May 13, 2009
RDF & Microdata in HTML 5
The King and the Toaster. Which technology the programmer represents is left as an exercise for the reader.
May 11, 2009
Giggles 2
Just searched Google for “the only way”, a song by Gotye. Strangely, almost almost every result was religious in nature, including this gem:
Is it reasonable to believe that Jesus is the only way to the only God, and that the other 9999 religions are false? What’s a Christian to think?
I’m reminded of Frank Herbert’s Heretics of Dune: In one sentence, the powindah invoked infinity and denied it, never once observing their own foolishness.
May 10, 2009
How long will we be stuck with tribalistic ritual? Excuse me while I wonder at the sincerity of one religious party with a history of intolerance cavorting with another religious party with a history of intolerance when the prime function of both is converting each other’s worshipper stockpile.
What a bizarre world we live in when religions fawn over each other. It’s like comparing ant farms. I wish we’d go back to worshipping the sun.
May 5, 2009
Great interoperability quote
From Rob Weir’s ODF Interoperability post:
Remember, it is not particularly difficult or clever to to take an adverse reading of a standard to make an incompatible, non-interoperable product. Take HTML, for example. It does not define the attributes of unstyled (default) text. So I could create a perfectly conformant browser implementation that makes all default text be 4‑point Zapf Dingbats, white text on a white background. It would conform with the standard, but it would be perfectly unusable by anyone.