group_is_loaded(GROUP_RONIN_STAGE_1)) do
rn10.lua, line 1273: while (not group_is_loaded(GROUP_RONIN_STAGE_2) ) do
rn10.lua, line 1510: if (not group_is_loaded(battle[1])) then
rn10.lua, line 1513: if (not group_is_loaded(battle[2])) then
rn10.lua, line 1714: if (group_is_loaded(battle["group"])) then
rn10.lua, line 1764: local group_always_is_loaded = group_is_loaded(group_always)
rn10.lua, line 1766: return (group_always_is_loaded and group_is_loaded(group_always))
rn11.lua, line 1078: if (group_is_loaded(GROUP_WATERCRAFT)) then
rn11.lua, line 1083: if (group_is_loaded(GROUP_LIEUTENANTS)) then
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 90: if group_is_loaded("sh_bh_airport_$Gairthings") == false then
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 699: if group_is_loaded(groups[i]) then
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 106: if group_is_loaded(group_names[i]) then
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 111: if not group_is_loaded("sh_bh_apartments_$Gseven") then
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 333: if (not group_is_loaded("sh_bh_apartments_$GWaveOne")) then
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 349: if (not group_is_loaded("sh_bh_apartments_$GWaveTwo")) then
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 61: if group_is_loaded("sh_bh_chinatown_$GCTE") then
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 81: if group_is_loaded("sh_bh_chinatown_$Gshopkeepers") then
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 366: if group_is_loaded(groups[i]) then
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 603: if group_is_loaded("sh_bh_chinatown_$Gshopkeepers") then
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 82: while group_is_loaded("sh_bh_docks_$Ghijack")==false do
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 527: if group_is_loaded("sh_bh_docks_$GCtwo") then
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 535: if group_is_loaded("sh_bh_docks_$GCone") then
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 539: if group_is_loaded("sh_bh_docks_$GCtwo") then
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 543: if group_is_loaded("sh_bh_docks_$GCthree") then
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 262: if (group_is_loaded("sh_rn_rec_center_casino_guards1")) then
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 394: if group_is_loaded(groups_to_destroy[i]) then
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 403: while group_is_loaded("sh_rn_rec_center_reinf1") == false do
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 553: if ( group_is_loaded( GROUPS[i] ) ) then
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 80: --while ( (not group_is_loaded("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-flr1-gang")) or (not group_is_loaded("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-flr1-civ")) ) do
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 80: --while ( (not group_is_loaded("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-flr1-gang")) or (not group_is_loaded("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-flr1-civ")) ) do
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 155: if group_is_loaded("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-flr1-gang") then
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 164: if group_is_loaded("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-flr2-gang") then
