
April 2, 2007

Slight accessibility rant

I’m at TAFE right now, and we’ve just reviewed a non-acces­si­ble web­site demon­stra­tion at DRC. Out of the three exam­ples, I think the mouse one is prob­a­bly the most eye-open­ing; even though I’ve seen peo­ple with arthri­tis and Parkin­sons I’ve nev­er made the con­nec­tion to how hard it would be to use the mouse accu­rate­ly. I sup­pose there’s dri­vers out there that smooth mouse input, but that’s not the point.

The low-con­trast demon­stra­tion web­site is hor­ri­bly dif­fi­cult to read when a basic blur is applied, remind­ing me that it’s time to boost the con­trast of my own blog’s text.

Peo­ple with a screen-read­er real­ly suf­fer the worst. I haven’t ever got­ten around to play­ing with screen-read­er soft­ware, though for the last few years I’ve been acute­ly aware of the issues pre­sent­ed by tables and images with­out alts. The bad old days of tables are thank­ful­ly gone, but there’s still a large num­ber of devel­op­ers find­ing oth­er invis­i­ble pot­holes to put in their code.

posted by Andrew