March 8, 2007
Mentioned on the blog when I first rebuilt it, Eldalambë still exists in a fractured state with only two entries and terrible CSS in a neglected directory named, predictably, eldalambe. I had another look at it today after LOTR was mentioned at lunch time, and I’m more horrified than ever.
I was a bit bored and decided to translate the slightly-bodgy Quenya back into English. A hour or so later and I’ve got a couple of confusing strings, such as “this (place?) are now (finished?) and (I am glad?) (I to show?)”. Not particularly good. Shows what happens when you’re referring to a wordlist based on an unfinished language.
At one point I was considering remaking the site, but I don’t think I’ll bother. My fetish with reading/writing/speaking Quenya has long since died, and I’m content using the charset for transliterated English.
March 7, 2007
So many months ago my journey to Soup began at Slashdot, where I was linked to Lasse Gjertsen’s “Amateur”, and in amazement followed the trail to his other clips and then to the reply videos, one of which was Erlend Viken’s “soup injection”.
Towards the end of Erlend’s vid the music swings into a “proper” part of one of his songs, Ambulance for Human. I really liked it, so I went to his one-man-band Soup’s Myspace page, hoping for other samples. At the time there were three full songs available via a flash music player — Prelude, My Justine, and Sagamore — which were all great. (He’s since added the full version of Ambulance for Human).
Hoping that Soup’s other website would have downloads, I followed the link. I gleefully downloaded My Justine and Sagamore, which played while I downloaded his previous album recorded under a different name, Final Concierge — Give it an Empire (link may change, use one above if so).
Give it an Empire’s There’s a City underneath the Ice part II & III is one of the most beautiful pieces of music I’ve ever heard, building from a lonely, haunting sonar ambience into a delicate chime melody then a sorrowful rage against the lonliness. There’s a subtle trick with vibrato frequency thoughout the melody (particularly noticable around 4:30 into the song) that always freaks me out, since I have a soft spot for the kind of math-influenced melodies featured on the Pi soundtrack a few years back.
So just over a week ago I gave into temptation and ordered Come on Pioneer, Erlend’s new CD, via Paypal on his Myspace page. He’d replied earlier to my email asking about posting costs for Australia, and I was surprised that it’d be the same as the US rate.
Yesterday I collected my disc from the mailbox and was all excited, even more so when I discovered how nicely packaged it was. I’d heard about half the songs on the album before but now I had a physical CD in my hand, with the knowledge that the guy who made the music on it had also put the package together and sent it to me.
The Squash those miserable ants remake on the album is excellent. I’ve always appreciated the technique of cutting from a dark, haunting tune (Psycho) to a happy-sounding, melodic one (Squash), because it makes me carefully evaluate the latter and in this case I don’t think it’s a happy song. :P
Today while I was rifling through things to do, I was listening to Squash. Distracted, I thought I’d look up the lyrics. Unfortunately I didn’t find anything, but I ran over and to my great joy found another Soup song named Soundscape of a burning airofloat, about the Hindenburg disaster and containing parts of Herbert Morrison’s radio broadcast of the event. I’d never read about the Hindenburg disaster before and watching the footage overlayed with that broadcast is goddamned haunting.
Looking forward to more music from you Erlend. :)