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 173: if group_is_loaded("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-reinforce-game") then
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 250: --if group_is_loaded("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-reinforce-cutscene") then
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 255: while ( not group_is_loaded("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-reinforce-game") ) do
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 233: if group_is_loaded("sh_ss_crackhouse_$G-roof-gang")== false then
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 120: if group_is_loaded("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gbomb")==false then
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 367: if group_is_loaded("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gtwo") == false then
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 392: if group_is_loaded("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gone") then
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 606: if group_is_loaded("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gbomb") then
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 74: --if not group_is_loaded("sh_ss_student_union_$Gfodder") and coop_is_active()== false then
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 78: if group_is_loaded("sh_ss_student_union_$Gfodder") then
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 60: if group_is_loaded("sh_ss_trailerpark_$GroupFour") == false then
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 64: if group_is_loaded("sh_ss_trailerpark_$GroupOne") == false then
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 68: if group_is_loaded("sh_ss_trailerpark_$GroupOne") == false then
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 72: if group_is_loaded("sh_ss_trailerpark_$GroupThree") == false then
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 208: if group_is_loaded("sh_tss_caverns_$GroupTwo") == false then
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 309: if (not group_is_loaded("sh_tss_caverns_$GR1")) then
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 325: if (not group_is_loaded("sh_tss_caverns_$GR2")) then
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 345: if (not group_is_loaded("sh_tss_caverns_$GR3")) then
sh_tss_ugmall.lua, line 333: if group_is_loaded("sh_tss_ugmall_$Gultorexecs") == true then
ss01.lua, line 319: if ( group_is_loaded( group_name ) == false ) then
ss03.lua, line 388: if ( group_is_loaded( TOBIAS_GROUP ) == false ) then
ss03.lua, line 394: if ( group_is_loaded( HELICOPTER_GROUP ) == false ) then
ss04.lua, line 783: if ( group_is_loaded( VC_BACKUP_GROUPS[group_index] ) ) then
ss04.lua, line 943: if ( group_is_loaded( STOCKS_NIGHTCLUB_GROUP ) == false ) then
ss04.lua, line 950: if ( group_is_loaded( STOCKS_NIGHTCLUB_COOP_GROUP ) == false ) then
ss05.lua, line 938: if ( group_is_loaded( group_name ) ) then
ss06.lua, line 933: if ( group_is_loaded( SHAUNDI_GROUP_NAME ) == false ) then
ss07.lua, line 381: if ( group_is_loaded( PIERCE_GROUP ) == false ) then
ss07.lua, line 385: if ( group_is_loaded( RAIL_BOAT_GROUP ) == false ) then
ss07.lua, line 421: if ( group_is_loaded( PIERCE_GROUP ) == false ) then
