screenshot |
true |
1 |
16fr_checkAI.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkAP.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkAR.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkBA.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkCT.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkDK.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkDT.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkFA.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkHE.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkMA.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkMU.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkPR.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkSE.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkSR.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkSU.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
fr_checkTY.lua, line 49: screenshot(dump_tag)
screenshot_do |
true |
2 |
screen_fx_fadeout |
true |
4 |
scripted_cutscene_play |
true |
1 |
scripted_cutscene_playing |
true |
2 |
script_assert |
true |
6bh09.lua, line 910: script_assert( false, "Boat with name "..boat_name.." not found." )
em01.lua, line 1945: script_assert( trigger_index ~= -1, "failed to find trigger's index" )
pause_menu.lua, line 528: --script_assert(idx < OBJECTIVES_MAX_ITEMS, "Too many objetive messages, might have to bump the number.")
ss03.lua, line 1167: script_assert( false, vehicle_name.." failed path. Car followed = "..car_followed..". Please get Mark Gabby if you hit this. Thanks!" )
ss03.lua, line 1246: script_assert( false, "Called 'add_car_to_convoy' index "..car_index..", vehicle: "..ESCAPEE_VEHICLES[car_index].." when there were no living cars in front of said car." )
ug_lib.lua, line 608: script_assert( false, "You must specify CELLPHONE_CHARACTER as the speaking character ( or leave it at nil ) for the other side of a cellphone conversation." )
script_profiler_do_printout |
true |
4 |
script_profiler_end_section |
true |
28bh03.lua, line 430: script_profiler_end_section( "checkpoint: give and equip weapons" )
bh03.lua, line 442: script_profiler_end_section( "checkpoint group creation" )
bh03.lua, line 450: script_profiler_end_section( "teleport coop" )
bh03.lua, line 1292: script_profiler_end_section( "checkpoint: evacuating from vehicles" )
bh03.lua, line 1306: script_profiler_end_section( "checkpoint: blocking on player weapons" )
bh03.lua, line 1340: script_profiler_end_section( "checkpoint: showing groups" )
bh03.lua, line 1353: script_profiler_end_section( "checkpoint: teleport coop" )
bh03.lua, line 1361: script_profiler_end_section( "checkpoint: block on distance" )
bh03.lua, line 1370: script_profiler_end_section( "checkpoint: teleporting passengers" )
bh03.lua, line 1381: script_profiler_end_section( "checkpoint: enter helicopter" )
bh03.lua, line 1385: script_profiler_end_section( "checkpoint: seating players" )
bh03.lua, line 1411: script_profiler_end_section( "checkpoint: vehicle teleport etc" )
bh03.lua, line 1441: script_profiler_end_section( "checkpoint: misc" )
ss03.lua, line 322: script_profiler_end_section( "SS03 Restart Teleport Coop" )
ss03.lua, line 327: script_profiler_end_section( "SS03 Restart Blocking Group Creates" )
ss03.lua, line 361: script_profiler_end_section( "Misc Group Setup" )
ss03.lua, line 366: script_profiler_end_section( "Misc Threads" )
ss03.lua, line 373: script_profiler_end_section( "Misc Seat People" )
ss03.lua, line 383: script_profiler_end_section( "Misc Do Path" )
ss03.lua, line 442: script_profiler_end_section( "SS03 Misc" )
ss03.lua, line 444: script_profiler_end_section( "SS03 Start" )
ss03.lua, line 449: script_profiler_end_section( "SS03 Start" )
ss03.lua, line 571: script_profiler_end_section( "Seat People Equip Weapons" )
ss03.lua, line 587: script_profiler_end_section( "Seat People Enter Helicopter" )
ss11.lua, line 999: script_profiler_end_section( "Post CT: Part 1" )
ss11.lua, line 1023: script_profiler_end_section( "Post CT: Teleport Entry" )
ss11.lua, line 1064: script_profiler_end_section( "Post CT: Misc" )
ss11.lua, line 1074: script_profiler_end_section( "Post CT: Reenable" )
script_profiler_reset |
true |
3 |
script_profiler_start_section |
true |
27bh03.lua, line 428: script_profiler_start_section( "checkpoint: give and equip weapons" )
bh03.lua, line 432: script_profiler_start_section( "checkpoint group creation" )
bh03.lua, line 448: script_profiler_start_section( "teleport coop" )
bh03.lua, line 1281: script_profiler_start_section( "checkpoint: evacuating from vehicles" )
bh03.lua, line 1296: script_profiler_start_section( "checkpoint: blocking on player weapons" )
bh03.lua, line 1332: script_profiler_start_section( "checkpoint: showing groups" )
bh03.lua, line 1349: script_profiler_start_section( "checkpoint: teleport coop" )
bh03.lua, line 1357: script_profiler_start_section( "checkpoint: block on distance" )
bh03.lua, line 1364: script_profiler_start_section( "checkpoint: teleporting passengers" )
bh03.lua, line 1373: script_profiler_start_section( "checkpoint: enter helicopter" )
bh03.lua, line 1386: script_profiler_start_section( "checkpoint: misc" )
bh03.lua, line 1397: script_profiler_start_section( "checkpoint: vehicle teleport etc" )
ss03.lua, line 317: script_profiler_start_section( "SS03 Start" )
ss03.lua, line 319: script_profiler_start_section( "SS03 Start" )
ss03.lua, line 320: script_profiler_start_section( "SS03 Restart Teleport Coop" )
ss03.lua, line 324: script_profiler_start_section( "SS03 Restart Blocking Group Creates" )
ss03.lua, line 340: script_profiler_start_section( "SS03 Misc" )
ss03.lua, line 352: script_profiler_start_section( "Misc Group Setup" )
ss03.lua, line 363: script_profiler_start_section( "Misc Threads" )
ss03.lua, line 371: script_profiler_start_section( "Misc Seat People" )
ss03.lua, line 380: script_profiler_start_section( "Misc Do Path" )
ss03.lua, line 562: script_profiler_start_section( "Seat People Equip Weapons" )
ss03.lua, line 574: script_profiler_start_section( "Seat People Enter Helicopter" )
ss11.lua, line 983: script_profiler_start_section( "Post CT: Part 1" )
ss11.lua, line 1017: script_profiler_start_section( "Post CT: Teleport Entry" )
ss11.lua, line 1025: script_profiler_start_section( "Post CT: Misc" )
ss11.lua, line 1068: script_profiler_start_section( "Post CT: Reenable" )
send_mp_lobby_player_invite |
true |
1 |
set_always_sees_player_flag |
true |
21ep01.lua, line 386: set_always_sees_player_flag(goon, true)
rn06.lua, line 354: set_always_sees_player_flag(enemy, true)
rn10.lua, line 705: set_always_sees_player_flag(ronin,true)
rn10.lua, line 945: set_always_sees_player_flag(ronin,true)
rn10.lua, line 950: set_always_sees_player_flag(ronin,false)
rn10.lua, line 1248: set_always_sees_player_flag(CHARACTER_AKUJI,true)
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 147: --set_always_sees_player_flag(groupone[i], true)
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 161: --set_always_sees_player_flag(groupone[i], true)
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 341: set_always_sees_player_flag(waveOne[i], true)
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 355: set_always_sees_player_flag(waveTwo[i], true)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 383: set_always_sees_player_flag(merchants[i], true)
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 68: set_always_sees_player_flag(GroupOne[i], true)
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 189: set_always_sees_player_flag(GroupOne[i], true)
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 301: set_always_sees_player_flag(boatguards[i], true)
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 496: set_always_sees_player_flag(npc, true)
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 337: set_always_sees_player_flag(reinforce1[i], true)
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 344: set_always_sees_player_flag(boatDefense[i], true)
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 316: set_always_sees_player_flag(rone[i], true)
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 332: set_always_sees_player_flag(rtwo[i], true)
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 351: set_always_sees_player_flag(rthree[i], true)
tss01.lua, line 3526: set_always_sees_player_flag(Tss01_dock_guards[i])
set_animation_state |
true |
17bh02.lua, line 682: set_animation_state(donnie, STATE_PLANT_BOMB)
bh02.lua, line 694: set_animation_state(donnie, STATE_PLANT_BOMB)
bh04.lua, line 276: set_animation_state(CHAR_DONNIE, STATE_WORK_ON_CAR)
bh07.lua, line 562: set_animation_state(npc, ANIM_STATE_SWAT)
bh07.lua, line 572: set_animation_state(npc, ANIM_STATE_SWAT)
bh07.lua, line 579: set_animation_state(npc, ANIM_STATE_KNEEL)
coop_test.lua, line 291: set_animation_state(donnie, STATE_PLANT_BOMB)
coop_test.lua, line 299: set_animation_state(donnie, STATE_PLANT_BOMB)
ep02.lua, line 471: set_animation_state(triggerer, "crouch plant bomb")
rn01.lua, line 808: set_animation_state(CHARACTER_GAT, STATE_PLANT_BOMB)
rn01.lua, line 899: set_animation_state( guard, "Doorman stand")
