
February 16, 2011

Oh Kotaku, how I miss your…

… con­tent.

Would­n’t be so bad if Gawk­er’s indi­vid­ual sites host­ed the JS files since NoScript would­n’t block every­thing by default. Did some­one skip user-testing?

posted by Andrew

February 8, 2011

Updated semi-useful, half-done JavaScript 2D game engine (featuring Streets of Rage 2 characters)

New ver­sion’s up. It’s much more devel­oped than when I last blogged about it, but there’s still plen­ty to do. I’ll write about it in detail later.

Great in: FF 4, Chrome 6+
Good in: FF 3.6 (a bit slow)
Dodgy in: Safari 4 (audio sam­ples are always reloaded from the net­work, oth­er­wise it’s ok), Opera 11 (input prob­lems; the brows­er thinks the numpad keys are the same as the num­bers above QWERTY).

posted by Andrew