ss07.lua, line 425: if ( group_is_loaded( RAIL_CAR_TWO_GROUP ) == false ) then
ss07.lua, line 1095: if ( group_is_loaded( RAIL_CAR_ONE_GROUP ) ) then
ss07.lua, line 1098: if ( group_is_loaded( RAIL_CAR_TWO_GROUP ) ) then
ss07.lua, line 1101: if ( group_is_loaded( RAIL_BOAT_GROUP ) ) then
ss08.lua, line 547: if ( group_is_loaded( ESCAPE_CAR_GROUP ) == false ) then
ss08.lua, line 882: if ( group_is_loaded( DRUG_BOXES_GROUP ) ) then
ss08.lua, line 1373: if ( group_is_loaded( group_to_load ) ) then
ss09.lua, line 476: if ( group_is_loaded( OUTSIDE_DEFENDERS_GROUP ) ) then
ss10.lua, line 690: if ( group_is_loaded( SHAUNDI_REPAIR_VARIANT_GROUP_NAME ) == false ) then
ss10.lua, line 1501: if ( group_is_loaded( cur_location_name ) ) then
ss10.lua, line 1507: if ( group_is_loaded( cur_coop_location_name ) ) then
ss10.lua, line 1637: if ( group_is_loaded( wave_group ) ) then
ss11.lua, line 386: if ( group_is_loaded( SHAUNDI_DROPOFF_ATV_GROUP ) == false ) then
ss11.lua, line 389: if ( group_is_loaded( PIERCE_DROPOFF_ATV_GROUP ) == false ) then
ss11.lua, line 394: if ( group_is_loaded( group_name ) == false ) then
ss11.lua, line 461: if ( group_is_loaded( SHAUNDI_GROUP ) == false ) then
ss11.lua, line 472: if ( group_is_loaded( SHAUNDI_GROUP ) == false ) then
ss11.lua, line 548: if ( group_is_loaded( STARTER_CAR_GROUP ) ) then
ss11.lua, line 551: if ( group_is_loaded( STARTER_CAR_COOP_GROUP ) ) then
ss11.lua, line 762: if ( group_is_loaded( MALL_SAMEDI ) == false ) then
tss01.lua, line 2035: if (not group_is_loaded(GROUP_HELI)) then
tss01.lua, line 2369: if (not group_is_loaded(GROUP_COURTYARD)) then
tss01.lua, line 2392: if (not group_is_loaded(GROUP_SHORTBUS)) then
tss01.lua, line 2708: if (not group_is_loaded(GROUP_HELI)) then
tss01.lua, line 3330: if (not group_is_loaded(GROUP_COURTYARD)) then
tss01.lua, line 3355: if (not group_is_loaded(GROUP_SHORTBUS)) then
tss01.lua, line 3413: if (not group_is_loaded(GROUP_DOCKS)) then
tss03.lua, line 870: if (not group_is_loaded(Tss03_bum_characters[i])) then
tss03.lua, line 895: if (not group_is_loaded(Tss03_bum_characters_coop[i])) then
tss04.lua, line 441: local human_loaded = group_is_loaded(human)
tss04.lua, line 1298: if (not group_is_loaded(Tss04_tow_trucks[i])) then
group_show |
true |
257bh01.lua, line 175: group_show(group)
bh01.lua, line 380: group_show(GROUP_CAVERN_POLICE_2)
bh01.lua, line 517: group_show(GROUP_WATER_GETAWAY_POLICE)
bh02.lua, line 216: group_show(GROUP_ALLIES)
bh03.lua, line 825: group_show( FAUX_ESCAPE_HELICOPTER_GROUP )
bh03.lua, line 826: group_show( ESCAPE_HELI_PASSENGERS_GROUP )
bh03.lua, line 951: group_show( FAUX_ESCAPE_HELICOPTER_GROUP )
bh03.lua, line 952: group_show( ESCAPE_HELI_PASSENGERS_GROUP )
bh03.lua, line 1336: group_show( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER_GROUP )
bh03.lua, line 1337: group_show( ESCAPE_HELI_PASSENGERS_GROUP )
bh03.lua, line 1472: group_show( group_name )
bh03.lua, line 1628: group_show( "bh03_$explode_heli" )
bh05.lua, line 211: group_show( group_name )
bh05.lua, line 758: group_show( GROUP_ALARM_SWAT )
bh06.lua, line 144: group_show(group)
bh08.lua, line 170: group_show(group)
bh09.lua, line 513: group_show( GROUP_HELI_DESTROYERS )
bh09.lua, line 1233: group_show(GROUP_SAINTS)
bh10.lua, line 290: group_show(group)
coop_test.lua, line 128: group_show( "coop_test_$G000_ghosting" )
em01.lua, line 688: group_show(GROUP_ASSAULT_1)
em01.lua, line 696: group_show(GROUP_ASSAULT_2)