rn04.lua, line 1653: set_animation_state(CHARACTER_GAT, anim_name)
rn08.lua, line 1311: set_animation_state(placer, "crouch plant bomb")
ss02.lua, line 1277: set_animation_state( triggerer_name, STATE_PLANT_C4 )
ss02.lua, line 1281: set_animation_state( triggerer_name, STATE_PLANT_C4 )
ss10.lua, line 2024: set_animation_state( SHAUNDI_REPAIR_VARIANT_NAME, STATE_HACK_CAMERA_ROOM )
ug_lib.lua, line 305: set_animation_state( npc, name )
set_attack_enemies_flag |
true |
10bh05.lua, line 562: set_attack_enemies_flag( name, enable )
em01.lua, line 410: set_attack_enemies_flag(CHARACTER_JULIUS, true)
em01.lua, line 2615: set_attack_enemies_flag(CHARACTER_JULIUS, true)
rn01.lua, line 1609: set_attack_enemies_flag(CHARACTER_GAT,true)
rn04.lua, line 1282: set_attack_enemies_flag(passenger, true)
rn07.lua, line 680: set_attack_enemies_flag(CHARACTER_GAT, false)
ss02.lua, line 675: set_attack_enemies_flag( LAURA_NAME, false )
ss10.lua, line 1180: set_attack_enemies_flag( SHAUNDI_REPAIR_VARIANT_NAME, false )
ss10.lua, line 1268: set_attack_enemies_flag( SHAUNDI_REPAIR_VARIANT_NAME, true )
ss10.lua, line 1285: set_attack_enemies_flag( SHAUNDI_REPAIR_VARIANT_NAME, false )
set_attack_peds_flag |
true |
4 |
set_attack_player_flag |
true |
33bh04.lua, line 282: set_attack_player_flag(npc, true)
bh04.lua, line 357: set_attack_player_flag(CHAR_DONNIE, false)
bh04.lua, line 500: set_attack_player_flag(CHAR_DONNIE, true)
bh04.lua, line 509: set_attack_player_flag(CHAR_DONNIE, false)
bh04.lua, line 595: set_attack_player_flag(npc, true)
bh05.lua, line 772: set_attack_player_flag(member_name, true)
bh07.lua, line 583: set_attack_player_flag(npc, false)
bh07.lua, line 701: set_attack_player_flag(npc, true)
bh07.lua, line 713: set_attack_player_flag(npc, true)
bh07.lua, line 725: set_attack_player_flag(npc, false)
bh07.lua, line 748: set_attack_player_flag(npc, true)
bh07.lua, line 757: set_attack_player_flag(npc, true)
bh07.lua, line 802: set_attack_player_flag(npc, false)
bh07.lua, line 905: set_attack_player_flag(npc, true)
bh07.lua, line 914: set_attack_player_flag(npc, true)
bh07.lua, line 923: set_attack_player_flag(npc, false)
bh07.lua, line 982: set_attack_player_flag(npc, false)
bh07.lua, line 987: set_attack_player_flag(CHAR_CLERK_STORE, false)
bh07.lua, line 1054: set_attack_player_flag(npc, true)
bh07.lua, line 1062: set_attack_player_flag(npc, false)
ep03.lua, line 224: set_attack_player_flag(npc, true)
ep03.lua, line 258: set_attack_player_flag(npc, false)
ep03.lua, line 268: set_attack_player_flag(npc, false)
ep03.lua, line 285: set_attack_player_flag(npc, false)
rn01.lua, line 1102: set_attack_player_flag(guard, true)
rn07.lua, line 682: set_attack_player_flag(CHARACTER_GAT, false)
rn10.lua, line 913: set_attack_player_flag(ronin,true)
rn11.lua, line 1673: set_attack_player_flag(lieutenant, true)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 384: set_attack_player_flag(merchants[i], true)
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 345: set_attack_player_flag(boatDefense[i], true)
sh_tss_ugmall.lua, line 104: set_attack_player_flag( wander[i], true )
sh_tss_ugmall.lua, line 137: set_attack_player_flag( char, false )
ss01.lua, line 1246: set_attack_player_flag( member, true )
set_blitz_flag |
true |
17ep01.lua, line 384: set_blitz_flag(goon,true)
ep01.lua, line 488: set_blitz_flag(masako,true)
ep01.lua, line 495: set_blitz_flag(masako,true)
ep01.lua, line 519: set_blitz_flag(member,true)
rn05.lua, line 922: set_blitz_flag(passenger,true)
rn10.lua, line 1253: set_blitz_flag(CHARACTER_AKUJI, true)
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 146: set_blitz_flag(char, true)
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 160: set_blitz_flag(char, true)
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 340: set_blitz_flag(waveOne[i], true)
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 354: set_blitz_flag(waveTwo[i], true)
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 343: set_blitz_flag(boatDefense[i], true)
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 317: set_blitz_flag(rone[i], true)
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 333: set_blitz_flag(rtwo[i], true)
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 352: set_blitz_flag(rthree[i], true)
sh_tss_ugmall.lua, line 111: set_blitz_flag(bodyguards[i][j], true)
tss04.lua, line 1140: set_blitz_flag(Tss04_mourners[i], true)
tss04.lua, line 1159: set_blitz_flag(Tss04_trash[i], true)
set_cant_flee_flag |
true |
24bh08.lua, line 241: set_cant_flee_flag(npc, true)
bh08.lua, line 257: set_cant_flee_flag(npc, true)
bh08.lua, line 364: set_cant_flee_flag(npc, true)
bh08.lua, line 687: set_cant_flee_flag(npc, true)
bh08.lua, line 701: set_cant_flee_flag(npc, true)
bh08.lua, line 1038: set_cant_flee_flag(npc, true)
rn02.lua, line 1282: set_cant_flee_flag(Current_dealer, true)
rn02.lua, line 1345: set_cant_flee_flag(character_dealer, false)
rn07.lua, line 683: set_cant_flee_flag(CHARACTER_GAT, true)
rn10.lua, line 1243: set_cant_flee_flag(CHARACTER_AKUJI, true)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 385: set_cant_flee_flag(merchants[i], true)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 508: set_cant_flee_flag(merchant_name, false)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 574: set_cant_flee_flag("sh_bh_chinatown_$cPagoda", false)
ss04.lua, line 612: set_cant_flee_flag( AUSSIE_VC_NAME, true )
ss04.lua, line 656: set_cant_flee_flag( VETERAN_CHILD_NAME, true )
ss04.lua, line 850: set_cant_flee_flag( SHAUNDI_NAME, false )
ss06.lua, line 2374: set_cant_flee_flag( member, true )
ss06.lua, line 2383: set_cant_flee_flag( member, true )
ss08.lua, line 978: set_cant_flee_flag( SHAUNDI_NAME, true )
ss08.lua, line 979: set_cant_flee_flag( PIERCE_NAME, true )
ss10.lua, line 1283: set_cant_flee_flag( SHAUNDI_REPAIR_VARIANT_NAME, true )
ss10.lua, line 2014: set_cant_flee_flag( SHAUNDI_REPAIR_VARIANT_NAME, true )
tss04.lua, line 1141: set_cant_flee_flag(Tss04_mourners[i], true)
tss04.lua, line 1160: set_cant_flee_flag(Tss04_trash[i], true)
set_coop_friendly_fire |
true |
1 |
set_coop_join_type |
true |
5 |
set_cops_shooting_from_vehicles |
true |
4 |
set_cower_flee_mode |
true |
4 |
set_current_hit_points |
true |
66bh03.lua, line 1579: set_current_hit_points( ESCAPE_HELICOPTER, max_hp * 0.2 )
bh04.lua, line 273: set_current_hit_points(CHAR_DONNIE, Bh04_donnie_initial_hp)
bh04.lua, line 586: set_current_hit_points(BERGEN, Bergen_hp)
bh07.lua, line 974: set_current_hit_points(CHAR_CLERK_STORE, increased_health)
bh08.lua, line 683: set_current_hit_points(boat, MODIFIED_BOAT_HEALTH)
bh08.lua, line 1035: set_current_hit_points(boat, 7500)
bh09.lua, line 805: set_current_hit_points( boat, new_max_boat_hp )
bh10.lua, line 894: set_current_hit_points(CHAR_MAERO, Maero_initial_health)
bh10.lua, line 1526: set_current_hit_points(CHAR_MAERO, old_hit_points - damage)
bh11.lua, line 290: set_current_hit_points(MONSTER_TRUCK, new_cur_hp)
bh11.lua, line 320: set_current_hit_points( vehicle, new_hp )
bh11.lua, line 563: set_current_hit_points( MONSTER_TRUCK, new_truck_hp )
bh11.lua, line 578: set_current_hit_points( MONSTER_TRUCK, starting_hp )
em01.lua, line 340: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_JULIUS, get_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_JULIUS) * 0.5)
ep01.lua, line 1526: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_PIERCE, ep01_get_parameter_value("PIERCE_MAX_HIT_POINTS"))
ep01.lua, line 1692: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_PIERCE, pierce_start_hit_points)
ep01.lua, line 1773: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_PIERCE,new_health)
ep01.lua, line 1807: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_PIERCE,new_health)
ep03.lua, line 353: set_current_hit_points(ULTOR_GETAWAY_BOAT, New_hit_points)
ep04.lua, line 476: set_current_hit_points( STARTER_CAR_NAME, car_new_max_hp )
ep04.lua, line 614: set_current_hit_points( VOGEL_NAME, VOGELS_HEALTH )
ep04.lua, line 690: set_current_hit_points( VOGEL_NAME, percent_to_set * max_hp )
ep04.lua, line 720: set_current_hit_points( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME, VOGELS_LIMO_HEALTH )
ep04.lua, line 928: set_current_hit_points( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME, limo_hp_to_set )
rn04.lua, line 1423: set_current_hit_points(ronin, new_health)
rn06.lua, line 678: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_JYUNICHI,JYUNICHI_REVIVE_PERCENT * max_hp)
rn07.lua, line 702: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT, GAT_HIT_POINTS * GAT_PERCENT_HEALTH)
rn07.lua, line 744: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT, gat_restart_hit_points)
rn07.lua, line 1082: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_RPG_GUY, new_hit_points)
rn07.lua, line 1679: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT, new_hit_points)
rn07.lua, line 1714: set_current_hit_points(gat, new_hit_points)
rn07.lua, line 1729: set_current_hit_points(helicopter, helicopter_new_hit_points)
