
December 30, 2009

German verb battles, circa 2009

Dear World,

How did the Ger­man verb sein end up so whacked?

Yours sin­cere­ly,

   — Andy

posted by Andrew

December 27, 2009


Great arti­cle from The New Civ­il Rights Move­ment.

posted by Andrew

December 19, 2009

Important words for a limited audience

hel­lothere­bun­ny says:

i think she falls in love with any liv­ing thing that gives her a bit of atten­tion, get her a dog, that should be enough ¬¬

astro­la­try says:

Fuck you Chris­t­ian! JUDITH IS YOUR BEST FRIEND. You can­not con­vince me this sub­sti­tute is bet­ter than JUDITH.

Yoby111 says:

Back off, harpy!

thanatos101b says:

[…] Olivia was a bet­ter friend to Christian.

mit­saso says:

thank God that rock was there to cush­ion Rebec­ca­’s fall :P

MrO­liv­er­Rich says:

press­ing 6:41 over and over is amusing

ftlaud­carl says:

I am very wor­ried about the horse.

2glassgirl2 says:

I just noticed–are Chris­tian’s pants made of vel­vet? Some­one give that wardrobe girl/gay a raise.

posted by Andrew

December 5, 2009

Just a quick note

I have to remem­ber that when I vis­it a Zeld­man post not to read the com­ments because most of them dri­ve me insane. Notes to future commenters:

  • XHTML is no more ‘seman­tic’ than HTML4. You were just doing it wrong.
  • Stan­dards mode is trig­ger­able by a HTML4 Strict doctype.
  • HTML5 is not the death of XHTML (Wikipedia entry, third sen­tence).
  • HTML5 has a more seman­tic vocab­u­lary than unex­tend­ed XHTML, not the oth­er way around.
  • XHTM­L’s major ben­e­fits — stricter syn­tax and namespace–based exten­si­bil­i­ty — are avail­able in HTML5’s XML serialisation.
  • You’re free to con­tin­ue to ignore the dra­con­ian yel­low screen of death issues by serv­ing con­tent in vio­la­tion of spec.

I’m sure Zeld­man is sick of hear­ing you par­rot his words inac­cu­rate­ly. Much of the com­ment­ing is two or three knowl­edge­able peo­ple try­ing to cor­rect some­one’s froth­ing, mis­in­formed or even malign post. The ben­e­fit of this oppor­tu­ni­ty for reed­u­ca­tion is off­set by the amount of crap one must wade through to find valid information.


posted by Andrew