em01.lua, line 787: group_show(GROUP_DEFEND_1)
em01.lua, line 826: group_show(GROUP_DEFEND_2_A)
em01.lua, line 866: group_show(group)
em01.lua, line 1047: group_show(GROUP_WEST_VEHICLES)
em01.lua, line 1048: group_show(GROUP_WEST_A)
em01.lua, line 1049: group_show(GROUP_WEST_B)
em01.lua, line 1133: group_show(GROUP_EAST_VEHICLE)
em01.lua, line 1134: group_show(GROUP_EAST)
em01.lua, line 1223: group_show(GROUP_SOUTH_VEHICLES)
em01.lua, line 1224: group_show(GROUP_SOUTH_A)
em01.lua, line 1225: group_show(GROUP_SOUTH_B)
em01.lua, line 1485: group_show(GROUP_HELI_VEHICLE)
em01.lua, line 1486: group_show(GROUP_HELI)
em01.lua, line 1600: group_show(GROUP_JULIUS_VEHICLE)
em01.lua, line 1804: group_show(GROUP_WEAK_VEHICLE)
em01.lua, line 1805: group_show(GROUP_WEAK)
em01.lua, line 1832: group_show(GROUP_LAMB)
em01.lua, line 1833: group_show(GROUP_LAMB_A)
em01.lua, line 1834: group_show(GROUP_LAMB_B)
em01.lua, line 1857: group_show(GROUP_WEAK_VEHICLE)
em01.lua, line 1858: group_show(GROUP_WEAK)
em01.lua, line 1953: group_show( PATH_CHASE_GROUPS[trigger_index] )
em01.lua, line 2105: group_show(GROUP_OH_SHIT_VEH_A)
em01.lua, line 2106: group_show(GROUP_OH_SHIT_VEH_B)
em01.lua, line 2107: group_show(GROUP_OH_SHIT_A)
em01.lua, line 2108: group_show(GROUP_OH_SHIT_B)
em01.lua, line 2258: group_show(GROUP_STAND_VEH_A)
em01.lua, line 2259: group_show(GROUP_STAND_VEH_B)
em01.lua, line 2262: group_show(GROUP_STAND_A)
em01.lua, line 2263: group_show(GROUP_STAND_B)
em01.lua, line 2264: group_show(GROUP_ROADBLOCK)
ep01.lua, line 965: group_show(GROUP_SHAUNDI)
ep01.lua, line 966: group_show(GROUP_SHAUNDI_ULTOR)
ep01.lua, line 1435: --group_show(GROUP_PIERCE)
ep01.lua, line 1436: group_show(GROUP_PIERCE_ULTOR)
ep02.lua, line 168: group_show(group)
ep02.lua, line 577: group_show(GROUP_ESCAPE)
ep03.lua, line 219: group_show( HELICOPTER_GROUPS[helicopter_index] )
ep03.lua, line 250: group_show( GROUP_ULTOR_EXECS )
ep04.lua, line 368: group_show( ENEMY_HELICOPTER_GROUP )
ep04.lua, line 508: group_show( ATTACK_HELICOPTER_GROUP )
ep04.lua, line 589: group_show( VOGEL_DEFENSE_SQUAD_GROUP )
rn01.lua, line 287: group_show(group)
rn02.lua, line 276: group_show(group)
rn04.lua, line 441: group_show(GROUP_GAT)
rn04.lua, line 442: group_show(GROUP_START_VEHICLES)
rn05.lua, line 330: group_show(group)
rn05.lua, line 1457: group_show(group_always)
rn05.lua, line 1459: group_show(group_coop)
rn06.lua, line 812: group_show(arg[cur_enemy_pool_ind -1])
rn07.lua, line 521: group_show(group)
rn07.lua, line 840: group_show(GROUP_OUTSIDE_HOSPITAL)
rn07.lua, line 1975: group_show(GROUP_RONIN_HELICOPTER)
rn08.lua, line 749: group_show(group)
rn09.lua, line 198: group_show(group)
rn09.lua, line 238: group_show(GROUP_MOTORCYCLES_PLAYERS)
rn09.lua, line 239: group_show(GROUP_CHASE_COURTESY_CAR)
rn09.lua, line 240: group_show(GROUP_MOTORCYCLES_SHOGO)
rn10.lua, line 1277: group_show(GROUP_RONIN_STAGE_2)
rn10.lua, line 1546: group_show(ronin_group)
rn10.lua, line 1547: group_show(saints_group)
rn10.lua, line 1780: group_show(group_always)
rn10.lua, line 1782: group_show(group_coop)
rn11.lua, line 370: group_show(GROUP_JUNK)
rn11.lua, line 518: group_show(group)
rn11.lua, line 1838: group_show(group_always)
rn11.lua, line 1840: group_show(group_coop)
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 504: group_show("sh_bh_airport_$Gairthings")
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 506: group_show("sh_bh_airport_$Gpilots")