rn07.lua, line 2383: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT_NORMAL, GAT_HIT_POINTS)
rn09.lua, line 349: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_SHOGO, rn09_get_parameter_value("SHOGO_HIT_POINTS"))
rn09.lua, line 582: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_SHOGO, 0.5*shogo_hit_points)
rn09.lua, line 659: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_SHOGO, damage_percent * get_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_SHOGO))
rn10.lua, line 1316: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_AKUJI, new_hit_points)
rn11.lua, line 1787: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER_AKUJI,AKUJI_REVIVE_PERCENT * max_hp)
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 81: set_current_hit_points( GroupBoats[i], 1000)
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 286: set_current_hit_points( GroupBoats[i], 1000)
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 146: set_current_hit_points(object, shack_hp)
ss01.lua, line 935: set_current_hit_points( FINAL_DEALER_GROUP_VEHICLE_NAME, new_car_hp )
ss03.lua, line 428: set_current_hit_points( HELICOPTER_NAME, HELICOPTER_HIT_POINTS )
ss03.lua, line 431: set_current_hit_points( TOBIAS_NAME, TOBIAS_HIT_POINTS )
ss03.lua, line 490: set_current_hit_points(CHARACTER, (rocket_man_hit_points*ROCKET_LAUNCHER_HIT_POINT_MOD))
ss03.lua, line 497: set_current_hit_points(VEHICLE, (heli_hit_points*PLAYER_HELI_HIT_POINT_MOD))
ss03.lua, line 525: set_current_hit_points( victim_name, new_hp )
ss04.lua, line 619: set_current_hit_points( AUSSIE_VC_NAME, hit_points_to_set )
ss04.lua, line 690: set_current_hit_points( VETERAN_CHILD_NAME, hit_points_to_set )
ss04.lua, line 695: set_current_hit_points( SHAUNDI_NAME, new_shaundi_hp )
ss06.lua, line 1062: set_current_hit_points( character_name, char_new_hp )
ss07.lua, line 296: set_current_hit_points( vehicle_name, new_hp )
ss08.lua, line 961: set_current_hit_points( DRUG_TRUCK, INITIAL_DRUG_TRUCK_HP )
ss09.lua, line 369: set_current_hit_points( attacked_object_name, new_hit_points )
ss09.lua, line 569: set_current_hit_points( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME, sunshine_hit_points )
ss09.lua, line 838: set_current_hit_points( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME, percent_hp_remaining_after_attack * sunshine_max_hp )
ss09.lua, line 980: set_current_hit_points( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME, sunshine_new_hit_points )
ss09.lua, line 1001: set_current_hit_points( player_name, player_new_hit_points )
ss10.lua, line 1913: set_current_hit_points( REPAIR_VAN_NAME, Initial_van_hp )
ss11.lua, line 1045: set_current_hit_points(GENERALS_RIDE, generals_ride_hp )
ss11.lua, line 1363: set_current_hit_points( THE_GENERAL_NAME, general_max_hp )
tss01.lua, line 3838: set_current_hit_points(FINE_AIM_VEHICLE, get_max_hit_points(FINE_AIM_VEHICLE) * 0.12)
tss03.lua, line 537: set_current_hit_points(Tss03_shanties[i], 375)
tss03.lua, line 826: set_current_hit_points(Tss03_shanties[i], 2)
tss03.lua, line 829: set_current_hit_points(Tss03_shanties[i], 375)
tss03_demo.lua, line 774: set_current_hit_points(Tss03_demo_shanties[i], 2)
set_dont_attack_me_on_sight_flag |
true |
3 |
set_dont_drop_havok_weapons_on_idle |
true |
4 |
set_force_combat_ready_team |
true |
3 |
set_ignore_ai_flag |
true |
102bh01.lua, line 294: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, true)
bh01.lua, line 484: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, true)
bh01.lua, line 486: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, false)
bh04.lua, line 277: set_ignore_ai_flag(CHAR_DONNIE, true)
bh04.lua, line 501: set_ignore_ai_flag(CHAR_DONNIE, false)
bh04.lua, line 510: set_ignore_ai_flag(CHAR_DONNIE, true)
bh04.lua, line 590: set_ignore_ai_flag(CHAR_CARLOS, true)
bh05.lua, line 593: set_ignore_ai_flag( CHAR_JESSICA, true )
bh05.lua, line 607: set_ignore_ai_flag( CHAR_JESSICA, false )
bh05.lua, line 642: set_ignore_ai_flag( CHAR_JESSICA, true )
bh05.lua, line 658: set_ignore_ai_flag( CHAR_JESSICA, false )
bh06.lua, line 520: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, true)
bh06.lua, line 524: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, true)
bh06.lua, line 527: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, true)
bh06.lua, line 578: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, false)
bh06.lua, line 591: set_ignore_ai_flag(CHAR_AMBUSH_BIKE[bike_num], false)
bh06.lua, line 598: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, false)
bh07.lua, line 457: set_ignore_ai_flag(CHAR_FIREBOMBERS[1], true)
bh07.lua, line 458: set_ignore_ai_flag(CHAR_FIREBOMBERS[2], true)
bh07.lua, line 459: set_ignore_ai_flag(CHAR_FIREBOMBERS[3], true)
bh07.lua, line 700: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, false)
bh07.lua, line 712: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, false)
bh07.lua, line 720: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, false)
bh07.lua, line 726: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, false)
bh07.lua, line 747: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, false)
bh07.lua, line 756: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, false)
bh07.lua, line 906: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, false)
bh07.lua, line 915: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, false)
bh07.lua, line 924: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, true)
bh07.lua, line 1121: set_ignore_ai_flag(CHAR_LT_COORD, true)
bh08.lua, line 223: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, true)
bh08.lua, line 256: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, true)
bh08.lua, line 363: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, false)
bh08.lua, line 425: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, false)
bh08.lua, line 686: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, true)
bh08.lua, line 1037: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, true)
bh10.lua, line 436: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, true)
bh10.lua, line 487: set_ignore_ai_flag(npc, true)
bh10.lua, line 1311: set_ignore_ai_flag( CHAR_MAERO, true )
bh10.lua, line 1338: set_ignore_ai_flag( CHAR_MAERO, false)
bh10.lua, line 1412: set_ignore_ai_flag( CHAR_MAERO, true)
bh10.lua, line 1423: set_ignore_ai_flag( CHAR_MAERO, false)
coop_test.lua, line 28: --set_ignore_ai_flag( "coop_test_$c000", true )
coop_test.lua, line 188: set_ignore_ai_flag( "coop_test_$c000", false )
coop_test.lua, line 246: set_ignore_ai_flag( "coop_test_$c000", true )
coop_test.lua, line 247: set_ignore_ai_flag( "coop_test_$c001", true )
coop_test.lua, line 248: set_ignore_ai_flag( "coop_test_$c002", true )
ep01.lua, line 1172: set_ignore_ai_flag(CHARACTER_SHAUNDI, true)
ep04.lua, line 648: set_ignore_ai_flag( VOGEL_NAME, true )
ep04.lua, line 650: set_ignore_ai_flag( VOGEL_NAME, false )
ep04.lua, line 849: set_ignore_ai_flag( VOGEL_LIMO_DRIVER, true )
ep04.lua, line 970: set_ignore_ai_flag( VOGEL_LIMO_DRIVER, false )
rn01.lua, line 1608: set_ignore_ai_flag(CHARACTER_GAT,false)
ss01.lua, line 1088: set_ignore_ai_flag( member_name, true )
ss01.lua, line 1090: set_ignore_ai_flag( member_name, false )
ss02.lua, line 665: set_ignore_ai_flag( name, true )
ss02.lua, line 678: set_ignore_ai_flag( LAURA_NAME, false )
ss02.lua, line 1035: set_ignore_ai_flag( LAURA_NAME, true )
ss02.lua, line 1177: set_ignore_ai_flag( guard_name, false )
ss03.lua, line 666: --set_ignore_ai_flag( group_members[1], true )
ss04.lua, line 932: set_ignore_ai_flag( SHAUNDI_NAME, false )
ss04.lua, line 1074: set_ignore_ai_flag( member_name, true )
ss04.lua, line 1080: set_ignore_ai_flag( member_name, false )
ss05.lua, line 1163: set_ignore_ai_flag( LAB_FOUR_ESCAPEE_TECH, false )
ss05.lua, line 1535: set_ignore_ai_flag( name, false )
ss05.lua, line 1810: set_ignore_ai_flag( LAB_FOUR_ESCAPEE_TECH, true )
ss06.lua, line 1208: set_ignore_ai_flag( member, true )
ss06.lua, line 1216: set_ignore_ai_flag( member, true )
ss06.lua, line 1304: set_ignore_ai_flag( member, false )
ss06.lua, line 1310: set_ignore_ai_flag( member, false )
ss06.lua, line 1317: set_ignore_ai_flag( SHAUNDI_NAME, true )
ss06.lua, line 1813: set_ignore_ai_flag( SHAUNDI_NAME, false )
ss06.lua, line 2167: set_ignore_ai_flag( member, false )
ss06.lua, line 2179: set_ignore_ai_flag( member, false )
ss07.lua, line 720: set_ignore_ai_flag( PIERCE_NAME, true )
ss07.lua, line 734: set_ignore_ai_flag( PIERCE_NAME, false )
ss07.lua, line 786: set_ignore_ai_flag( PIERCE_NAME, true )
ss08.lua, line 765: set_ignore_ai_flag( PIERCE_NAME, false )
ss08.lua, line 770: set_ignore_ai_flag( SHAUNDI_NAME, true )
ss08.lua, line 771: set_ignore_ai_flag( PIERCE_NAME, true )
ss08.lua, line 917: set_ignore_ai_flag( SHAUNDI_NAME, false )
ss08.lua, line 918: set_ignore_ai_flag( PIERCE_NAME, false )
ss08.lua, line 1548: set_ignore_ai_flag( PIERCE_NAME, true )
ss09.lua, line 668: set_ignore_ai_flag( WALKERS[1], false )
ss09.lua, line 669: set_ignore_ai_flag( WALKERS[2], false )
ss09.lua, line 779: set_ignore_ai_flag( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME, false )
