
January 10, 2010

On the HTML WG

Ian Hick­son writes:

I am baf­fled to learn that Shel­ley’s actu­al admit­ted goal is not to improve the spec or to have me resolve the bugs […]

Lau­ra Carl­son writes:

I think that every­one’s goal here is to improve the spec. The dif­fer­ences lie in the inter­pre­ta­tion of the word “improve”. […]

Dou­glas Adams writes:

‘Oh, that was easy,’ says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets him­self killed on the next zebra crossing.

posted by Andrew

January 4, 2010

Video formats in Opera 10 pre-alpha

Opera 10 pre-alpha with <video> sup­port: I find it deli­cious that Win­dows Media is playable in the Lin­ux build but not Windows!

posted by Andrew

January 2, 2010


A few years old, but still hilar­i­ous­ly accu­rate: Why specs matter.

OMG it’s 2010!

posted by Andrew