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 592: --group_show("sh_bh_airport_$Gpilots")
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 72: group_show("sh_bh_docks_$Ghijack")
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 78: group_show("sh_rn_rec_center_saintagent")
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 68: group_show("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-flr1-gang")
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 258: group_show("sh_rn_stripclub_$G-reinforce-game")
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 67: group_show( "sh_ss_crackhouse_$G-flr1-gang" )
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 68: group_show( "sh_ss_crackhouse_$G-flr1-civ" )
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 69: group_show( "sh_ss_crackhouse_$G-flr1-johns" )
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 70: group_show( "sh_ss_crackhouse_$G-roof-gang" )
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 90: group_show("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gone")
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 406: group_show("sh_ss_fishingdock_$Gbomb")
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 54: group_show("sh_ss_student_union_$GRecruiters")
sh_tss_ugmall.lua, line 299: group_show("sh_tss_ugmall_$GUltorThugs")
ss01.lua, line 212: group_show( group_name )
ss01.lua, line 923: group_show( FINAL_DRUG_DEALER_GROUP_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 368: group_show( STARTER_WATERCRAFT_GROUP_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 578: group_show( OUTSIDE_GUARDS_GROUP_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 593: group_show( OUTSIDE_GUARDS_GROUP_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 661: group_show( ENTRANCE_GUARDS_GROUP_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 782: group_show( CAFETERIA_GUARDS_RESPAWN_GROUP_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 787: group_show( CAFETERIA_INMATES_GROUP_NAMES[group_index] )
ss02.lua, line 1028: --group_show( CATWALK_GUARDS_GROUP_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 1032: group_show( LAURA_GROUP_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 1119: group_show( CAFETERIA_GUARDS_GROUP_NAME )
ss02.lua, line 1121: group_show( group_name )
ss02.lua, line 1286: group_show( MP.."Bomb" )
ss02.lua, line 1396: group_show( GENERATOR_GUARD_GROUP_NAME )
ss03.lua, line 353: group_show( TOBIAS_GROUP )
ss03.lua, line 354: group_show( HELICOPTER_GROUP )
ss03.lua, line 534: group_show( DRIVE_UP_DEFENDERS_GROUP )
ss03.lua, line 663: group_show( ESCAPEES_GROUP )
ss03.lua, line 796: group_show( GAS_STATION_GROUP )
ss04.lua, line 325: group_show( group_name )
ss04.lua, line 627: group_show( FLASHBANG_GROUP )
ss04.lua, line 640: group_show( VETERAN_CHILD_AND_SHAUNDI_GROUP )
ss04.lua, line 980: group_show( STOCKS_NIGHTCLUB_GROUP )
ss04.lua, line 982: group_show( STOCKS_NIGHTCLUB_COOP_GROUP )
ss04.lua, line 1058: group_show( ON_TRACK_NIGHTCLUB_INITIAL_SAMEDI )
ss04.lua, line 1086: group_show( ON_TRACK_NIGHTCLUB_SECOND_FLOOR_SAMEDI )
ss05.lua, line 573: group_show( group_name )
ss05.lua, line 1053: group_show( LAB_TWO_FLOOR_ONE_ATTACKERS )
ss05.lua, line 1064: group_show( LAB_TWO_FLOOR_TWO_ATTACKERS )
ss05.lua, line 1092: group_show( LAB_THREE_INITIAL_DEFENDERS_GROUP )