ss09.lua, line 802: set_ignore_ai_flag( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME, true )
ss09.lua, line 806: set_ignore_ai_flag( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME, false )
ss09.lua, line 844: set_ignore_ai_flag( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME, true )
ss09.lua, line 899: set_ignore_ai_flag( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME, true )
ss09.lua, line 950: set_ignore_ai_flag( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME, false )
ss09.lua, line 1012: set_ignore_ai_flag( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME, false )
ss10.lua, line 1171: set_ignore_ai_flag( SHAUNDI_REPAIR_VARIANT_NAME, false )
ss10.lua, line 2017: set_ignore_ai_flag( SHAUNDI_REPAIR_VARIANT_NAME, true )
ss11.lua, line 1197: set_ignore_ai_flag( follower_name, true )
ss11.lua, line 1529: set_ignore_ai_flag( THE_GENERAL_NAME, true )
ss11.lua, line 1562: set_ignore_ai_flag( THE_GENERAL_NAME, false )
tss01.lua, line 622: set_ignore_ai_flag(CHARACTER_DOCTOR, true)
tss01.lua, line 912: set_ignore_ai_flag(CHARACTER_DOCTOR, false)
tss02.lua, line 1132: set_ignore_ai_flag(cop, true)
tss02.lua, line 1135: set_ignore_ai_flag(cop, false)
tss02.lua, line 1149: set_ignore_ai_flag(TURNCOP01_02, false)
set_ignore_burst_accuracy_flag |
true |
1 |
set_max_hit_points |
true |
108bh02.lua, line 225: set_max_hit_points(VEHICLE_LIN_MOBILE, get_max_hit_points(VEHICLE_LIN_MOBILE) * LINS_CAR_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER, true)
bh02.lua, line 279: set_max_hit_points(CHAR_DONNIE, DONNIE_SOLO_HP_MULTIPLIER * get_max_hit_points(CHAR_DONNIE))
bh03.lua, line 1515: set_max_hit_points(BOAT01_BOAT, get_max_hit_points(BOAT01_BOAT) * BOAT_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER, true)
bh03.lua, line 1516: set_max_hit_points(BOAT02_BOAT, get_max_hit_points(BOAT02_BOAT) * BOAT_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER, true)
bh04.lua, line 272: set_max_hit_points(CHAR_DONNIE, Bh04_donnie_initial_hp)
bh04.lua, line 585: set_max_hit_points(BERGEN, Bergen_hp)
bh07.lua, line 973: set_max_hit_points(CHAR_CLERK_STORE, increased_health)
bh09.lua, line 806: set_max_hit_points( boat, new_max_boat_hp )
bh10.lua, line 893: set_max_hit_points(CHAR_MAERO, Maero_initial_health)
bh11.lua, line 289: set_max_hit_points(MONSTER_TRUCK, new_max_hp)
bh11.lua, line 319: set_max_hit_points( vehicle, new_hp )
bh11.lua, line 577: set_max_hit_points( MONSTER_TRUCK, starting_hp )
coop_test.lua, line 17: set_max_hit_points( "coop_test_$c000", 1500 )
em01.lua, line 1389: set_max_hit_points(HELI_ATTACK_VEHICLE, get_max_hit_points(HELI_ATTACK_VEHICLE) * 4, true)
em01.lua, line 1391: set_max_hit_points(HELI_ATTACK_VEHICLE, get_max_hit_points(HELI_ATTACK_VEHICLE) * 8, true)
em01.lua, line 2024: set_max_hit_points(JULIUS_VEHICLE, get_max_hit_points(JULIUS_VEHICLE) * 3, true)
em01.lua, line 2277: set_max_hit_points(LAST_STAND_HELI_A, get_max_hit_points(LAST_STAND_HELI_A) * 4, true)
em01.lua, line 2278: set_max_hit_points(LAST_STAND_HELI_B, get_max_hit_points(LAST_STAND_HELI_B) * 4, true)
em01.lua, line 2280: set_max_hit_points(LAST_STAND_HELI_A, get_max_hit_points(LAST_STAND_HELI_A) * 8, true)
em01.lua, line 2281: set_max_hit_points(LAST_STAND_HELI_B, get_max_hit_points(LAST_STAND_HELI_B) * 8, true)
ep01.lua, line 927: set_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_SHAUNDI_ULTOR_DRIVER, ep01_get_parameter_value("VAN_DRIVER_HIT_POINTS"))
ep01.lua, line 928: set_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_SHAUNDI_ULTOR_SHOTGUN, ep01_get_parameter_value("VAN_SHOTGUN_HIT_POINTS"))
ep01.lua, line 929: set_max_hit_points(VEHICLE_SHAUNDI_VAN, ep01_get_parameter_value("VAN_HIT_POINTS"))
ep01.lua, line 1691: set_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_PIERCE, pierce_max_hit_points)
ep03.lua, line 352: set_max_hit_points(ULTOR_GETAWAY_BOAT, New_hit_points)
ep04.lua, line 475: set_max_hit_points( STARTER_CAR_NAME, car_new_max_hp )
ep04.lua, line 613: set_max_hit_points( VOGEL_NAME, VOGELS_HEALTH )
ep04.lua, line 719: set_max_hit_points( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME, VOGELS_LIMO_HEALTH )
rn02.lua, line 478: set_max_hit_points(VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR, get_max_hit_points(VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR)*PLAYER_VEHICLE_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER)
rn02.lua, line 1447: set_max_hit_points(vehicle, rn02_get_parameter_value("CAR_CHASE_HP"))
rn02.lua, line 1450: set_max_hit_points(vehicle, rn02_get_parameter_value("BIKE_CHASE_HP"))
rn02.lua, line 1570: set_max_hit_points(vehicle, rn02_get_parameter_value("CAR_CHASE_HP"))
rn02.lua, line 1572: set_max_hit_points(vehicle, rn02_get_parameter_value("BIKE_CHASE_HP"))
rn03.lua, line 361: set_max_hit_points(VEHICLE_PLAYER_BIKE_1, PLAYER_BIKE_HIT_POINTS)
rn03.lua, line 364: set_max_hit_points(VEHICLE_PLAYER_BIKE_2, PLAYER_BIKE_HIT_POINTS)
rn03.lua, line 677: set_max_hit_points(bike, rn03_wave_parameter(wave_name,"BIKE_HP"))
rn03.lua, line 714: set_max_hit_points(driver, rn03_wave_parameter(wave_name,"DRIVER_HP"))
rn04.lua, line 641: set_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT,rn04_get_parameter_value("GAT_HIT_POINTS"))
rn04.lua, line 1756: set_max_hit_points(vehicle, rn04_get_parameter_value("CAR_CHASE_HP"))
rn04.lua, line 1759: set_max_hit_points(vehicle, rn04_get_parameter_value("BIKE_CHASE_HP"))
rn04.lua, line 1885: set_max_hit_points(vehicle, rn04_get_parameter_value("CAR_CHASE_HP"))
rn04.lua, line 1887: set_max_hit_points(vehicle, rn04_get_parameter_value("BIKE_CHASE_HP"))
rn04.lua, line 2194: set_max_hit_points(vehicle_homie, hit_points*rn04_get_parameter_value("HOMIE_VEHICLE_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER"))
rn05.lua, line 625: set_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_CART_DRIVER, rn05_get_parameter_value("RONIN_CART_DRIVER_HP"))
rn05.lua, line 626: set_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_CART_PASSENGER, rn05_get_parameter_value("RONIN_CART_PASSENGER_HP"))
rn05.lua, line 627: set_max_hit_points(VEHICLE_RONIN_CART, rn05_get_parameter_value("RONIN_CART_HP"))
rn06.lua, line 353: set_max_hit_points(enemy,enemy_hit_points * MELEE_ENEMY_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER)
rn06.lua, line 441: set_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_JYUNICHI,JYUNICHI_HIT_POINTS)
rn07.lua, line 672: set_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT, GAT_HIT_POINTS)
rn07.lua, line 2382: set_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_GAT_NORMAL, GAT_HIT_POINTS_HELI)
rn08.lua, line 1220: set_max_hit_points(target, hit_points, true)
rn09.lua, line 348: set_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_SHOGO, rn09_get_parameter_value("SHOGO_HIT_POINTS"))
rn09.lua, line 581: set_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_SHOGO, shogo_hit_points)
rn10.lua, line 1237: set_max_hit_points( CHARACTER_AKUJI, rn10_get_parameter_value("AKUJI_HIT_POINTS") )
rn10.lua, line 1264: set_max_hit_points( "rn10_$c020", rn10_get_parameter_value("AKUJI_LTNT_HIT_POINTS") )
rn10.lua, line 1265: set_max_hit_points( "rn10_$c021", rn10_get_parameter_value("AKUJI_LTNT_HIT_POINTS") )
rn10.lua, line 1266: set_max_hit_points( "rn10_$c022", rn10_get_parameter_value("AKUJI_LTNT_HIT_POINTS") )
rn11.lua, line 413: set_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_AKUJI,AKUJI_HIT_POINTS)
rn11.lua, line 651: set_max_hit_points(VEHICLE_WAVERUNNER, WAVERUNNER_HIT_POINTS)
rn11.lua, line 837: set_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_AKUJI,AKUJI_HIT_POINTS)
rn11.lua, line 1802: set_max_hit_points(member, COOP_HP_MULTIPLIER*hp)
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 527: set_max_hit_points(trucks[b], hp/2)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 74: set_max_hit_points(merchants[i], merchantHitPoints)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 75: set_max_hit_points("sh_bh_chinatown_$cPagoda", merchantHitPoints)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 370: --set_max_hit_points(merchants[i], merchantHitPoints)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 553: --set_max_hit_points("sh_bh_chinatown_$cPagoda", merchantHitPoints)
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 321: set_max_hit_points(real_boats[i], real_boats_hitpoints)
ss01.lua, line 936: set_max_hit_points( FINAL_DEALER_GROUP_VEHICLE_NAME, new_car_hp )
ss03.lua, line 427: set_max_hit_points( HELICOPTER_NAME, HELICOPTER_HIT_POINTS )
ss03.lua, line 430: set_max_hit_points( TOBIAS_NAME, TOBIAS_HIT_POINTS )
ss04.lua, line 618: set_max_hit_points( AUSSIE_VC_NAME, hit_points_to_set )
ss04.lua, line 689: set_max_hit_points( VETERAN_CHILD_NAME, hit_points_to_set )
ss04.lua, line 694: set_max_hit_points( SHAUNDI_NAME, new_shaundi_hp )
ss07.lua, line 295: set_max_hit_points( vehicle_name, new_hp )
ss08.lua, line 960: set_max_hit_points( DRUG_TRUCK, INITIAL_DRUG_TRUCK_HP )
ss09.lua, line 568: set_max_hit_points( MR_SUNSHINE_NAME, sunshine_hit_points )
ss10.lua, line 1912: set_max_hit_points( REPAIR_VAN_NAME, Initial_van_hp )
ss11.lua, line 1044: set_max_hit_points( GENERALS_RIDE, generals_ride_hp )
ss11.lua, line 1362: set_max_hit_points( THE_GENERAL_NAME, general_max_hp )
tss01.lua, line 555: set_max_hit_points(player_vehicle[player], max_hp / PLAYER_VEHICLE_HIT_POINT_FACTOR)
tss01.lua, line 564: set_max_hit_points(new_vehicle, max_hp*PLAYER_VEHICLE_HIT_POINT_FACTOR )
tss01.lua, line 729: set_max_hit_points(HIGH_SEAS_VEHICLE, HIGH_SEAS_VEHICLE_HIT_POINTS, true)
tss01.lua, line 832: set_max_hit_points(HIGH_SEAS_VEHICLE, HIGH_SEAS_VEHICLE_HIT_POINTS, true)
tss01.lua, line 2327: set_max_hit_points("tss01_$v009", get_max_hit_points("tss01_$v009") * VEHICLE_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER, true)
tss01.lua, line 2328: set_max_hit_points("tss01_$bus", get_max_hit_points("tss01_$bus") * VEHICLE_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER, true)
tss01.lua, line 3150: set_max_hit_points(SEARCH_VEHICLE_01, get_max_hit_points(SEARCH_VEHICLE_01) * VEHICLE_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER, true)
tss01.lua, line 3224: set_max_hit_points(SEARCH_VEHICLE_02, get_max_hit_points(SEARCH_VEHICLE_02) * VEHICLE_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER, true)
tss01.lua, line 3537: set_max_hit_points(HIGH_SEAS_VEHICLE, HIGH_SEAS_VEHICLE_HIT_POINTS, true)
tss01.lua, line 3696: set_max_hit_points(Tss01_roadblock_cars[i], get_max_hit_points(Tss01_roadblock_cars[i]) * VEHICLE_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER, true)
tss01.lua, line 3814: set_max_hit_points(T_IN_ROAD_VEHICLE, get_max_hit_points(T_IN_ROAD_VEHICLE) * VEHICLE_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER, true)
tss01.lua, line 3917: set_max_hit_points(RUN_GUN_PART1_VEHICLE, get_max_hit_points(RUN_GUN_PART1_VEHICLE) * VEHICLE_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER, true)
tss01.lua, line 3918: set_max_hit_points(RUN_GUN_PART2_VEHICLE, get_max_hit_points(RUN_GUN_PART2_VEHICLE) * VEHICLE_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER, true)
tss01.lua, line 3984: set_max_hit_points(HELI_AMBUSH_VEHICLE, get_max_hit_points(HELI_AMBUSH_VEHICLE) * VEHICLE_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER, true)
tss01.lua, line 4660: set_max_hit_points(GROUP_BOAT_1, get_max_hit_points(GROUP_BOAT_1) * 0.5, true)
tss01.lua, line 4661: set_max_hit_points(GROUP_BOAT_2, get_max_hit_points(GROUP_BOAT_2) * 0.5, true)
tss01.lua, line 4662: set_max_hit_points(GROUP_BOAT_3, get_max_hit_points(GROUP_BOAT_3) * 0.5, true)
tss01.lua, line 4663: set_max_hit_points(GROUP_HELI_1, get_max_hit_points(GROUP_HELI_1) * 0.5, true)
tss01.lua, line 4703: set_max_hit_points(GROUP_BOAT_4, get_max_hit_points(GROUP_BOAT_4) * 0.5, true)
tss01.lua, line 4704: set_max_hit_points(GROUP_BOAT_5, get_max_hit_points(GROUP_BOAT_5) * 0.5, true)
tss01.lua, line 4705: set_max_hit_points(GROUP_HELI_2, get_max_hit_points(GROUP_HELI_2) * 0.5, true)
tss01.lua, line 4706: set_max_hit_points(GROUP_HELI_3, get_max_hit_points(GROUP_HELI_3) * 0.5, true)
tss01.lua, line 4773: set_max_hit_points(npc, max_hit_points * COOP_NPC_HP_MULTIPLIER)
tss02.lua, line 1214: set_max_hit_points("tss02_$cop27", get_max_hit_points("tss02_$cop27") * 3, true)
tss02.lua, line 1226: set_max_hit_points("tss02_$cop29", get_max_hit_points("tss02_$cop29") * 3, true)
tss03_demo.lua, line 895: set_max_hit_points(CHARACTER_BUMAGA, 2500, true)
tss04.lua, line 981: set_max_hit_points(LOCAL_TOWED_VEHICLE, (get_max_hit_points(LOCAL_TOWED_VEHICLE) * 2.5))
tss04.lua, line 998: set_max_hit_points(REMOTE_TOWED_VEHICLE, (get_max_hit_points(REMOTE_TOWED_VEHICLE) * 2.5))
tss04.lua, line 1320: set_max_hit_points(Tss04_tow_trucks[i], get_max_hit_points(Tss04_tow_trucks[i]) * 1.5)
set_mission_author |
true |
80ai_test.lua, line 12: set_mission_author("SR2 AI Team")
bh01.lua, line 160: -- set_mission_author("Aaron Hanson")
bh01.lua, line 161: set_mission_author("Ryan Spencer")
bh02.lua, line 196: set_mission_author("Kevin J. Price, Aaron Hanson, and Mark Gabby")
bh03.lua, line 360: set_mission_author("Kevin J. Price")
bh04.lua, line 207: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander and Aaron Hanson (aka Father Zucosos)")
bh05.lua, line 196: set_mission_author("Aaron Hanson (aka Father Zucosos)")
bh06.lua, line 173: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander and Aaron Hanson (aka Father Zucosos)")
bh07.lua, line 324: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander and Aaron Hanson (aka Father Zucosos)")
bh08.lua, line 205: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander and Aaron Hanson")
bh09.lua, line 257: set_mission_author("Aaron Hanson (aka Father Zucosos)")
bh10.lua, line 345: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander and Aaron Hanson")
bh11.lua, line 175: set_mission_author("Aaron Hanson")
coop_test.lua, line 11: set_mission_author("Russell Aasland")
em01.lua, line 302: set_mission_author("Ryan Spencer")
em02.lua, line 8: set_mission_author("Your Name Here")
ep01.lua, line 335: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander")
ep02.lua, line 209: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander and Aaron Hanson (aka Father Zucosos)")
ep03.lua, line 105: -- set_mission_author("Aaron Hanson")
ep03.lua, line 106: set_mission_author("Ryan Spencer")
ep04.lua, line 229: set_mission_author("Mark Gabby and Anoop Shekar")
fr_checkAI.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkAP.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkAR.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkBA.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkCT.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkDK.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkDT.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkFA.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkHE.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkMA.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkMU.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkPR.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkSE.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkSR.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkSU.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
fr_checkTY.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Brendan Hanna Holloway")
rn01.lua, line 380: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander")
rn02.lua, line 454: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander")
rn03.lua, line 310: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander")
rn04.lua, line 538: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander")
rn05.lua, line 397: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander")
rn06.lua, line 237: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander")
rn07.lua, line 592: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander")
rn08.lua, line 764: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander")
rn09.lua, line 284: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander")
rn10.lua, line 477: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander")
rn11.lua, line 594: set_mission_author("Phillip Alexander")
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 48: set_mission_author("David Bowring")
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 60: set_mission_author("David Bowring")
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 48: set_mission_author("David Bowring")
sh_bh_docks.lua, line 46: set_mission_author("David Bowring")
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 33: set_mission_author("David Bowring")
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 28: set_mission_author("David Bowring with First Pass by Scott Phillips")
sh_rn_sciencemuseum.lua, line 24: set_mission_author("David Bowring")
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 55: set_mission_author("David Bowring")
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 48: set_mission_author("David Bowring")
sh_ss_fishingdock.lua, line 78: set_mission_author("David Bowring")
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 26: set_mission_author("David Bowring")
sh_ss_trailerpark.lua, line 29: set_mission_author("David Bowring")
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 42: set_mission_author("David Bowring")
sh_tss_ugmall.lua, line 47: set_mission_author("David Bowring")
ss01.lua, line 199: set_mission_author("Mark Gabby and Brad Johnson")
ss02.lua, line 352: set_mission_author("Mark G. and Brad Johnson")
ss03.lua, line 297: set_mission_author("Brad Johnson and Mark Gabby")
ss04.lua, line 298: set_mission_author("Mark Gabby and Brad Johnson")
ss05.lua, line 551: set_mission_author("Brad Johnson and Mark Gabby")
ss06.lua, line 873: set_mission_author( "Mark Gabby & Brad Johnson" )
ss07.lua, line 308: set_mission_author("Brad Johnson and Mark Gabby")
ss08.lua, line 561: set_mission_author("Mark G. & Brad Johnson")
ss09.lua, line 273: set_mission_author("Mark Gabby and Brad Johnson")
ss10.lua, line 644: set_mission_author("Mark Gabby & Brad Johnson")
ss11.lua, line 407: set_mission_author("Mark G. and Brad Johnson")