ss05.lua, line 1103: group_show( LAB_THREE_ENCLOSED_LAB_GROUP )
ss05.lua, line 1104: group_show( LAB_THREE_DEFENDERS_GROUP )
ss05.lua, line 1239: group_show( LAB_FOUR_DEFENDERS_GROUP )
ss05.lua, line 1240: group_show( LAB_FOUR_TECHS_GROUP )
ss05.lua, line 1644: group_show( LAB_FOUR_ESCAPING_TECH_GROUP )
ss05.lua, line 1647: group_show( LAB_FOUR_ESCAPING_TECH_GROUP )
ss05.lua, line 1736: group_show( LAB_THREE_AFTER_LAB_ATTACK_GROUP )
ss05.lua, line 1807: --group_show( LAB_FOUR_ESCAPING_TECH_GROUP )
ss05.lua, line 1808: group_show( LAB_FOUR_PLAYERS_CAR_GROUP )
ss06.lua, line 901: group_show( MISSION_START_COLLISION_GROUP_NAME )
ss06.lua, line 1321: group_show( SHAUNDI_ATTACKERS_GROUP_NAME )
ss06.lua, line 1327: group_show( INITIAL_ATTACKERS_GROUP_NAME )
ss06.lua, line 1421: group_show( PRE_PIERCE_REINFORCEMENTS_GROUP_NAME )
ss06.lua, line 1478: group_show( PIERCE_GROUP_NAME )
ss06.lua, line 1479: group_show( PIERCE_PURSUIT_GROUP_NAME )
ss06.lua, line 1842: group_show( ENTRANCE_REINFORCEMENTS_GROUP_NAME )
ss06.lua, line 2426: group_show( group_name )
ss06.lua, line 2428: group_show( group_name_coop )
ss07.lua, line 326: group_show( RAIL_CAR_ONE_GROUP )
ss07.lua, line 327: group_show( PIERCE_GROUP )
ss07.lua, line 537: group_show( RAIL_BOAT_GROUP )
ss07.lua, line 762: group_show( RAIL_CAR_TWO_GROUP )
ss07.lua, line 763: group_show( CARJACK_VICTIM_GROUP )
ss07.lua, line 1006: group_show( HELICOPTER_GROUPS[heli_index] )
ss08.lua, line 578: group_show( HOMIES_GROUP )
ss08.lua, line 579: group_show( JUNKIES_GROUP )
ss08.lua, line 580: group_show( DRUG_BOXES_GROUP )
ss08.lua, line 741: group_show( DRUG_TRUCK_LOADING_GROUP )
ss08.lua, line 823: group_show( OUTSIDE_OF_WAREHOUSE_AMBUSHER_GROUP )
ss08.lua, line 825: group_show( group_name )
ss08.lua, line 877: group_show( DRUG_TRUCK_GROUP )
ss08.lua, line 889: group_show( OUTSIDE_OF_WAREHOUSE_AMBUSHER_GROUP )
ss08.lua, line 934: group_show( ESCAPE_CAR_GROUP )
ss08.lua, line 1311: group_show( CHASE_SQUAD_GROUP_NAMES[group_index] )
ss08.lua, line 1761: group_show( ALL_ATTACK_SQUADS[attack_direction] )
ss09.lua, line 289: group_show( group_name )
ss09.lua, line 493: group_show( MEATPACKING_PLANT_DEFENDERS )
ss09.lua, line 532: group_show( MR_SUNSHINE_DEFENDERS_GROUP )
ss09.lua, line 728: group_show( VOODOO_DOLL_GROUP )
ss10.lua, line 662: group_show( SHAUNDI_GROUP_NAME )
ss10.lua, line 663: group_show( HELI_SQUAD_GROUP_NAME )
ss10.lua, line 664: group_show( STARTER_VEHICLE_GROUP_NAME )
ss10.lua, line 666: group_show( STARTER_VEHICLE_COOP_GROUP_NAME )
ss10.lua, line 926: group_show( SHAUNDI_REPAIR_VARIANT_GROUP_NAME )
ss11.lua, line 433: group_show( group_name )
ss11.lua, line 853: group_show( VEHICLE_SHOW_GROUPS[vehicle_index] )
ss11.lua, line 865: group_show( group_name )
ss11.lua, line 913: group_show( MALL_SQUAD_THREE_GROUP )
ss11.lua, line 936: group_show( MALL_SQUAD_FOUR_GROUP )
ss11.lua, line 1184: group_show( SHAUNDI_GROUP )
ss11.lua, line 1195: group_show( DROPOFF_ATV_GROUPS[follower_name] )
tss01.lua, line 438: group_show(group)
tss01.lua, line 2048: group_show(GROUP_HELI)
tss01.lua, line 2049: group_show(GROUP_HELI_GUARDS)
tss01.lua, line 2261: group_show(GROUP_2ND_FLOOR)
tss01.lua, line 2270: group_show(GROUP_3RD_FLOOR)
tss01.lua, line 2318: group_show(GROUP_SHORTBUS)
tss01.lua, line 2399: group_show(GROUP_COURTYARD)
tss01.lua, line 2402: group_show(GROUP_COURTYARD_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 2434: group_show(GROUP_DOCKS)