tss01.lua, line 400: set_mission_author("Ryan Spencer")
tss02.lua, line 260: set_mission_author("Ryan Spencer and Phillip Alexander")
tss03.lua, line 120: set_mission_author("Ryan Spencer")
tss03_demo.lua, line 101: set_mission_author("Ryan Spencer")
tss04.lua, line 190: set_mission_author("Ryan Spencer")
usability1.lua, line 14: set_mission_author("Scott Phillips")
usability2.lua, line 6: set_mission_author("Scott Phillips")
set_name_to_use |
true |
10main_menu.lua, line 438: set_name_to_use(1)
main_menu.lua, line 440: set_name_to_use(0)
main_menu.lua, line 454: set_name_to_use(1)
main_menu.lua, line 456: set_name_to_use(0)
main_menu.lua, line 512: set_name_to_use(1)
main_menu.lua, line 514: set_name_to_use(0)
main_menu.lua, line 873: set_name_to_use(1);
main_menu.lua, line 924: set_name_to_use(1);
main_menu.lua, line 1722: set_name_to_use(0);
main_menu.lua, line 1734: set_name_to_use(0);
set_never_crouch_flag |
true |
2 |
set_ped_density |
true |
3 |
set_perfect_aim |
true |
26bh10.lua, line 898: set_perfect_aim(CHAR_MAERO, true)
em01.lua, line 1314: set_perfect_aim(driver, true)
em01.lua, line 1332: set_perfect_aim(driver, false)
em01.lua, line 1374: set_perfect_aim(driver, true)
em01.lua, line 1378: set_perfect_aim(driver, false)
em01.lua, line 2182: set_perfect_aim(driver, true)
em01.lua, line 2186: set_perfect_aim(driver, false)
em01.lua, line 2218: set_perfect_aim(driver, true)
em01.lua, line 2222: set_perfect_aim(driver, false)
em01.lua, line 2382: set_perfect_aim(driver, true)
em01.lua, line 2400: set_perfect_aim(driver, false)
em01.lua, line 2415: set_perfect_aim("em01_$c054", true)
em01.lua, line 2419: set_perfect_aim("em01_$c055", true)
em01.lua, line 2423: set_perfect_aim("em01_$c056", true)
em01.lua, line 2441: set_perfect_aim("em01_$c054", false)
em01.lua, line 2445: set_perfect_aim("em01_$c055", false)
em01.lua, line 2449: set_perfect_aim("em01_$c056", false)
rn01.lua, line 1605: set_perfect_aim(CHARACTER_GAT, false)
rn07.lua, line 1034: set_perfect_aim(CHARACTER_RPG_GUY,true)
rn07.lua, line 1151: set_perfect_aim(CHARACTER_RPG_GUY,false)
rn10.lua, line 983: set_perfect_aim(ronin,true)
rn10.lua, line 1003: set_perfect_aim(ronin,false)
ss03.lua, line 622: set_perfect_aim( name, true )
tss01.lua, line 4046: set_perfect_aim(CHARACTER_CARLOS, true)
tss01.lua, line 4050: set_perfect_aim(CHARACTER_CARLOS, false)
tss01.lua, line 4080: set_perfect_aim(CHARACTER_CARLOS, false)
set_player_can_be_busted |
true |
4 |
set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles |
true |
41bh03.lua, line 813: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles( LOCAL_PLAYER, allowed )
bh03.lua, line 815: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles( REMOTE_PLAYER, allowed )
bh06.lua, line 379: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, false)
bh06.lua, line 384: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, false)
bh06.lua, line 729: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, true)
bh06.lua, line 731: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, true)
coop_test.lua, line 264: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles( "#PLAYER1#", true )
em01.lua, line 476: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, true)
em01.lua, line 478: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, true)
em01.lua, line 1743: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, false)
em01.lua, line 1745: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, false)
em01.lua, line 2049: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, true)
em01.lua, line 2051: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, true)
rn02.lua, line 1074: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, false)
rn02.lua, line 1076: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, false)
rn02.lua, line 1235: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, true)
rn02.lua, line 1237: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, true)
rn04.lua, line 917: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, false)
rn04.lua, line 919: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, false)
rn04.lua, line 2131: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, true)
rn04.lua, line 2133: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, true)
rn06.lua, line 281: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, false)
rn06.lua, line 283: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, false)
rn06.lua, line 651: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, true)
rn06.lua, line 655: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, true)
rn11.lua, line 998: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, (not enable))
rn11.lua, line 1000: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, (not enable))
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 103: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, true)
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 105: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, true)
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 221: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, false)
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 223: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, false)
ss03.lua, line 433: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles( LOCAL_PLAYER, false )
ss03.lua, line 435: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles( REMOTE_PLAYER, false )
ss03.lua, line 1507: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles( LOCAL_PLAYER, true )
ss03.lua, line 1509: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles( REMOTE_PLAYER, true )
ss07.lua, line 300: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles( LOCAL_PLAYER, allowed )
ss07.lua, line 302: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles( REMOTE_PLAYER, allowed )
tss01.lua, line 1085: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, true)
tss01.lua, line 1087: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, true)
tss01.lua, line 4385: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(LOCAL_PLAYER, false)
tss01.lua, line 4387: set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles(REMOTE_PLAYER, false)
set_police_never_fire_at_civilian_human_shields |
true |
2 |
set_seatbelt_flag |
true |
20bh08.lua, line 240: set_seatbelt_flag(npc, true)
bh11.lua, line 592: set_seatbelt_flag(CHAR_MAERO, true)
rn02.lua, line 1071: set_seatbelt_flag(CHARACTER_FENCE,true)
rn02.lua, line 1435: set_seatbelt_flag(passenger,true)
rn02.lua, line 1559: set_seatbelt_flag(passenger,true)
rn03.lua, line 723: set_seatbelt_flag(driver,true)
rn04.lua, line 725: set_seatbelt_flag(CHARACTER_HOMIE,true)
rn04.lua, line 838: set_seatbelt_flag(CHARACTER_HOMIE,true)
rn04.lua, line 905: set_seatbelt_flag(CHARACTER_HOMIE,true)
rn04.lua, line 1744: set_seatbelt_flag(passenger,true)
rn04.lua, line 1874: set_seatbelt_flag(passenger,true)
rn09.lua, line 495: set_seatbelt_flag(CHARACTER_SHOGO,true)
ss11.lua, line 1032: set_seatbelt_flag( GENERALS_RIDE_DRIVER_NAME, true )
ss11.lua, line 1033: set_seatbelt_flag( THE_GENERAL_NAME, true )
ss11.lua, line 1034: set_seatbelt_flag( GENERALS_RIDE_AK_GUYS[1], true )
ss11.lua, line 1035: set_seatbelt_flag( GENERALS_RIDE_AK_GUYS[2], true )
ss11.lua, line 1327: set_seatbelt_flag( GENERALS_RIDE_DRIVER_NAME, false )
ss11.lua, line 1328: set_seatbelt_flag( THE_GENERAL_NAME, false )
ss11.lua, line 1329: set_seatbelt_flag( GENERALS_RIDE_AK_GUYS[1], false )
ss11.lua, line 1330: set_seatbelt_flag( GENERALS_RIDE_AK_GUYS[2], false )
set_single_player |
true |
5 |
set_team |
true |
2 |
set_text_tag |
true |
1 |
set_time_of_day |
true |
8bh03.lua, line 383: set_time_of_day(20, 0)
bh06.lua, line 179: set_time_of_day(18, 30)
rn09.lua, line 296: set_time_of_day(rn09_get_parameter_value("TIME_OF_DAY_HOUR"),rn09_get_parameter_value("TIME_OF_DAY_MINUTE"))
rn11.lua, line 611: set_time_of_day(TIME_OF_DAY_HOUR,TIME_OF_DAY_MINUTE)
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 47: set_time_of_day(12, 00)
ss02.lua, line 375: set_time_of_day( 23, 0 )
tss01.lua, line 496: set_time_of_day(3, 0)
tss03_demo.lua, line 177: set_time_of_day(19, 0)
set_time_of_day_scale |
true |
3 |
set_traffic_density |
true |
7rn03.lua, line 429: set_traffic_density(rn03_wave_parameter(Last_wave,"TRAFFIC_DENSITY"))
rn03.lua, line 440: set_traffic_density(rn03_wave_parameter(Last_wave,"TRAFFIC_DENSITY"))
rn03.lua, line 489: set_traffic_density(rn03_wave_parameter(wave_name,"TRAFFIC_DENSITY"))
rn03.lua, line 952: set_traffic_density(1.00)
rn04.lua, line 888: set_traffic_density(rn04_get_parameter_value("CHASE_TRAFFIC_DENSITY"))
rn04.lua, line 2128: set_traffic_density(1.00)
rn09.lua, line 503: set_traffic_density(rn09_get_parameter_value("SHOGO_FLEE_TRAFFIC_DENSITY"))
set_trailing_aim_flag |
true |
1 |
set_unjackable_flag |
true |
75bh02.lua, line 376: set_unjackable_flag( target_vehicle_name, true )
bh02.lua, line 1025: set_unjackable_flag(BOMB_TARGET_3, false)
bh02.lua, line 1027: set_unjackable_flag(BOMB_TARGET_3, true)
bh03.lua, line 836: set_unjackable_flag( FAUX_ESCAPE_HELICOPTER, true )
bh04.lua, line 589: set_unjackable_flag(BERGEN, true)
bh04.lua, line 646: set_unjackable_flag(BERGEN, true)
bh04.lua, line 740: set_unjackable_flag(BERGEN, true)
bh05.lua, line 266: set_unjackable_flag( VEH_JESSICAS_CAR, true )
bh05.lua, line 883: set_unjackable_flag( VEH_JESSICAS_CAR, false )
bh05.lua, line 909: set_unjackable_flag(VEH_JESSICAS_CAR, false)
bh05.lua, line 1223: set_unjackable_flag( VEH_JESSICAS_CAR, false )
bh06.lua, line 321: set_unjackable_flag(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK, true)
bh06.lua, line 368: set_unjackable_flag(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK, false)
bh06.lua, line 387: set_unjackable_flag(VEH_PARCEL_TRUCK, true)
bh07.lua, line 464: set_unjackable_flag(VEH_FIREBOMBER, true)
bh07.lua, line 1130: set_unjackable_flag(VEH_COORD, true)
bh11.lua, line 583: set_unjackable_flag(MONSTER_TRUCK, true)
coop_test.lua, line 268: set_unjackable_flag( "coop_test_$v000", true )
coop_test.lua, line 269: set_unjackable_flag( "coop_test_$v001", true )
em01.lua, line 1631: set_unjackable_flag(JULIUS_VEHICLE, true)
em01.lua, line 1714: set_unjackable_flag(JULIUS_VEHICLE, false)
ep02.lua, line 578: -- set_unjackable_flag(VEH_APC, true)
ep03.lua, line 200: set_unjackable_flag( TABLE_ULTOR_BOATS[i], true )
ep04.lua, line 516: set_unjackable_flag( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME, false)
ep04.lua, line 851: set_unjackable_flag( VOGELS_LIMO_NAME, true )
rn02.lua, line 477: set_unjackable_flag(VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR, true)
rn02.lua, line 576: set_unjackable_flag(VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR, false)
rn02.lua, line 1011: set_unjackable_flag(VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR, false)
rn02.lua, line 1067: set_unjackable_flag(VEHICLE_PLAYER_CAR, true)
rn04.lua, line 841: set_unjackable_flag(Rn04_vehicle_homie, false)
rn04.lua, line 847: set_unjackable_flag(Rn04_vehicle_homie, true)
rn04.lua, line 864: set_unjackable_flag(Rn04_vehicle_homie, false)
rn04.lua, line 866: set_unjackable_flag(Rn04_vehicle_homie, true)
rn04.lua, line 914: set_unjackable_flag(Rn04_vehicle_homie, true)
rn04.lua, line 2202: set_unjackable_flag(vehicle_homie, true)
rn07.lua, line 637: set_unjackable_flag(VEHICLE_HELICOPTER, true)
rn07.lua, line 898: set_unjackable_flag(VEHICLE_HELICOPTER, false)
rn07.lua, line 979: set_unjackable_flag(VEHICLE_HELICOPTER, false)
rn07.lua, line 1196: set_unjackable_flag(VEHICLE_HELICOPTER, false)
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 516: set_unjackable_flag(planes[i], true)
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 609: set_unjackable_flag(planes[plane_index], false)
sh_bh_airport.lua, line 613: set_unjackable_flag(planes[plane_index], true)
sh_bh_apartments.lua, line 115: set_unjackable_flag("sh_bh_apartments_$vCar", true)
sh_rn_sciencemuseum.lua, line 254: set_unjackable_flag("sh_rn_sciencemuseum_$vAttackHeli", true)
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 81: set_unjackable_flag("sh_ss_crackhouse_$v000", true)
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 251: --set_unjackable_flag("sh_ss_crackhouse_$c-heli-driver", true)
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 252: --set_unjackable_flag("sh_ss_crackhouse_$c-heli-driver (0)", true)
sh_ss_crackhouse.lua, line 253: --set_unjackable_flag("sh_ss_crackhouse_$c-heli-driver (1)", true)
ss05.lua, line 1302: set_unjackable_flag( LAB_FOUR_ESCAPE_VEHICLE, true )
ss05.lua, line 1304: set_unjackable_flag( LAB_FOUR_ESCAPE_VEHICLE, false )
ss07.lua, line 370: --set_unjackable_flag( RAIL_CAR_ONE_NAME, true )
ss08.lua, line 617: set_unjackable_flag( DRUG_TRUCK, true )
ss08.lua, line 752: set_unjackable_flag( DRUG_TRUCK_LOADING, true )
ss08.lua, line 913: set_unjackable_flag( DRUG_TRUCK, true )
ss10.lua, line 805: set_unjackable_flag( REPAIR_VAN_NAME, true )
ss10.lua, line 885: set_unjackable_flag( REPAIR_VAN_NAME, false )
ss10.lua, line 2219: set_unjackable_flag( REPAIR_VAN_NAME, false )
ss11.lua, line 589: set_unjackable_flag( GENERALS_LIMO, true )
ss11.lua, line 1046: set_unjackable_flag( GENERALS_RIDE, true )
ss11.lua, line 1519: set_unjackable_flag( GENERALS_LIMO, false )
tss01.lua, line 731: set_unjackable_flag(HIGH_SEAS_VEHICLE, true)
tss01.lua, line 748: set_unjackable_flag(SPOT_LIGHT_HELI, true)
tss01.lua, line 795: set_unjackable_flag(FINE_AIM_VEHICLE, true)
tss01.lua, line 834: set_unjackable_flag(HIGH_SEAS_VEHICLE, true)
tss01.lua, line 3539: set_unjackable_flag(HIGH_SEAS_VEHICLE, true)
tss01.lua, line 3762: set_unjackable_flag(SPOT_LIGHT_HELI, true)
tss01.lua, line 3995: set_unjackable_flag(HELI_AMBUSH_VEHICLE, true)
tss01.lua, line 4290: set_unjackable_flag(HIGH_SEAS_VEHICLE, false)
tss04.lua, line 987: set_unjackable_flag(LOCAL_TOWED_VEHICLE, true)
tss04.lua, line 1004: set_unjackable_flag(REMOTE_TOWED_VEHICLE, true)
tss04.lua, line 1032: set_unjackable_flag( Tss04_tow_trucks[i], false )
tss04.lua, line 1325: set_unjackable_flag( Tss04_tow_trucks[i], true )
tss04.lua, line 1374: set_unjackable_flag( cur_tow_truck_name, true )
tss04.lua, line 1383: set_unjackable_flag(towed_vehicle, true)
tss04.lua, line 1437: set_unjackable_flag( tow_truck_name, false )
set_unrecruitable_flag |
true |
17bh03.lua, line 1394: set_unrecruitable_flag( ESCAPE_HELI_PILOT_NAME, true )
ep02.lua, line 233: set_unrecruitable_flag(CHAR_GAT, true)
ep02.lua, line 385: set_unrecruitable_flag(CHAR_GAT, false)
rn02.lua, line 1281: set_unrecruitable_flag(character_dealer, true)
rn04.lua, line 578: set_unrecruitable_flag(CHARACTER_GAT, true)
rn08.lua, line 922: set_unrecruitable_flag(CHARACTER_GAT, true)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 376: set_unrecruitable_flag(merchants[i], true)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 456: set_unrecruitable_flag(merchants[i], true)
sh_bh_chinatown.lua, line 609: set_unrecruitable_flag(merchants[i], false)
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 83: set_unrecruitable_flag("sh_rn_rec_center_$cSaintAgent", true)
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 118: set_unrecruitable_flag("sh_rn_rec_center_$cSaintAgent", false)
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 201: set_unrecruitable_flag("sh_rn_rec_center_$ccaptured_saint", true)
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 332: set_unrecruitable_flag("sh_rn_rec_center_$ccaptured_saint", false)
ss04.lua, line 655: set_unrecruitable_flag( SHAUNDI_NAME, true )
tss04.lua, line 448: set_unrecruitable_flag(human, true)
tss04.lua, line 528: set_unrecruitable_flag(lieutenant, false)
tss04.lua, line 652: set_unrecruitable_flag(lieutenant, true)
set_weather |
true |
6bh04.lua, line 226: set_weather(4,false)
bh04.lua, line 880: set_weather(-1)
rn09.lua, line 299: set_weather(6,true)
rn09.lua, line 699: set_weather(-1,false)
ss05.lua, line 587: set_weather( 0, true )
ss05.lua, line 1953: set_weather( -1 )
set_width |
true |
1 |
shop_enable |
true |
4 |
shop_purchase_purchase_shop |
true |
1 |
show |
true |
1 |
show_login_window_pc |
true |
1 |
show_main_menu_friend_gamercard |
true |
1 |
show_mp_lobby_friend_gamercard |
true |
1 |
show_password_window_pc |
true |
1 |
spawning_allow_cop_ambient_spawns |
true |
12bh03.lua, line 574: spawning_allow_cop_ambient_spawns( false )
bh03.lua, line 1549: spawning_allow_cop_ambient_spawns( true )
rn01.lua, line 455: spawning_allow_cop_ambient_spawns(false)
rn01.lua, line 1226: spawning_allow_cop_ambient_spawns(true)
rn01.lua, line 1625: spawning_allow_cop_ambient_spawns(true)
rn04.lua, line 584: spawning_allow_cop_ambient_spawns(false)
rn04.lua, line 617: spawning_allow_cop_ambient_spawns(false)
rn04.lua, line 929: spawning_allow_cop_ambient_spawns(true)
rn04.lua, line 2116: spawning_allow_cop_ambient_spawns(true)
tss02.lua, line 328: spawning_allow_cop_ambient_spawns(false)
tss02.lua, line 572: spawning_allow_cop_ambient_spawns(true)
tss02.lua, line 1251: spawning_allow_cop_ambient_spawns(true)
spawning_allow_gang_ambient_spawns |
true |
2 |
spawning_allow_gang_team_ambient_spawns |
true |
6ss01.lua, line 226: spawning_allow_gang_team_ambient_spawns( HUMAN_TEAM_SAMEDI, false )
ss01.lua, line 1351: spawning_allow_gang_team_ambient_spawns( HUMAN_TEAM_SAMEDI )
ss04.lua, line 347: spawning_allow_gang_team_ambient_spawns( HUMAN_TEAM_RONIN, false )
ss04.lua, line 356: spawning_allow_gang_team_ambient_spawns( HUMAN_TEAM_RONIN, false )
ss11.lua, line 650: spawning_allow_gang_team_ambient_spawns( HUMAN_TEAM_SAMEDI, true )
ss11.lua, line 1583: spawning_allow_gang_team_ambient_spawns( HUMAN_TEAM_SAMEDI, false )
spawning_boats |
true |
8 |
spawning_pedestrians |
true |
64bh03.lua, line 1278: spawning_pedestrians( false, true )
bh03.lua, line 1460: spawning_pedestrians( true )
bh03.lua, line 2079: spawning_pedestrians( true )
bh10.lua, line 827: spawning_pedestrians(false, true)
bh10.lua, line 1583: spawning_pedestrians(true)
ep01.lua, line 1440: spawning_pedestrians(false, false)
ep01.lua, line 1481: spawning_pedestrians(true)
ep01.lua, line 1888: spawning_pedestrians(true)