tss01.lua, line 2435: group_show(GROUP_RANDOM)
tss01.lua, line 2436: group_show(GROUP_ROADBLOCK)
tss01.lua, line 2462: group_show(GROUP_DOCKS_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 2463: group_show(GROUP_RANDOM_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 2464: group_show(GROUP_ROADBLOCK_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 2694: group_show(GROUP_ROOFTOP)
tss01.lua, line 2710: group_show(GROUP_HELI)
tss01.lua, line 2759: group_show(GROUP_FIRE_ESCAPE)
tss01.lua, line 2783: group_show(GROUP_FIRE_ESCAPE)
tss01.lua, line 3033: group_show(GROUP_TUT_SEARCH)
tss01.lua, line 3043: group_show(GROUP_TUT_FINE_AIM)
tss01.lua, line 3469: group_show(GROUP_DOCKS)
tss01.lua, line 3470: group_show(GROUP_RANDOM)
tss01.lua, line 3471: group_show(GROUP_ROADBLOCK)
tss01.lua, line 3474: group_show(GROUP_DOCKS_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 3475: group_show(GROUP_RANDOM_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 3476: group_show(GROUP_ROADBLOCK_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 3664: group_show(GROUP_DOCKS)
tss01.lua, line 3665: group_show(GROUP_RANDOM)
tss01.lua, line 3666: group_show(GROUP_ROADBLOCK)
tss01.lua, line 3707: group_show(GROUP_DOCKS_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 3708: group_show(GROUP_RANDOM_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 3709: group_show(GROUP_ROADBLOCK_COOP)
tss01.lua, line 3805: group_show(GROUP_TUT_T_IN_ROAD)
tss01.lua, line 3890: group_show(GROUP_RUN_GUN)
tss01.lua, line 3963: group_show(GROUP_HELI_AMBUSH)
tss01.lua, line 4634: group_show(GROUP_WAVE_1)
tss01.lua, line 4635: group_show(GROUP_BOAT_1)
tss01.lua, line 4636: group_show(GROUP_BOAT_2)
tss01.lua, line 4637: group_show(GROUP_BOAT_3)
tss01.lua, line 4638: group_show(GROUP_HELI_1)
tss01.lua, line 4676: group_show(GROUP_WAVE_2)
tss01.lua, line 4677: group_show(GROUP_BOAT_4)
tss01.lua, line 4678: group_show(GROUP_BOAT_5)
tss01.lua, line 4679: group_show(GROUP_HELI_2)
tss01.lua, line 4680: group_show(GROUP_HELI_3)
tss02.lua, line 331: group_show(GROUP_START)
tss02.lua, line 332: group_show(GROUP_START_VEHICLES)
tss02.lua, line 334: group_show(GROUP_START_COOP)
tss02.lua, line 828: group_show(GROUP_POLICE_01)
tss02.lua, line 990: group_show(group)
tss02.lua, line 1199: group_show(GROUP_POLICE_03)
tss02.lua, line 1201: group_show(GROUP_POLICE_03_COOP)
tss03.lua, line 114: group_show(GROUP_START)
tss03.lua, line 115: group_show(GROUP_START_VEHICLE)
tss03.lua, line 393: -- group_show(GROUP_ENTRYWAY)
tss03.lua, line 508: group_show(GROUP_SAMEDI)
tss03.lua, line 523: group_show(GROUP_SAMEDI_COOP)
tss03.lua, line 542: group_show(GROUP_BUMS_SHANTY)
tss03.lua, line 918: group_show(bum)
tss03_demo.lua, line 180: group_show(GROUP_START)
tss03_demo.lua, line 359: -- group_show(GROUP_ENTRYWAY)
tss03_demo.lua, line 479: group_show(GROUP_SAMEDI)
tss03_demo.lua, line 494: group_show(GROUP_SAMEDI_COOP)
tss03_demo.lua, line 732: group_show(GROUP_BUMS)
tss03_demo.lua, line 733: group_show(GROUP_BUMS_SHANTY)
tss03_demo.lua, line 754: group_show(GROUP_BUMS_COOP)
tss03_demo.lua, line 851: group_show(GROUP_BUMS_RUSH)
tss03_demo.lua, line 886: -- group_show(GROUP_BUMAGA)
tss04.lua, line 1008: group_show(GROUP_TOWED_VEHICLE)
tss04.lua, line 1010: group_show(GROUP_TOWED_VEHICLE_COOP)
tss04.lua, line 1314: group_show(Tss04_tow_trucks[i])
tss04.lua, line 1536: group_show(GROUP_RONIN)