rn01.lua, line 1222: spawning_pedestrians(true)
rn01.lua, line 1562: spawning_pedestrians(false, true)
rn01.lua, line 1624: spawning_pedestrians(true)
rn02.lua, line 999: spawning_pedestrians(false, true)
rn02.lua, line 1029: spawning_pedestrians(true, true)
rn02.lua, line 1241: spawning_pedestrians(true)
rn04.lua, line 607: spawning_pedestrians(false, false)
rn04.lua, line 805: spawning_pedestrians(false, true)
rn04.lua, line 923: spawning_pedestrians(true)
rn04.lua, line 2117: spawning_pedestrians(true)
rn05.lua, line 646: spawning_pedestrians(false, true)
rn05.lua, line 674: spawning_pedestrians(true, true)
rn05.lua, line 1329: spawning_pedestrians(true, true)
rn06.lua, line 181: spawning_pedestrians(false, true)
rn06.lua, line 258: spawning_pedestrians(false, true)
rn06.lua, line 568: spawning_pedestrians(true)
rn11.lua, line 406: spawning_pedestrians(false)
rn11.lua, line 817: spawning_pedestrians(false)
rn11.lua, line 824: spawning_pedestrians(false, true)
rn11.lua, line 1043: spawning_pedestrians(true)
rn11.lua, line 1065: spawning_pedestrians(true)
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 57: spawning_pedestrians(false)
sh_rn_museum_pier.lua, line 390: spawning_pedestrians(true)
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 136: spawning_pedestrians(true)
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 359: spawning_pedestrians(false)
sh_ss_student_union.lua, line 142: spawning_pedestrians(false,false)
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 49: spawning_pedestrians(false)
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 51: spawning_pedestrians(true)
sh_tss_caverns.lua, line 372: spawning_pedestrians(true)
ss03.lua, line 304: spawning_pedestrians( false )
ss03.lua, line 1484: spawning_pedestrians( true )
ss04.lua, line 570: spawning_pedestrians( false )
ss04.lua, line 571: spawning_pedestrians( true )
ss04.lua, line 1275: spawning_pedestrians( true )
ss07.lua, line 430: spawning_pedestrians( false, true )
ss07.lua, line 453: spawning_pedestrians( true )
ss07.lua, line 1119: spawning_pedestrians( true )
ss08.lua, line 718: spawning_pedestrians( false )
ss08.lua, line 719: spawning_pedestrians( true )
ss08.lua, line 1922: spawning_pedestrians( false )
ss08.lua, line 1923: spawning_pedestrians( true )
ss10.lua, line 917: spawning_pedestrians( false )
ss10.lua, line 918: spawning_pedestrians( true )
ss10.lua, line 1096: spawning_pedestrians( false )
ss10.lua, line 1097: spawning_pedestrians( true )
ss11.lua, line 653: spawning_pedestrians( true, true )
ss11.lua, line 985: spawning_pedestrians( false, true )
ss11.lua, line 1005: spawning_pedestrians( false, true )
ss11.lua, line 1011: spawning_pedestrians( true, true )
ss11.lua, line 1685: spawning_pedestrians( false )
ss11.lua, line 1686: spawning_pedestrians( true )
tss01.lua, line 501: spawning_pedestrians(false)
tss01.lua, line 1111: spawning_pedestrians(true)
tss03.lua, line 245: spawning_pedestrians(true)
tss03_demo.lua, line 133: spawning_pedestrians(false)
tss03_demo.lua, line 231: spawning_pedestrians(true)
spawning_vehicles |
true |
47bh03.lua, line 1277: spawning_vehicles( false )
bh03.lua, line 1459: spawning_vehicles( true )
bh03.lua, line 2078: spawning_vehicles( true )
rn01.lua, line 1221: spawning_vehicles(true)
rn01.lua, line 1561: spawning_vehicles(false)
rn01.lua, line 1623: spawning_vehicles(true)
rn02.lua, line 1000: spawning_vehicles(false)
rn02.lua, line 1030: spawning_vehicles(true)
rn02.lua, line 1242: spawning_vehicles(true)
rn04.lua, line 806: spawning_vehicles(false)
rn04.lua, line 877: spawning_vehicles(true)
rn04.lua, line 925: spawning_vehicles(true)
rn04.lua, line 2118: spawning_vehicles(true)
rn05.lua, line 647: spawning_vehicles(false)
rn05.lua, line 675: spawning_vehicles(true)
rn05.lua, line 1330: spawning_vehicles(true)
rn06.lua, line 290: spawning_vehicles(false)
rn06.lua, line 579: spawning_vehicles(true)
rn11.lua, line 407: spawning_vehicles(false)
rn11.lua, line 818: spawning_vehicles(false)
rn11.lua, line 1066: spawning_vehicles(true)
sh_rn_rec_center.lua, line 540: spawning_vehicles(true)
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 152: spawning_vehicles(true)
sh_rn_stripclub.lua, line 360: spawning_vehicles(false)
ss06.lua, line 812: spawning_vehicles( true )
ss06.lua, line 880: spawning_vehicles( false )
ss06.lua, line 927: spawning_vehicles( true )
ss06.lua, line 1288: spawning_vehicles( true )
ss07.lua, line 429: spawning_vehicles( false )
ss07.lua, line 452: spawning_vehicles( true )
ss07.lua, line 1118: spawning_vehicles( true )
ss08.lua, line 716: spawning_vehicles( false )
ss08.lua, line 717: spawning_vehicles( true )
ss10.lua, line 915: spawning_vehicles( false )
ss10.lua, line 916: spawning_vehicles( true )
ss11.lua, line 545: spawning_vehicles( false )
ss11.lua, line 606: spawning_vehicles( true )
ss11.lua, line 652: spawning_vehicles( true )
ss11.lua, line 668: spawning_vehicles( true )
ss11.lua, line 984: spawning_vehicles( false )
ss11.lua, line 1004: spawning_vehicles( false )
ss11.lua, line 1010: spawning_vehicles( true )
tss01.lua, line 500: spawning_vehicles(false)
tss01.lua, line 1110: spawning_vehicles(true)
tss03.lua, line 244: spawning_vehicles(true)
tss03_demo.lua, line 132: spawning_vehicles(false)
tss03_demo.lua, line 230: spawning_vehicles(true)
spawn_override_set_category |
true |
2 |
sprint_reset_local_overrides |
true |
2 |
sprint_set_local_recharge_override |
true |
1rn07.lua, line 777: sprint_set_local_recharge_override(GURNEY_SPRINT_RECHARGE_OVERRIDE_MS)
sprint_set_local_use_override |
true |
1 |
ss01_main |
true |
1 |
ss01_setup |
true |
1 |
ss02_main |
true |
1 |
ss02_setup |
true |
1 |
ss03_main |
true |
1 |
ss03_setup |
true |
1 |
ss04_main |
true |
1 |
ss04_setup |
true |
1 |
ss05_main |
true |
1 |
ss05_on_coop_skip |
true |
1 |
ss05_setup |
true |
1 |
ss06_main |
true |
1 |
ss06_setup |
true |
1 |
ss07_main |
true |
1 |
ss07_setup |
true |
1 |
ss08_main |
true |
1 |
ss08_setup |
true |
1 |
ss09_main |
true |
1 |
ss09_setup |
true |
1 |
ss10_main |
true |
1 |
ss10_setup |
true |
1 |
ss11_main |
true |
1 |
ss11_setup |
true |
1 |
start_coop_matchmaking |
true |
4 |
start_find_online_servers |
true |
6 |
start_find_syslink_servers |
true |
5 |
start_intro_cutscene |
true |
1 |
start_mp_tutorial |
true |
1 |
start_multiplayer_game |
true |
1 |
start_online_game |
true |
1 |
stop_find_online_servers |
true |
5 |
stop_find_syslink_servers |
true |
5 |
stop_mp_tutorial |
true |
1 |
store_set_camera_pos |
true |
5 |
subgroup_create |
true |
1 |
subgroup_create_do |
true |
1 |
sync_from_player |
true |
1 |
35bh03.lua, line 1033: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
bh03.lua, line 1058: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
bh03.lua, line 1064: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
bh03.lua, line 1085: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
bh03.lua, line 1679: local sync_type = sync_from_player( Last_player_seen )
bh03.lua, line 1870: local sync = sync_from_player(Geiger_player)
bh03.lua, line 1883: local sync = sync_from_player(Geiger_player)
bh03.lua, line 1920: local sync = sync_from_player(Geiger_player)
bh03.lua, line 2037: local sync = sync_from_player(Geiger_player)
ss01.lua, line 378: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
ss01.lua, line 399: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
ss01.lua, line 782: local sync_type = sync_from_player( player_name )
ss01.lua, line 909: local sync_type = sync_from_player( player_name )
ss01.lua, line 1009: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
ss02.lua, line 742: local sync_type = sync_from_player( actor_name )
ss02.lua, line 801: local sync_type = sync_from_player( Laura_leader_name )
ss02.lua, line 1192: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
ss02.lua, line 1206: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
ss02.lua, line 1417: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
ss05.lua, line 669: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
ss05.lua, line 687: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
ss05.lua, line 713: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
ss05.lua, line 730: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
ss06.lua, line 1563: local sync_type = sync_from_player( player_name )
ss06.lua, line 1665: local sync_type = sync_from_player( attacker_name )
ss06.lua, line 2073: local sync_type = sync_from_player( human_name )
ss06.lua, line 2090: local sync_type = sync_from_player( human_name )
ss06.lua, line 2102: local sync_type = sync_from_player( human_name )
ss08.lua, line 497: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
ss08.lua, line 504: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )
ss08.lua, line 514: local sync_type = sync_from_player( player_name )
ss10.lua, line 2114: local sync_type = sync_from_player( player_name )
ss10.lua, line 2153: local sync_type = sync_from_player( player_name )
ss10.lua, line 2164: local sync_type = sync_from_player( player_name )
ss11.lua, line 1587: local sync_type = sync_from_player( triggerer_name )